Alex Collier is one of the famous alien contactees who claimed that for over 30 years, he had been in contact with aliens from the constellation Andromeda. Their contact included multiple visits to aliens’ spaceships and telepathic connections for decades. Many well-known UFO enthusiasts considered Alex to be credible, at least in the sense that he tries to convey as fully as possible the information received from his contacts with the Andromedans.

Collier claimed that he was mentored by two andromedans, Vissaeus and Moranay. He said that those Andromedans are the descendants of the ancient Lyrans. The Andromedans took him aboard their spaceships, including a large extraterrestrial ship, where he had been training for three months. The Andromedans gave him information about cosmic spirituality, life in the universe, and the galactic history of Earth.
Alex Collier said that his first encounter with the Andromedans took place in 1964. Since 1985, he had been in constant and consistent communication with them. In 1993, he began attending seminars where he started sharing the information he received from the aliens with the people. In 1997, he even got a threat from some unknown people who wanted him to stop spreading the information. He took it seriously and did not speak until 2002.

According to various interviews by Collier, he described Earth being under the control of “regressive” extra-terrestrial beings. Those aliens came to Earth from the star system known as Alpha Draconis. He said that humans are separated by two different philosophical belief systems. One of them spreads love & free will, while the other one shows control and resource consumption.
Read also:
- Ex-US Air Force Serviceman Claimed Tall White Aliens Visited Nevada Casinos In Human Outfits In 1950s
- US Astronaut Saw 100s Of UFOs In Germany & Filmed UFO Landing In California, 1957
- US Air Force Officer Pulled into UFO By Serpentine Arm In New Mexico Desert In 1956
In his last lecture before he retired from the UFO lecture circuit in 2002, Collier said that the ancient alien race known as the “Founders” are responsible for building planets’ environment and make them suitable for life. The Andromedans and the Pleiadians believed that this ancient alien race is called the “Paa Tal.”
He even said that those aliens are capable of removing moons to alter the planet’s position from its sun to control the amount of radiation. Andromedans could reportedly create a solar system.

Collier noted that the Andromedans are about 4,300 to 4,500 years ahead of us in technology. They do not count years in 365 days as we do on Earth. According to different extraterrestrials, one year is a time when every cell in their body duplicates itself, and it takes around 34 years.
According to Collier, humans are consist of 22 extraterrestrial races.
Dr. Michael E. Salla, a well-known scholar in international politics, conflict resolution, and U.S. foreign policy, claimed in one of his articles that aliens from other planets and civilizations live on Earth in peace. But for aliens, humans are barbarians and savages who pose a threat even to themselves.
Collier wrote in a letter in July 2009:
“Dr. Salla’s efforts to help bring humanity together and see the bigger picture will have a profound effect on humanity positively for decades. And I also feel that Dr. Salla’s honesty is beyond reproach.”
Collier claimed that there are about 135 billion people living on the planets in the eight closest galaxies to us. He even said that when he visited one of those habitable planets, those people got scared of seeing an earthling because of our bad reputation. In the whole universe, only humans could make their own people slaves and kill them for their own benefits.
In his interview in 1994, he said that all human life originated from the constellation Lyra. He said that the aliens from Andromeda were humans in every way. They were 4 to 8 feet tall with white & blue skin. He even talked about the missing children, the coming New World Order, control of dark forces on the world politicians, the existence of Reptilian aliens, our religions, and the history of Earth and our Universe.
In the 1990s, he published a book entitled ”Defending Sacred Ground” and ”Letters From Andromeda.” Interestingly, he was told not to take benefits from his work.
I believe this one hundred percent and hopefully they come back before the governments of this world kill everyone in it. Once this new president is in place they will start making moves for a new world order and it won’t be good.
Please listen to me my friend. We are here. We need everyones help
Who is we?
Excellent question!!
Yes, Christian, it is all just beginning. That is exactly the goal, a new world order. This current administration is doing everything it can to change America. Removing our precious monuments, trying to take away some of our constitutional rights. It’s too obvious and we have. now, a President who is nothing more than a puppet on a string being manipulated into carrying out their plan. We, the American people must do everything we can to remove these enemies from within our government and elect those who are devoted to keeping America and the American people safe, while maintaining safe relations with those trying to destroy us.
They are all puppets… If they control one, they control them all. The whole left vs right scenario was orchestrated and is directed by the same power. It’s purpose is to keep the pendulum swinging left to right, perpetuating instability and never balancing in the middle where it should.
How do you feel today, about this administration stripping us of actual constitutional rights? Do you feel duped? How’s your puppet on Elon’s string? You voted in the deep state you so feared. Congratulations, you’ve been played . The only enemies I see are the traitors you elected and anyone who voted for him .
