The origin of humanity has long been the greatest question for many people. Scientists assume that life had been evolving for millions of years in oceans, and humans are just the result of this evolution. But ancient astronaut theorists have a different thought on the origin of humanity. They believe ancient gods (Annunaki) came to Earth in the distant past and created humans by genetically modifying early humans to use them as labor.
It is said before humans, Anunnaki used the Igigi (sometimes also spelled “Igigu”), the young generation of Ancient Astronaut Gods as their servants to mine gold on Earth but later they were replaced by humans when they rebelled against Annunaki. For the ancient Mesopotamians, heaven is divided into three domes. The lowest dome of heaven was the home of the stars and the middle dome was the home of the Igigi – the younger gods. The highest and outermost dome of heaven was personified as An, the god of the sky.
It is unclear how to describe the meaning of the terminology used to describe the gods but researchers believe the term Igigi is of Semitic origin and indicates a group of possibly seven or eight gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon. They were half-humans half-animals. It is believed that Marduk, the patron god of the city of Babylon belonged to the Igigi.

The term Igigi is first attested in texts from the Old Babylonian period and only occurs in Akkadian contexts. A Sumerian logographic equivalent of the term Igigi is nun-gal-e-ne, to be translated as “the great princes/sovereigns.” This term is mentioned in a literary text that has been ascribed to the princess Enheduanna, daughter of King Sargon, the founder of the Old Akkadian dynasty. This particular composition is only attested in Old Babylonian manuscripts, and it is unclear whether an older date can be proven. It is possible that nun-gal-e-ne was originally an epithet of the Anunna gods that later became identified with the Igigi under influence of Akkadian.
Besides, the Igigi are considered as the mythological Sumerian deities by mainstream scholars. According to them, Igigi worked for the mighty Anunnaki as servants who initiated a rebellion against their masters and dictatorship of Enlil. Eventually, the Anunnaki replaced the Igigi with humans.
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In the 18th-century BCE, Akkadian epic known as Atra-Hasis, the Sumerian paradise is described as a garden where lower gods (the Igigi) were put to work digging a watercourse by the Anunnaki:
“When the gods like men bore the work and suffered the toil, the toil of the gods was great, the work was heavy; the distress was much.”
“The Seven great Anunnaki were making the Igigi suffer the work.”
“When the gods, man-like, Bore the labor, carried the load, The gods’ load was great, The toil grievous, the trouble excessive. The great Anunnaku, the Seven, Were making the Igigi undertake the toil.”
Ancient aliens astronaut theory suggests that the Igigi were similar to Anunnaki who remained in constant orbit around Planet Earth. They acted as intermediaries between Earth and Planet Nibiru, home of the Anunnaki.
According to author Zecharia Sitchin, Annunaki modified the DNA of prehistoric humans 450,000 years ago by mixing their genes with them and putting them into labor for mining Earth’s natural resources, such as gold. He said that planet Nibiru has a long elliptical orbit and comes near to Earth every 3,600 years. Further, he stated that around 450,000 years ago, Anunnaki got attracted by the gold reserves in southeast Africa. (Click here to read the full article)

According to one theory, the Igigi remained in the constant orbit around our planet in giant platforms which processed ore delivered from Earth. After processing the minerals, the material was transferred to other ships and eventually transported to the home planet of the Anunnaki. Apparently, the Igigi had never met with humankind. Several texts reveal that Igigi were “too high up for Mankind,” and consequently “ were not concerned with people.”
Subsequently, the Igigi rebelled against the Anunnaki after years of tenuous and hard work. It is said that they ‘set fire to their tools and surrounded Enlil’s great house by night’ forcing the ancient Anunnaki to find another source of labor.
After this incident, the Anunnaki replaced the Igigi with humans. Sitchin explained that when Anunnaki came to Earth, they found primitive men. Annunaki god Enki, also known as the god of knowledge, interfered in the genes of these bipeds, genetically modified their DNA and made them work as miners.
The cities made by gods were destroyed in the great flood 30,000 years ago, which led them to pass their knowledge to humans. Subsequently, Sitchin said that the Annunaki gods returned to their home in a spaceship around 2569 years ago (550 B.C.).
it was not hard work for the igigi they did not like being controlled , secondly marduk was not a igigi .