A really interesting document found in the CIA archive speaks of a UFO attack, and a scrimmage held between Russian troops and extraterrestrials. The source of the information provided by the CIA document is based on the 250-page file obtained by the agency after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, which occurred under Mikhail Gorbachev in 1991.
Popular podcast host Joe Rogan discussed this long CIA report with Post Malone on the episode 2018. This report gives information about the story that goes back to the late 1980s when KGB agents, and Russian spies, gathered some reports. These reports talked about something strange happening during military training in Russia. Later, Ukrainian news outlets covered these reports, and in 1993, they were officially written down in a secret file.
According to Rogan, this report tells a story. It says that during a regular training session, a flying object shaped like a saucer flew close to a group of Russian soldiers. One of the soldiers then fired a missile designed to hit flying objects. The missile struck the UFO, causing it to crash nearby. After the crash, five creatures, similar to humans but with small bodies, big heads, and dark eyes, came out of the wreckage.
This mysterious file is the primary source of the Russian military fight with extraterrestrials as stated by the CIA. In 1993, an unspecified Ukrainian newspaper wrote about an alien attack on the Russian soldiers at a military base in Siberia, citing KGB documents. The newspaper mentioned the presence of a 250-page KGB folder about this incident with photographs of the victims and pictures of the UFO itself.
The document stated that after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, many KGB files ended up in the CIA. The report said the fight between Russian troops and the alien creatures began when a low-flying UFO buzzed a routine Russian military training exercise. This apparent unexpected surveillance by a UFO caused one of the soldiers to unwisely launch a surface-to-air missile that hit the UFO — bringing it down not far from where the troops were assembled.

The report said that five humanoids of short stature with large heads and large black eyes emerged from the wreckage of the fallen vehicle. They fired a brilliant white spherical ball of light toward the Soviet military, buzzing and hissing. The strange object exploded, turning 23 soldiers to stone. Two survivors of this battle with aliens told others what had happened.
The transcript of the document is as follows: (Source)
“One of the CIA representatives referred to this case as a “Horrific picture of revenge on the part of extraterrestrial creatures, a picture that makes one’s blood freeze.”
According to the KGB materials, a quite low-flying spaceship in the shape of a saucer appeared above a military unit that was conducting routine training maneuvers. For unknown reasons, somebody unexpectedly launched a surface-to-air missile and hit the ufo. It fell to earth not far away, and five short humanoids with “Large heads and large black eyes” emerged from it.
It is stated in the testimonies by the two soldiers who remained alive that, after freeing themselves from the ‘debris, the aliens came close together and then “Merged into a single object that acquired a spherical shape.” That object began to buzz and hiss sharply and then became brilliant white.
In a few seconds, the spheres grew much bigger and exploded by flaring up with an extremely bright light. At that very instant, 23 soldiers who had watched the phenomenon turned into… Stone poles. Only two soldiers who stood in the shade and were less exposed to the luminous explosion survived.
The kgb report goes on to say that the remains of the ufo and the “Petrified soldiers” were transferred to a secret scientific research institution near Moscow. Specialists assume that source of energy that is still unknown to earthlings instantly changed the structure of the soldiers’ living organisms, having transformed it into a substance whose molecular composition is no different from that of limestone.
A CIA representative stated: “If the KGB file corresponds to reality, this is an extremely menacing case. The aliens possess such weapons and technology that go beyond all our assumptions, they can stand. Up for themselves if attacked.”

It cannot be denied that what has been reported so far sounds like the plot of a science fiction series or movie. However, it is important enough to be included in an official CIA document, which concludes that if this case is real, it is something really “threatening,” since “aliens have weapons and technology that go beyond our assumptions with which they can defend themselves if attacked.”
Read also:
- Actual 8-Second Film Of UFO Landing At Holloman AFB Used In 1974 Documentary
- Ex-Pentagon Officer Discusses Shape-Shifting UFOs/Aliens Using Cloaking & Camouflage
- Nick Pope Said US Govt. Trying To Prepare World For Soon-To-Come Alien Disclosure
- Ret. NASA Astronaut Witnessed Fleet Of 100 UFOs, Saw UFO Landing & UN Letter On E.T.
Besides, UFOs with the ability to change shape have often been spoken of by eyewitnesses, and the sequence of transformation of the aliens into a single entity is something sometimes described in legitimate ufological cases – the latter seems to be an otherworldly method used by these alien creatures to protect themselves or destroy others.
On the other hand, the unusual death of the Russian soldiers turned to stone is reminiscent of God’s so-called “angels” who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible and turned Lot’s wife into a pillar of salt.
“As the cities were being demolished, Lot’s wife “looked back, and she became a pillar of salt” (Genesis 19:26). It appears to be the same molecular shift technology, which is more advanced than anything developed here on Earth so far.
And it is that if in the Holy Scriptures we replace the word “angels” with “aliens,” many events acquire a technological nuance, where these beings from heaven and under the command of a vengeful god called Yahweh, used their advanced weapons to assassinate peoples and destroy entire cities.
Interestingly, Tom DeLonge, the former lead vocalist and guitarist of the popular band Blink-182, has always had a keen interest in UFOs. He has spent many years researching and studying the topic. He has even formed a company, To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science (or To The Stars) to investigate and promote research on UFOs and other related phenomena.
DeLonge even paid a visit to Rome with former Pentagon UFO official Luis Elizondo, where they discovered shocking details about the 2004 Sicily UFO attack. His “To The Stars” is behind publishing the three footages (captured in 2004 and 2015 by the US Navy) that were released in 2017 and 2018. They depict UFOs and include audio recordings of the pilots. These videos gained a lot of attention when they were released.
Tom’s fondness for UFOs began at a young age. As a child, he was fascinated by stories of alien encounters and sightings. He used to spend hours reading books and watching documentaries about unidentified flying objects and was particularly interested in the 1947 Roswell crash. Furthermore, his research led him to conclude that UFOs are not only real but that they have alien origins. He believes that there is a wealth of evidence to support this conclusion, including reports of sightings and encounters, as well as physical evidence such as radar tracks and photographs.
[…] 23 Russian Soldiers Were Turned Into Limestone By 5 Angry Aliens In Siberia […]
Wee do I find via sent an army officer to mars million years ago to explore ancient life
That photo is of a russian shot by a Finnish sniper during World War 2.
The Finns propped up the bodies to strike fear into the invaders.
It’s a VERY well known photo.
Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed principally of calcium carbonate (calcite) or the double carbonate of calcium and magnesium (dolomite). It is commonly composed of tiny fossils, shell fragments and other fossilized debris.
Sounds like they aged the soldiers by millions of years, the same way limestone is created.