[…] According to an article written a few weeks ago, Collier’s stated that his first encounter with the Andromedans took place in 1964. Since 1985, he had been in constant and consistent communication with them. In 1993, he began attending seminars where he started sharing the information he received from the aliens with the people. In 1997, he even got a threat from some unknown people who wanted him to stop spreading the information. He took it seriously and did not speak until 2002. […]
If we are composite of 22 ET races, why and what’s the purpose of create us? ; why are just watching us? And if were our creators why are so afraid of us, killing each other and killing others for our convenience I don’t think is the main reason! There might be something hidden but I am sure we will discover it.
Think about why we keep chicken in the chicken house. They also wonder why we just watch them then we fight the predators. Aliens are also harvesting our souls just like we slaughter chicken for meat
You will understand why , when the time is right
They did something wrong.
We are only animals on the planet, wich destroy’s PLANET on purpose!
this happens to be a slave planet
How can an alien be from a constellation? A constellation is made up of various stars, each one at different distances from Earth. Perhaps they come from “the direction” of a specific constellation.
Hello Dave,
This will answer your question ,the real star groups, and star charts as known and understood by ET’s working with and collectively through the Galactic Federations of Worlds.Very cheap to buy and more than worth it.
In the King James Version Bible it states that angels are stars and chariots are made of unnumerable amount of angels..the word alien means foreign..foreign to us would be anything from outer space it seems to make sense to me that way and only that way.
I believe what is said about the Andromedans because I have been in contact with them. They have been in contact with me. Peace and love to all.
How did u contact them?
I am am a messenger and alien hybrid. I have been undercover for along time out of fear but now i have to speak out to save our home the earth and the different races and species upon it. I have spoke out 2day on facebook regarding some of the issues ive been told to pass on. This may get me in trouble with the humans in charge here. They are developing technology that can and will pin point alien hybrids and kill the species off. It is going to start a conflick and the current tensions in the world is the begining of this. I am here on a mission to bring peace. I have been here before in another time and i failed to enlighten the world but now it is different. I can use your technology and resources to show and prove to you who i am. Please can someone help me with this. I ask to see if humanity of this planet is worth saving as my mission is to bring different races and species together to work towards freedom and peace
It would be a wonderful accomplishment, here on earth, to have freedom for all and peace. I know there are some extraterrestrials who are aiming for this. I also feel there may be some who are not. Since I do not know who or where, makes it difficult to communicate an opinion. We hope those here are benevolent and loving friends of space. As yet, we have no evidence of either. But I suspect that in the near future there will be disclosure on all of this. Hope it isn’t too late because things are getting pretty hot on earth.
Hi Gareth, humanity has been oppressed for so long and been corrupted by the Dracos that they dont remember who they are anymore. They were supposed to be given a chance to develop without the negative influence but yet were poisened via their water supply, toxins in the air and they were enslaved via a money system by these negative entities. Living to survive makes people scared and sometimes angry. Therefore humanity has never been given a chance. Many are full of love despite all these obstacles. You can see this at the moment with the peaceful assemblies to protest against the oppressors. I am part of the human race but believe I come from elsewhere to assist. I love animals and the nature and am scared that all of this will be destroyed by AI if no one helps. So please, help!
I’ve come to find out THAT is exactly the Q Team’s mission. Drip, drip, drip (soft disclosure) then eventually, soon, as much about the dracos as can be understood (the flood) all under the umbrella (pun intended) of “The Storm” as DJT has promised. Draining the Swamp started it, and many people worldwide learned about Satanists & Baal worshipers, Pizza & Hotdogs, then adrenochrome, then celebrities, then banking elites, adrenochrome, then pharma trying to change our DNA through vaccines.
Idk what’s next but Anons know about pedovores and dracos, cloning and chimera, underground sacrifice of babies and children, human/child hunting parties, and soon the pedovores and dracos. As Alex has said, they eat humans and smell horrible. Very hard to kill and we can’t fight them.
s I understand it, a handfull of Q-Clearance MI and a few ETs started this Earth cleansing process during JFK’s presidency and it’s coming to the surface through Devoluion, The Q movement (called The Great Awakening) and Trump, JFK Jr’s friend. Fruition will have to do with the medbeds here or in space, and giving humans a fair chance without malevolent ET interference. Most Anons believe in God, Jesus, the Bible, and FREEDOM. Commonality is America’s Bill of Rights, Constitution, and everything else our Founders fought for. Their numbers increase daily.
I too, am concerned for humanity, animals and nature.
Ill help
What can I do to help?
