This man who worked in the US Army shared strange information about human history on Earth. He claimed that humans were created using DNA from 22 different Alien species & 135 billion people living on the planets in the eight closest galaxies to us.
In his 1994 interview, Alex Collier, who claims to have worked in military service as a helicopter pilot in the United States, recalled many secrets of Mars told to him by his mentors from Andromedan named Vissaeus and Moranay. The Andromedans have stressed that Earth and Mars were biological and genetic experiments.
Collier said that the sudden appearance of fully-formed reptiles, birds, mammals, etc, indicates the seeding and colonization of Earth and Mars by the different extraterrestrial groups mentioned earlier. The primates or monkeys were brought to Mars and then to Earth by the Draconians and Orion explorers. They were genetically created in laboratories on the spaceship.
Alex Collier, in one of his 1996 conferences, described how a “dimensional collapse” had already begun, marked by changes in sound and color. He mentioned that people would soon start hearing about “rods” — streaks of light captured on video. According to him, these were etheric, fourth- and fifth-dimensional craft moving through space, unaware that they were passing right through our dimension. He explained this as a sign of an ongoing implosion between dimensions.
This man who worked in the US Army is telling strange information about human history on Earth
byu/MartianXAshATwelve inStrangeEarth
He also said more ghosts and apparitions would become visible because souls trapped between the third and fourth densities would appear more frequently as Earth’s frequency rose. Many of these souls, unless healed, would eventually transition out of this plane.
On the topic of angels, Collier warned people to be cautious of anyone claiming to be an angel. He shared the Andromedan perspective that archangels, like Michael and Gabriel, weren’t beings but actually fleets of spacecraft. The “Mikael” fleet, he said, once patrolled the northern hemisphere when Orion forces were present, and Gabriel was the name of another fleet. He believed these original ideas had been distorted into religious figures meant to control and mislead people.
Looking ahead, Collier predicted that over the next ten years, humanity would uncover more about its genetic origins, thanks to information from contactees around the world. He claimed people would learn about 22 different extraterrestrial races connected to human history. He also foresaw massive Earth changes, starting with a magnetic pole shift — something he believed was already beginning, citing birds migrating in the wrong directions as a sign.
He expressed his admiration for Native American traditions, especially their understanding of nature. He explained that Native Americans watched birds closely because their feathers were sensitive to magnetic fields and microwave energy. The birds’ movements, guided by Earth’s magnetic grid, helped indicate the shifting energy flows. He said Native Americans would avoid camping near these energy lines to prevent exposure to harmful radiation over time.
Collier shared that feathers weren’t just symbolic but served as antennas, helping the tribe communicate telepathically. He described how, in ancient times, a chief could think or quietly discuss plans, and the tribe would receive the message without speaking.
Alex Collier claimed that the Moon was brought to Earth around 12,000 years ago and was not a natural satellite but an artificial one. According to him, the Andromedans said it came from the Ursa Minor constellation, specifically from a star system called Chautau (or CHOWTA), where it was one of four moons orbiting the 17th planet. He described the Moon as covered in ruins, with maps and pictures that supposedly existed but were not publicly available at the time. He stated that this hidden information would eventually come to light. He also claimed this was the reason NASA stopped sending astronauts back — because someone was already there, and they were warned not to return.
© Alex Collier
— Maxpein (@maximumpain333) February 9, 2025
Collier said the Moon was 9.1 billion years old, making it older than Earth. He mentioned that scientists found minerals on the Moon that didn’t exist on our planet, supporting his belief that it wasn’t originally from our solar system. He also said there were eight other artificial moons in our system, which could move independently and even leave under their own power. He asserted that beings lived on the Moon and that top global leaders knew this but kept it secret to maintain power.
