The woman claimed she traveled to another planet after she died through a velvety void where souls plan their Earth journeys. She saw herself living a parallel life on another planet as a mantis creature and also had visions of Earth’s future.
Angela Rose Harris talks about her near-death experience (NDE) in 2015. At the time, she was a teacher and a mother to young children, dealing with serious health issues. She was in the hospital undergoing a test on a tilt table, which is designed to make patients pass out. After 18 minutes, her vital signs dropped dramatically, and she went into seizures—essentially dying in front of her husband.
At that moment, she had an out-of-body experience. She “ejected” from her body and found herself looking down at her own face, but she didn’t feel any fear or concern. Instead, she felt completely free from pain, as if she had returned to her true self. She was overwhelmed with love and peace.
At the same time, she was aware of her husband in the room, watching her die and feeling deep sorrow. She could feel his emotions intensely and understood that their connection was more than just a regular marriage—it was something deeper and more spiritual. She also saw the doctor and nurse reacting to her condition. With 360-degree vision, she could see everything at once, including the nurse moving past her to lower the tilt table and bring her back to life.

As this was happening, she became aware of a new space near her, something different from the hospital room. She turned her focus toward it and found herself slipping into what she calls the “black velvety void.” It wasn’t just complete darkness—it had a softness and depth to it, almost like a tunnel with a gentle, comforting texture. It felt peaceful, quiet, and safe. She also saw an entity there, appearing in human form, though she wasn’t sure if it was truly human or just presenting itself that way.
This was her experience on the “other side” before she returned to life.
Angela still felt at peace, full of love, and completely comfortable. There was no fear—just a deep sense of calm.
Beside her was a woman named Melanie, moving alongside her as if they were walking together. What struck Angela as strange was that they were in the middle of a conversation, as if they had been talking for a long time. Yet, before she died, she had no memory of Melanie at all. But here, in this place, it felt like they had known each other forever—like best friends chatting naturally.
Their conversation wasn’t about the fact that Angela had just died. Instead, it was more of an understanding between them. Melanie reassured her, explaining that she had been released from her body and was now moving forward into a new space.
Angela could clearly see Melanie’s appearance. She had long, dark hair and deep, chestnut-colored eyes. She was conventionally beautiful and wore a creamy-colored robe, similar to what others who’ve had near-death experiences describe. In her arms, Melanie carried a book. Angela never saw a title, and Melanie never opened it, but Angela strongly felt that it was the book of her life—holding the story of everything she had experienced.
As they moved forward, Angela sensed movement around her, as if the velvety black space were shifting. Ahead, she saw a tiny pinprick of light that quickly grew larger. As they approached, she began to see shapes and movement within the light, as if things were coming into focus.
When they finally entered the space, it felt to Angela like riding a subway. In the dark tunnels between stations, everything is dim and quiet, but as the train reaches the station, the light suddenly surrounds you. That’s what it felt like—moving from the darkness into something bright and full of life.
Angela describes moving from the black velvety void into a new space—a white, soft, cloud-like place with no walls. It felt gentle and comforting, almost like cotton. Unlike some near-death experiences, she didn’t hear music, but she did see a huge group of people waiting for her. They were overjoyed to see her, like a big welcoming party.
As she looked at the crowd, she realized she recognized everyone, even those farther away who appeared as shadows. She knew them instantly, remembering not just people from her current life but also from past lives. The souls closest to her were family members—her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and even some friends who had passed away.
She was able to hug them, and the hugs felt completely real. They even kissed each other on the cheeks, just like in life. But the most amazing part was that when she hugged someone, she didn’t just remember their shared experiences—she felt them from both perspectives.
For example, when she hugged her uncle, she was instantly transported to a memory of being on his farm on a warm summer day. She could feel the heat of the sun, hear the sounds of the creaking barn gates, the goats, chickens, and dogs, and even smell the hay. It wasn’t just a memory—it was like reliving the moment all over again. But what made it even more special was that she wasn’t just experiencing her own memory—she was also feeling it through her uncle’s perspective. It was a deep, shared connection beyond anything she had ever felt before.
During her near-death experience, she was able to connect with people she had lost, including her grandparents and a high school friend who had taken their own life. These moments were beautiful and healing, allowing her to see both sides of their experiences and gain deep understanding. This has changed how she approaches life—she is now more intuitive, open in communication, and mindful of people’s emotions, even when they don’t express them clearly.
As she continued in this experience, she started thinking about her family back on Earth. When she did, a portal of white light opened, allowing her to see her husband in the hospital room and her children where they were at that moment. However, something strange happened—her children appeared to “flicker,” like a light switching on and off. When the light was on, she saw them as they were in that moment; when it was off, she saw them as their future selves.
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She saw her young daughter, who was in first grade at the time, as a grown woman wearing a white lab coat. She also saw her other daughter, who was in fourth grade, as a man in the future. Years later, this vision came true—her child, Lily, transitioned and became Adam. Angela never told her children about what she had seen until they had made their own choices and fully embraced their identities on their own.
Past, Present, Future!
As all of this was happening, she felt like she was truly “home.” She realized that Earth was just a temporary place, almost like a vacation, and that her true self belonged elsewhere.
She also had instant access to knowledge—whenever she had a question, the answer immediately came to her, as if she were standing in a river of infinite wisdom. She compares it to standing in a flowing stream as a child, feeling the water rush past her hands.
