According to a person who supports the flat Earth theory, the earth should apparently run away from under the plane, instead of moving forward, and on the contrary, would have to lag behind the Earth. But like anyone who has ever traveled by plane at least once in his life, he knows that nothing of the kind happens.
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According to Newton’s first law, “The body remains in a state of rest or uniform and rectilinear movement if no unbalanced forces act on it.”

Well, let us imagine a plane standing on the runway. The earth rotates from west to east at a speed of about 1600 km/hr. However, since the plane is most obviously stationary relative to the Earth, it means that it is moving at exactly the same speed.

Now imagine that the plane accelerates, takes off from the Earth, and begins to fly west at a speed of 800 km/hr. Moreover, due to the fact that Newton’s first law works, the initial speed of 1600 km/hr that the aircraft had when it was on the runway did not go away. During take-off and set speed, the aircraft added 800 km/h to this speed.
For a stationary observer somewhere in space, the speed of the aircraft would be 800 km/hr east, while the surface of the Earth under the plane, from the point of view of the same observer, moves east at a speed of 1600 km/hr.

But observers on the surface of the Earth cannot feel these 1600 km/hr since they themselves are moving at the same speed, therefore, from the point of view of the observer, the plane’s speed is 800 km/hr, and the west is directed.
Now imagine the same plane, it starts and flies east at a speed of 800 km/hr. Again, as in the previous case, Newton’s first law works well, and the initial speed of the aircraft did not go away. For a stationary observer in space, the speed of an airplane flying from west to east will be 2400 km/hr (1600 + 800), while for an observer on the surface of the Earth, it will be 800 km/hr in the east.
Thus, the plane can perfectly fly in any direction regardless of the rotation of the Earth because when taking off, it does not lose the speed with which it rotated around the Earth when it was on the runway.
Likewise, if you bounce above the surface of the Earth, the point at which you were not flying away from beneath you with great speed while you are in the air, which indicates that Isaac Newton was right when he formulated his first law.
great explanation!