In the fashion world, purple hair dye is one of the top choices of energetic beauties. Purple color and its shades are very popular among celebrities and schoolgirls. Just recently, the permanent purple hair dye has been criticized by many conservative beauty experts, but it has become a real trend in 2022.
What hair color is trending in 2022?
Purple hair is a trend with which blondes are more fortunate: on blonde hair, even pastels will look like a contrasting accent. Purple hair dye for dark hair is more difficult to get, but a striking result can still be achieved. Let’s talk about universal dyes that are suitable for everyone.
What does it mean when you dye your hair purple?

Shades of purple hair color are rich in various nuances, so girls with any color type can find their best version. Most of the shades are cold, but even on golden hair, they can look unusual and beautiful.
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Ladies with brighter juicy shades may check out different types of coloring like ombre. Anyway, brunettes and brown-haired women are still in the lead: deep and rich solid purple, visually giving splendor to the hair, suits them a lot.
One of the best shades for light-brown and very light hair is lavender. Such a choice will attract the attention of passers-by.
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An extravagant purple tint, also known as the color of fuchsia, is suitable for extraordinary young ladies. a variant of purple hair dye is nice for coloring any hair tones.
The main feature of the purple hair dye scheme is the variety of shades. The popular color palette ranges from dusty pink to charcoal black. What color does purple hair fade to? The most interesting shades from it are:
1) Eggplant color
Will purple hair dye go over dark brown? Eggplant color is dark and rich, it lights brown and hazel-green eyes against the background of cold skin tones. This variant is great for dark hair, visually increasing its volume.
2) Purple ink tone
It is unusually rich and catchy, ideal for long hair and any hairstyle but quickly loses its intensity, so it is better to opt for a permanent purple hair dye. Lilac eyelashes and lipstick of natural pink or lilac color will help to achieve the desired effect.
3) Light lilac haze
A light lilac haze of violet-lilac tones is preferable for blondes or women with brown hair. Alternatively, you may choose the predominance of purple strands when dyed in the multicolor style.
4) Blue-violet
For light hair, the contrast this shade creates may be too strong, but it is a perfect purple hair dye for dark hair (for those who are not afraid of bright colors). Dark colors will be just right, but blond will be clearly weaker, so the combination will be less harmonious and balanced. Is there a permanent purple hair dye? If you decide to experiment, try the shade Purple Hair from the L’Oreal Paris Colorista Hair Makeup.
Can you dye your hair purple without bleaching it?

Dyeing the ends of your hair in purple is an excellent option for dark-haired brunettes because you don’t have to completely bleach your hair, just lightening the ends will be enough.
A purple palette with a black tint looks great on long strands. Such hair doesn’t look extravagant, on the contrary, with their help you can create a romantic image. Beautiful curls can be done with a curling iron or with curlers.
To achieve the desired shade, mix your best purple hair dye with hair balm until the composition acquires the desired shade. Then the resulting mixture is applied to the entire length of the hair for about an hour so that the dye takes on well. The process ends with the removal of the coloring composition, for which the head is washed with cool water and shampoo. If you wash off the dye with hot water, then you risk getting lilac instead of saturated purple.
Which purple hair dye is the best?
1. Estel’s professional purple hair dye is popular in different countries. Those who have already tried this product know that it has a mild effect on curls and has a wide selection of shades. Beauties who love trends prefer purple with an ashy tone. Due to this coloring, ladies look younger and emphasize the advantages of their appearance.
2. Nouvelle is also a professional hair color composition. It fits perfectly on curls with the least effect on their structure and evenly colors gray strands. It contains conditioners useful for moisturizing hair. Like Estel, it has a wide palette, including purple tones. Professionals from all over the globe claim that it is one of the best purple hair dye.
3. Creamy dye with a wide palette of purple shades Concept Profy is also very popular. Due to glucose and cedarwood oil, the strands acquire a beautiful look with a deep, rich tone.
4. When choosing a purple toner or permanent purple hair dye, look carefully at the components of the product. To prevent the hair from losing its strength, it would be better if the coloring composition contains many useful natural components. You can dye your hair at home with such products as Directions or StarGazer. They have a wide range of purple shades, so women can choose the image they like for any type of appearance. They will not harm the hair structure, because their composition contains components that act gently on the strands without destroying them.