If I can help, I will. I finished reading several books lately that help me to understand the differences from benevolent vs malevolent aliens. I believe our MSM only tells us about the bad ones who mean us harm and not about the Galactic Alliance (as Galactic Federation) has had some infiltration, who have come to help us. Eventually all will be revealed to show how they have prevented missle attacks and other plans the dark hats had planned for us. Contact me.
Good to know. I believe we still have some humanity left on earth. Let’s hope everyone gets the msg b4 it’s too late.
How can I be of assistance?
I’ll help. Just let me know when we can talk.
I will listen and help possibly
I am and always have been, a firm believer in extraterrestrial life, from a very early age. I personally cannot explain the reason, except that those who are in denial are very closed minded. This is not the only planet that has life. There are many within and beyond our universe. There is too much evidence to deny this theory. I once read, cannot remember the source, “God created many worlds”. They were the first to come to earth, they were the Adams & Eves. This does not take away from the Bible, it merely clarifies some of the passages that were written. Unexplained structures, without modern tools, knowledge far beyond ours today. There is no doubt, in my mind and the minds of many others; they were here, they are here, and they will remain here.
That’s right. Growing up (I am 66) as kids we never really thought about it being real, then came Star Trek and that was neat for the imagination. Also Roswell (books written about.) Then there is Ancient Aliens which hit the nail on the head! I got that paperback book of Eric Von Daniken’s and the rest is history for me. I studied the internet for anything I could get my hands on. I especially love Dr. David Jacob’s books (regressing abductees) and Jim Sparks ( a man who can remember all the times he was abducted, book.)
You can check on Elena Danaan on YouTbe. She talks to extraterrestrials and gives out information for humanity to understand what is going on. the Galactic Federation of worlds is a huge group of ET’s who are like the FEDERATION ON Star Trek, they will help humans build ships like the show and go out in space but FIRST we have to WAKE UP HUMANITY and clean up our world of the OVERLORDS who are aligned with the Dracos and get rid of them. the White Hats and Earth Alliance are doing just that and are going to do disclosure pretty soon and give out some important truths. Pray for our planet. God has plans for humanity.
I hope to help
Thanks Alex for courage to share with us. I was’nt amazed when you said that humans are considered tge worst in the universe cause it’s true. Hope people open their eyes and start to move towards universal oneness.
i have met Alex Collier back in the nities when he used to do lectures. he is for real and has a lot of information about the extraterrestials.
Aliens are Demons manifesting as out of this world beings. They pose as aliens to deceive the world, in order to separatist from God. Jesus is the only answer. He is the way the truth and the life. If you read His word, the Bible, He tells us about this mass deception. Accept Him as your Lord and savior and He will reveal the truth to you. DON’T be deceived.
John 8:23 And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world. “Jesus’ ascension from the Earth is simply his return to his home planet. Jesus was an ‘extraterrestrial’ sent to Earth to rid the world of sins and wickedness”.
Don’t be afraid of the word ‘extraterrestrial’ being used here. Think about the meaning of the word: it is an ADJECTIVE
It is how words are interpreted and how we grew up learning the meaning of words. * Angel may very well be the same thing as Alien. The way the words of Ezekiel 11:22 “Then the cherubim lifted their wings and rose into the air with their wheels beside them, and the glory of the God of Israel hovered above them.” His words or lack of better descriptive words of ‘today’ shows he was describing what to him was a is known as a UFO or ship.
There is nothing wrong with opening our minds to other possibilities that could also mean this or that and seem to make more sense and logic. Sticking to your faith and beliefs is good! It’s more comfortable to stay in the same frame of mind rather than thinking outside the box. However, knowledge replaces fear.
The internal evidence from Genesis is that it derives from oral traditions that predate Moses. This oral version of Genesis goes all the way back to roughly 2000 BC in Mesopotamia. There is no evidence that Moses wrote Genesis, however the Old Testament, broadly, is inspired by God and is reliable historically. God is Love. Jesus showed us Love.
I agree, we belong to the Jesus, love and empathy following God the father
not all of them..that comes as disinformation. the demonic aliens are the Dracos from Orion who keep us enslaved but that is changing. there are a lot of good aliens
Back up. You are taking an interpretation incorrectly. God made everything. You know nothing except what you believe. Don’t judge all by that. The real demons are the ones who are hurting humans, animals and mother earth. I would go with the aliens of Galactic Alliance with commander Ashtar anyday.
We have more control over the situation than is believed or perceived. The “president” is only a puppet figurehead of a defunct corporation manipulating and controlling people in a last ditch attempt to draw survival energy before it’s wiped from the planet. Light will triumph.
