In 1938, an expedition of archaeologists led by the Chinese explorer named Chi Pu Tei discovered many caves in the Baian Kara-Ula mountains on the border of Tibet and China. After examining them, scientists found 716 circular stone discs dating 12,000 years old that turned out to be ancient tombs and contained the remains of mysterious skeletons.
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These skeletons were bizarre, their length did not exceed 1.38 meters, and they had extremely unusual skulls.

Chi Pu Tei and his team found several caves nearby that had a rock painting of creatures in large helmets. Those creatures were painted in the background of images of the Sun, Moon, stars, and Earth.
Further, they found a collection of 716 round stone discs with tiny hieroglyphic signs inscribed on them. Some of the discs were partially under the cave floor. Some sources say that the discs had completely inexplicable qualities: it was found out that they produce strange vibrations.
Tei brought the stone discs to Beijing University where they were kept for the following two decades until a professor named Tsum Um Nui began to study them closely in 1958.
After 4 years of research, Nui said that the stones were at least 12,000 years old, and the hieroglyphs contained the information of their origin.

Professor Nui claimed that the hieroglyphs described a story of an alien civilization named “Dropa” that arrived from another planet in a spacecraft but had to do an emergency landing near the area of caves.
One of the discs allegedly contained the following text:
“The Dropa came down from the clouds in their aircraft. Our men, women, and children hid in the caves ten times before sunrise. When at last we understood the sign language of the Dropas, we realized that the newcomers had peaceful intentions.”
Dropa were unable to leave the planet and simply died, but had established friendly relations with the local tribe Kham and helped each other to survive. According to the description, the aliens were really small, had scanty body hair, and the main feature was their blue eyes, which are not found among the inhabitants of Asia.
In 1962, Professor Nui was going to publish the result of his work, but the publication of the results of the decryption was banned by order of the Beijing Academy of Sciences.
After such a sensational statement, no one believed the professor. He could not prove his case, emigrated to Japan and died in 1964 under unexplained circumstances.
The very word “Dropa” (sometimes drop-ka) actually exists. According to the Gould-Parkinson system of transliteration, Drop-ka meaning in the Tibetan language is “solitude,” “isolated,” or “inhabitant of pasture lands.” This word is used by some groups of nomadic inhabitants of the Tibetan Highlands, but their appearance today has nothing to do with the appearance of alleged aliens from space.

At the end of 1995, the Associated Press reported that an unknown tribe of 120 people was discovered in the Chinese province of Sichuan (bordering Tibet). The most noticeable feature of the members of this tribe is their extremely small stature. Some people believed that they were the descendants of the Dropa people. However, in 1997, Chinese ethnologists declared the effect of an increased concentration of Mercury in the water of local sources as the reason for the unusual appearance of the people of this tribe.
Despite the fact that this entire story was reprinted and published in various magazines throughout the 1960s, no material evidence to support the existence of the Dropa people has ever been made public.
There is no record of the artifacts ever being exhibited in any museum. And the last scientists who looked for them in 1994 told that the discs were destroyed. The few existing photographs of the stones were taken by Austrian engineer Ernst Wegerer in 1974. But they seem to show ordinary round jade discs which are often found by archaeologists in Shaanxi province.
The lack of evidence and no records of either the Chi Pu Tei expedition or the existence of Tsum Um Nui has led most archaeologists to believe that the Dropa stones are nothing but a hoax.
- The Mysterious Dropa Stones: Ancient Origins
- Dropa Stones: Wikipedia
- The Dropa Stone Discs: Ancient-Wisdom