A series of Neolithic petroglyphs were discovered on cave walls on the legendary Alien Mountain (Danigala Circular Rock) in Sri Lanka by a team of astrobiologists and exo-geologists. Researchers believe that rock paintings are closely related to astronomy.
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The research was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Aravinda Ravibhanu Sumanarathna, a scientist at the South Asian Astrobiology & Earth Sciences Research Unit. He has been searching for extraterrestrial life taking paleontology and petrology into account for years.

Dr. Aravinda said: “For the first time in Sri Lanka, we have found petroglyphs associated with Neolithic People.” The research was about the lost Neolithic petroglyphs of Alien Mountain.
Danigala Circular Rock, situated near Aralaganwila in the Polonnaruwa district, is called Alien Mountain due to many UFO sightings and alien activities in the area. Local residents consider it sacred, and various unidentified objects are periodically noticed above it. However, scientists are interested in the well-preserved traces of ancient civilization in the caves of this mountain.

Scientists believe that the most ancient human settlements near the mountain possibly occurred about 300,000 BP, while some claim that Paleolithic people arrived in Sri Lanka as early as 500,000 BP.
According to Dr. Aravinda, the earliest traces of human presence in that place are about 1125,000 BP. Besides, around 700 years ago, the ancient philosopher and semi-divine deity Siddhārtha Gautama (or widely known as “The Buddha”) was worshipped in those caves, as they have found the 12-meter high carved statue of him.

In the new study, the team describes both previously unknown petroglyphs and engravings found in the 19th century by British Officer F. Fawcett in the Edakkal Caves, located in Kerala, India. According to Fawcett, it was “Neolithic people” who used the Edakkal Cave in India as a rock-shelter, and the new study supports the notion that the petroglyphs at Danigala are also Neolithic in origin, having dated the carvings to around 4,500 -5,500 BP, from evidence gathered in burial pits, microliths and pottery fragments.

The members of the expedition discovered many new cave paintings. The largest of them was 7.5 meters in length and 5 meters in width. The drawings include images of plants, animals, armed people, and geometric figures. Scientists admitted that they were able to find unique Neolithic petroglyphs that do not coincide with anything else ever discovered in Sri Lanka.
According to the researchers, some geometric symbols, which appear to be a random set of characters, may in fact represent an ancient “connecting code” referring to the lost astronomical observations in geometric forms in the caves of Alien Mountain.
- Exo-Geologist Reveals Neolithic Petroglyphs In “Alien Mountain” Caves: Ancient Origins
- Danigala Coding Sri Lanka: ResearchGate