He then spoke about Earth being colonized repeatedly over hundreds of millions of years. He claimed the first race to chart Earth was from Alpha Draconis — reptilian beings standing between 7 and 22 feet tall and weighing up to 1,800 pounds. He said they despised humans and were the first to establish a colony on Earth around 809 million years ago. According to him, one of the first settled areas was in what we now call North America. He stated that, even in his time, about 1,833 of these reptilian beings still lived deep inside the planet, in tunnels and caverns 100 to 200 miles beneath the surface, where they had survived for thousands of years due to their long lifespans.
Collier also described the “Grays,” claiming there were about 18,000 of them between Earth and the Moon. He said they originally came from Zeta Reticuli II and fled their home 892,000 years ago after getting caught in a massive galactic conflict called the Orion War, which lasted 600,000 years. He explained that they were captured and genetically modified by a group from the Orion constellation — specifically from Rigel, Valtrax, Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor. The modifications included the destruction of their females, preventing natural reproduction, and altering their genetics so their sexual organs atrophied. He claimed the Grays also decided to remove their own emotions, believing feelings were a weakness. They genetically engineered their species to become more robotic and emotionless.
Collier said that only about 2,100 true Grays, possessing souls and connected to the original race, still existed in the solar system. He claimed most of the Grays people reported during abductions were actually soulless clones or biological robots. He emphasized that the Grays were dying as a species and came to Earth hoping to use human DNA to save themselves.
Alex Collier claimed that reptilians, Greys, and Orions fed off human fear, with reptilians also consuming human flesh — though he said he didn’t like to discuss that part. He mentioned that, according to his sources, reptilians on Earth were responsible for over 30,000 children disappearing in the past 25 years. He brought up Westchester County, New York, where he claimed 5,000 children had vanished without a trace over three years, and he referenced George Andrews’ book “Extra-terrestrial Friends and Foes,” which covered similar disappearances that no one wanted to acknowledge. Collier argued that denial — not Lucifer or Satan — was humanity’s greatest enemy, calling it a “dragon” people needed to confront.

When asked whether other beings were involved in abducting children, he said the Grays also took children, many of whom ended up on their motherships or were taken to “Phobos” (larger of Mars’ two moons), which he described as another artificial satellite. He claimed these children were experimented on. He further stated that around 100,000 people disappeared worldwide every year, with about 25,000 of those in the United States alone, vanishing without a trace.
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Collier explained that while human souls were eternal and couldn’t be “owned,” the physical body was vulnerable. He suggested that beings couldn’t take “free spirits” — individuals who recognized their own spiritual freedom — but that people in physical form could still be abducted. He also hinted that humans on the surface were helping collect children for these beings, but he avoided going into detail, saying it was too dangerous to speak about on camera.
He then shifted the conversation to the concept of polarity — the balance of positive and negative forces in the universe. He claimed there were 11 “creational densities” and that positive and negative energies were intertwined up to the sixth density. In the seventh density, they coexisted in the same space but no longer mixed. He described this as a state where a negative soul could act without affecting a positive soul, even though they shared the same space — unlike on Earth, where one person’s actions could impact another’s reality.
(There is only good vs. evil, light vs. dark, demons vs. angels) Reptilians are a demon race!
— Jasper Unleashed (@JasperUnleashed) February 11, 2025
Collier criticized the metaphysical belief that people create their own reality entirely, calling it a “blind.” He acknowledged that while individuals are responsible for much of their lives, he argued that violations of free will exist — and that without them, karma wouldn’t exist either. He claimed that extraterrestrials promoted the idea that humans were solely responsible for their own suffering to shift blame away from the ETs who manipulated them.
He went further, claiming that ETs created religions to divide humanity and weaken it. He said that humanity once spoke a single language — Tamil from India — but that extraterrestrials split people up when they became too powerful. He compared this to the plot of the movie *Stargate*, suggesting the film held hidden truths about humanity rising against oppressive “gods.” According to Collier, all modern languages descended from extraterrestrial languages, which were taught to humans by aliens to keep them divided. He found it fascinating that so much of this knowledge was, in his words, “right under our noses.”