This knowledge included the past, present, and future, as well as the different possibilities that could unfold depending on free will. Some might call this the “Akashic Records,” but to her, it simply felt like an endless stream of knowing. She could access it whenever she recalled a memory or had a question about anything.
“I remember standing in a river, putting my hands out as the water flowed past me, and feeling its path. That’s what it reminds me of—having access to the past, present, and future, all from the perspective of where I was in that moment. I could see all the possible changes that could happen through free will. Some might call it the Akashic Records, but to me, it was a river of all-knowing. I entered this river whenever I recalled a memory of who I was or had a question about something.”
Mantis Like creature Encounter
Angela describes how she moved through different experiences after entering the black velvety void. She was able to “rush off” to different places, reliving memories from both human and non-human lives. She could also see possible futures. When she traveled, it felt like moving at warp speed, like in Star Trek or Star Wars, with darkness and stars flying past her at high speed.
At one point, she found herself observing another version of herself—a part of her soul—living in a different body on another planet. She entered the space over the left shoulder of this being, who had blue skin. The entity acknowledged her presence by turning and looking at her, though she couldn’t see any surroundings, like a room or a spaceship, behind it.
She also saw herself as an insect-like creature, similar to a mantis. This version of her had a rusty red exoskeleton, round dark eyes that reflected light, a segmented body with a thorax and abdomen, and long, thin legs. The creature also had small arms and antennae on its nose, which was something she had never seen before.
Although she didn’t speak with these beings, they exchanged a silent understanding. Just by looking at them and feeling their presence, she instinctively knew that both were versions of herself in different forms.
Mantis Like creature Encounter
Angela describes how she moved through different experiences after entering the black velvety void. She was able to “rush off” to different places, reliving memories from both human and non-human lives. She could also see possible futures. When she…
— Vicky Verma (@Unexplained2020) February 13, 2025
She sees herself living another life—not as a human, but as a being that many would consider an alien.
However, she realizes that this alien is simply another soul, just like her, living on a different planet, doing similar things to what she does on Earth. This revelation was difficult for her to accept at first.
It took time, reflection, and hearing others share similar experiences before she felt comfortable talking about it. She reassures anyone who has had such moments that they are not alone and that she is open to discussing them.
She then shifts to a vision of the future. In this future, humanity has moved away from the globalized society we live in today. Wars have led to a significant loss of population, and people have returned to a more localized way of life.
However, it’s not a primitive or agrarian society. Technology still exists, but it is used differently and more peacefully. People farm, create what they need, and live in small, self-sufficient communities while still being connected in a less centralized way.
A major shift has also happened regarding migration. Today, migration causes fear, conflict, and tension, but in this future, that division no longer exists. Humanity comes to understand that we are all one, from the same source, and we live together in peace. While she doesn’t have an exact timeline for when this happens, she feels that it is not too far off.
After these visions, she experiences a “life review,” a moment many people with near-death experiences describe. She finds herself back in a white space, surrounded by family and loved ones, including someone named Melanie. Her life review isn’t like watching a movie on a screen—it is more immersive as if she can access every moment from her past all at once. She sees both the good and the bad.
One of the most profound things she learns is about the existence of “bad people” and why evil happens. Angela had a happy childhood overall, but she reveals that her father had a sex addiction, which affected her.
During her life review, she gains a new understanding—she sees that souls plan their lives before coming to Earth, even choosing to take on roles that might be seen as “good” or “evil.” As painful as it is to accept, her father’s actions were part of his soul’s journey, meant to teach and strengthen not only himself but everyone connected to him. She acknowledges that this idea is difficult for many to hear, but she believes that everything happens for the growth of the collective soul, as all souls are ultimately one.
While she was in the “other side,” she realized that she and her husband had chosen to be in each other’s lives to help their souls grow. This understanding helped her make sense of their struggles and experiences together. She also went through a “life review,” where she could see and feel everything from her life, but instead of being judged by a higher power, the only one judging her was herself. Every other soul around her was filled with love, compassion, and encouragement.
At first, she was hard on herself, thinking she should be punished for her mistakes, because that’s what people on Earth believe about good and evil. But in that moment, she heard a telepathic message from another soul—Melanie—telling her she was deeply loved and supported. Then, her late mother-in-law suddenly said she needed to take care of the kids, and just like that, Angela woke up back in her hospital bed.
When she returned to her body, she didn’t want to be awake. The other side had been so peaceful and beautiful that she tried shutting her eyes tightly, hoping to go back. But it didn’t work. She became fully aware of her body again, which felt heavy, hot, and strange—almost like an empty, black shell. It took time for her to settle back into it.
This experience completely changed her. People who knew her before say she’s a different person now—not in a drastic way, since she was always kind—but she now makes different choices. She’s much more compassionate, loving, and calm. She sees life through a new lens. Music feels different, and even something as simple as walking outside fills her with awe. Every tree, every cloud, even a tiny chipmunk reminds her of the beauty of life and the deep truth that we are not just humans—we are souls temporarily living in human bodies.
She encourages others to embrace this knowledge and move through life with love.
If you have an NDE (or at death), please make sure you question everything you see and anyone you interact with. Demand truth and reject any deception and do not submit your will to anyone.
This above story is yet more archonic propaganda from the soul harvesting and matrix control system. We are harvested at death and forcefully reincarnated in order to provide “food and currency” for demonic rulers of the other realms.
What sort of contra do you represent on Earth, O fool? Your narrow lens of archontic deception stains and pollutes every experience of truth and expansion of awareness. Fortunately that pollution remains there with you swirling around you and polluting your very essence and no other.