I have heard that there are 7 different types of just Greys. I have forgotten the name of the star near Sirrus which is a dim star where Our Christ is of the angel’s impregnation of Mary’s sperm came from, they are a peace loving, respectable people who came soon after satan’s descendants into the Middle East. The war between good and evil will continue on as now we have found out that the evil ones are now burrowed beneath our earth and seas. And I still believe that an even more advanced, powerful, and all love being created all of the universe and breathed the breath of life into all universal beings in their beginnings. Some of these aliens, just like the aliens who cross our borders daily are some bad and the most good. We have been cursed by having these selfish Greys inhabit our planet and many taking on human form and serving in our Congress, Executive Branch, and Judicial System. We need to pray and turn away from these sinful aliens just as the God who created us intended.
This information literally resonates with me. The hubris to think we are alone considering the vastness of space is infantile. Our culture and spiritual manipulation is breaking. We see beyond the disinformation. I have hope and believe we can break the cycle of servitude.
Only 6 minutes into it and I already see things that don’t make sense. First I was suspicious when he said all the humans from Lyra went to stars in the Andromeda constellation. This doesn’t make sense. The stars in a constellation are not all next to each other. They can be hundreds or thousands of light years apart and the stars would look different from Lyra than they do from here on Earth. They would have different constellations. Also when he said they were 50,000 years ahead in technology I have to question that and when he said they don’t use time. You can’t know how many years in advance a species is because of planetary events. Look at what has stunted our growth. Ice ages, super volcanos erupting, Constant changes in climate and other natural disasters. If a species evolved elsewhere they may not have all these things that keep pushing us back. You need time to make plans, keep records, and know your history. A society could not exist w/o keeping track of time. He also said all humans are decendents from the ones from Lyra, yet they do not speak. I do believe there are aliens but this interview has too many holes to take it seriously.
Alex Collier is really good. One of the original historians of earth!
One thing is for certain. The human race is violent, and we are killing each other for no reason. If there really are extraterrestrials, I wouldn’t blame them for not wanting any part of our civilization. We are a stubborn people, and we need saving from ourselves. Not the aliens.
To be a little more credible he might have taken a few photos.
Love it
UAP every night for 2 weeks straight above my home. View my Twitter X wall for some of the footage I am willing to share
I believe that we are in the middle of a multi species Alien time war over a goldilocks planet and it’s remaining natural resources prior to a polarity switch event. We are in the process of ecological failure and economic collapse due to greed corruption and stinginess. One percent of the world population has more than fifty percent of the world wealth and has created no social services to balance the scales of justice. The megawealthy plotted to poison baby food and formula and got away with it. Trump dismantled the EPA and got away with it. Thousands of businesses are going out of business globally. All the fish in the sea are dying globally and we are about to face famine and extreme weather conditions. The media platforms are owned by the military industrial complex and there is no profits in peace or doing the right thing so chances are that CO2 poisoning and methane levels will cause our self extinction. People are high, uneducated and intentionally kept sick because there is no profits in doing the right thing. We don’t have enough doctors, scientists or construction workers to keep up with the fatalities that will be caused by extreme weather conditions and pollution this year. Two billion people will die from fire, floods, droughts, famine, and extreme weather conditions. Humanity needs to rise up against the MASTERS who enslave us all before we all end up dead.
Hello, dear brothers and sisters. Well, yes, Alex Collier is telling all truth here…This is so. My inner Truth indicator (Heart) just knows it is all true and resonates with me deeply. We, the eternal Divine Souls, are currently experiencing life on beautiful Mother Earth, as we did long time ago, but we also had many lives on other planets too..and have wonderful loving connections there….we are here to help Human societies to shift into more open minded, belevolent and much more Divine Heart based Human interrelationships which would respect all life as Creators expressions.
The one point that I really have a problem with is the fact that these “entities” say that we have been manipulated to keep us from ascending to the next level, and at the same time they say that it’s up to us to ascend. If we have been so thoroughly screwed with, then I think that we should be entitled to a helping hand from them rather than them just waiting for us to wake up.
the first thing i ask myself, since we (humans) gave the name to that star as adromeda…why do aliens name themselves after the name we gave the star in that area? same with pleadians…ive seen two different ufos, very clearly, o i know there are et’s, but as much as i would like to believe this guy, just for the afore mentioned reason i do not
If I spoke to you in my language you wouldn’t understand, so I use yours.
for me the red flag is him talking about “constellations” like these were actual places and not only random lines drawn on earth’s sky between stars that usually have nothing in common. and he even talks about I assume andromeda galaxy as a constellation? did the aliens give him this nomenclature? how do they even navigate…
If I spoke to you in my language you wouldn’t understand, so I use yours.