Despite all the problems, difficulties and constant employment, the world has not forgotten how to have fun. This is confirmed by the numerous festivals of the world, which must be seen once with your own eyes than you constantly read about them. The list of the best festivals of the world we will start from the very nearest by dates. So prepare your bags, book tickets, and hotels, and go on a trip. In the world, there are so many amazing things!
10. Oktoberfest in Germany

The famous beer festival and at the same time the largest national celebration in the world – Oktoberfest, takes place in late September – early October, not only in Munich but also far beyond its borders. The holiday lasts 16 days, during which the beer flows like a river, and the music does not stop day and night. If you are planning to visit this festival, then take care of the hotel in Munich in advance.
9. Dia de Los Muertos – The Day of the Dead in Mexico

The festival Día de Los Muertos is held not only in Mexico but also in a number of other Latin American countries. In early November, people gather to honor the memory of their deceased relatives and friends. By the Day of the Dead, city dwellers prepare sweets, arrange carnivals and paint each other in the form of skeletons.
8. Festival of Light in Japan

An amazing festival of lights in the city of Kuwana is held from November to March. Every year the botanical garden Nabana no Sato is decorated with millions of LED-bulbs. From them, they create various drawings and paintings that amaze even the most sophisticated connoisseur of beauty. All the bulbs are powered by solar panels, which are charged all day long.
7. Festival of the Sun Inti Raymi in Peru

At the heart of the holiday of Inti Raymi are the ancient ceremonies of the Incas and other Indian peoples that are part of the empire. The festival is held every year during the winter solstice, observing the traditions of the ancestors.
6. Yuan Xiaojie Lantern Festival in China

A mysterious and wonderful festival of lanterns by Yuanxiaojie, the Chinese celebrate each year in January. The holiday has ancient roots and originates in the 15th century. As a rule, on this day, Chinese citizens light heavenly lanterns and release them into the night sky.
5. Up Helly Aa Festival in Scotland
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The grandiose Viking Festival of Up Helly Aa, which is held in Scotland on the last Tuesday of January, will allow guests to look into the legendary past of these fearless warriors. Every year, there is a torchlight procession of local residents in traditional costumes. The holiday, which ends with the burning of a large boat, introduces guests to the distant history of Scotland.
4. Holiday of paints Holi in India

The time of the ancient Hindu holiday Holi falls at the end of February – early March. Every year, this colorful action symbolizes the victory of good over evil. Everything begins with a fire, the sacred flame of which “burns” evil, after which fun begins. The incredible energy of joy and happiness reigning in the festival is so contagious that today it is celebrated in many countries of the world.
3. Venetian Carnival in Italy

Every year from the end of February to the beginning of March, the most romantic city of Italy, Venice, is filled with bright colors and music sounds. Residents and visitors of the city dress up in magnificent costumes of the Middle Ages and cover their faces with masks, which have long become a traditional symbol of the Venice Carnival.
2. Tomato Festival of Tomato in Spain

In the very last days of the departing summer, in Spain, an amazing tomato festival La Tomatina is held. For seven days there are musical performances, dances, parades and salutes. All this is accompanied by ruthless battles, the main weapon of which are millions of ripe tomatoes.
1. Burning Man Festival in the USA

Perhaps, the festival Burning man does not lend itself to any descriptions. It is held on the last Monday of August to the first Monday in September. The strange and shocking holiday Burning Man does not have a clear program of action. The unique atmosphere is given to it not only by the organizers and the desert, where the festival is held but also by the participants. Nobody knows how they will surprise the audience and each other: crazy dances, nudist trips on bicycles or a parade of space aliens.
Read also: 6 places in the world, in which the entrance of women has strict prohibitions.