Official history tells us that 17 missions were launched between 1961 and 1975, of which 11 were manned (Apollo 7 through Apollo 17). During this time, 6 successful landings on the lunar surface were made. The Apollo 18, 19, and 20 flights were canceled due to the lack of new scientific value at the huge expense of the state budget and taxpayers. However, in 2007, Italian freelance journalist Luca Scantamburlo took a written interview with William Rutledge, who claims to be a member of the secret Apollo 20 mission.
According to him, he was an employee of Bell Laboratories and served in the US Air Force. Rutledge attracted public attention by starting to distribute photographs and videos of the Apollo 20 mission online in 2007 which captured the same spaceship and its pilots.

What is the essence of the information from Rutledge? He claimed that during the Apollo 15 mission to the moon, an unidentified man-made object was discovered and photographed on its surface.
Read also:
- Project Stargate: CIA Top Secret Program To Track UFOs & Explore Mars
- Former CIA Director Believes In UFOs & His Friend’s Aircraft Stopped At 40,000 Feet In The Air
- Aliens From Andromeda Told US Army Personnel That Humans Are Composite of 22 different E.T. races
- Bizarre UFO Encounter Of US Farmer: Three Aliens Gave Him Pancakes
During missions 16 and 17, several more photographs were taken and reconnaissance of the terrain from orbit was carried out. The task of missions 18 and 19 (which was no longer officially) is not really clear: Rutledge only says that during these missions, a number of problems occurred, as a result of which research data was lost. It was originally planned to land next to an alien ship and study it using rovers.
In 1976, the Apollo 20 mission was launched, which included: William Rutledge, Aleksei Leonov, and Leona Snyder. They managed to land by the ship, get inside, and inspect the interior of the ship, and the bodies of the pilots. One of the sources said that they not only examined the bodies but also took the head of one of the bodies with them.
The dimensions of the ship were 3370 x 510 meters; the age is estimated at 1.5 million years; inside, there are many signs of biological life: remnants of vegetation in the engine compartment of the ship, stones of a triangular shape that exude a yellow liquid that has some medical properties, the remains of small bodies (about 10 cm) that lived in a network of “glass” pipes piercing the whole ship.

They found a humanoid, female, 1.65 meters. She had genitals, hair, six fingers (we assume the math is based on a dozen). She was a pilot, there was an aerobatics device connected to her fingers and eyes, the body had no clothes, and they had to cut two cables connected to the nose without nostrils. Leonov detached the device from the eyes. Blood clots or bio-fluids burst and froze in the mouth, nose, eyes, and parts of the body. Some parts of the body were in unusually good condition, hair and skin were protected by a thin transparent layer of protection. The condition seemed neither dead nor alive. The booth was full of inscriptions and formed from long, hollow hexagonal tubes.

On the other hand, one can only guess that this was the ship of the Anunnaki, about which Sitchin or some other guys wrote.
Doubts are caused by the number of fingers, these humanoids have 12 of them (6 on each hand), and we know that the Anunnaki used the hexadecimal numbering system and on all the frescoes, they have 5-fingered palms.
We also know that the Anunnaki had a parallel mission in low-Earth orbit: one part of them worked on Earth, the other part remained on the mother ship. It may well be that they used the moon and one of the ships remained there. Another interesting fact is that the team of engineers who actually implemented the Apollo project was headed by Wernher von Braun, who during Nazi Germany worked for the benefit of the Third Reich, creating for them the famous V-2 rockets.
Braun came to America along with many other German scientists removed from Germany as part of Operation Paperclip in 1945. And the colossal technological breakthrough of the engineers of the Third Reich happened due to cooperation with the occult societies of Ahnenerbe and Vril, who obtained information from the ancient egregors of the Gods related to our civilization.
Braun had an interesting chain of events: German occult societies -> moving to the USA -> working on a space program -> detecting an alien spacecraft, possibly the very same Gods who advised the Nazis. He survived until 1977 and saw the launch of Apollo 20 and, moreover, according to Rutledge, was personally present at the launch.
[…] 1.5 Billion-Year-Old Alien Spaceship Found On Moon With Alien Bodies During Apollo 19 & 20 Missi… […]
MILLION years, not billion
[…] 1.5 Billion-Year-Old Alien Spaceship Found On Moon With Alien Bodies During Apollo 19 & 20 Missi… […]
[…] 1.5 Billion-Year-Old Alien Spaceship Found On Moon With Alien Bodies During Apollo 19 & 20 Missi… […]
Love her dreadlocks
ile w tym prawdy?, a ile spekulacji pewnie nigdy się nie dowiemy choć sprawa jest bardzo interesująca… film o tym oglądałem kilka lat temu
People please, if a 1.5 Billion-Year-Old Alien was found, it would have degraded severely, only perhaps leaving the skeletal remains, unless the atmosphere inside the ship was such that it could preserve, but to the degree we’re seeing, Mmm, I just don’t buy it, . . . . . . . .. nope!
Simple minded creature
Ps.) I’m no skeptic either, as I’ve seen craft in the skies for many, many years now, just some things posted, I don’t feel are entirely accurate, as with many posts out there in the stratosphere, sorting out the genuine article from the fake IS becoming a full time job!
Well said!
I can’t believe this can’t be entertained by folks.
I totally believe in E.Ts. Im positive
they have already visited Earth. Scott C Waring is a Liar though!!!
If you want evidence of that go to his website-
He is the guy who found a Monkey, Fallen King, Toilet, Rubbish dump, and other totally preposterous thing on Mars.
Im not saying that there isnt evidence of past civilisations on Mars, Im jst saying that his is bull s*%@t!!!
Have a look and see how flimsy his evidence is.
It really makes me cross, we hve been fighting for real disclosure, and against disinfo from our Governments. THe last thing we need is some hack trying to make money by lies.
Dont believe a word from Scott Waring!!
He is jst a jst out for money and attention!! Please done give him the airtime.
If you truly are interested in this fascinating subject there is loads of real information.
Disclosure has started, slowly, for good or for bad.
There is a mountain of evidence.
If you want somewhere to start I would say-
Joe Rogan with Bob Lazar, UFO 60 min Australia, and Unacknowledged.
Just forget this Man and anything he has to say, please.
It appears as though it was either docked or in hiding from a predator and was struck by meteors or shot or lasor beamed and it melted through the engine compartment then eventually all life on board ceased. But 5 miles in length, and wide enough to sustain life for ten light years. The special rocks and plant life must have been the key. A female with genitals, in a space craft from another world connected to its own life source on the space craft…on the moon. One clear sunny spring morning, white puffy clouds on the sky, probably age 14, I was laying on picnic table by the spotted tail lake looking at the sky …and I saw a perfectly round black disc high up in the sky floating above the clouds, it seemed to stop for a moment the went behind a cloud and stayed there. I knew at that moment we were not alone. my eyes were opened long ago
Seems like all responding are experts and understand life in the quantum sense. If you ask me they spout it all off to prove to themselves they are right. Again, they all come across as experts, and I value their guidance. You know if they could form a group, they could put an end to all forms of religion and no need for political systems. If you ask me, the universe as we know it was set up 13.5 billion years ago for them as God’s to be exact. I am honored to even have the pleasure of them taking their valuable time and contributing to what we can call the divine truth, I am blown away.