In April 2012, a video was uploaded on YouTube, where an unidentified US Army soldier who is black talks about his encounter with three alien races. It looks like the video was shot at one of the US military bases in the presence of other soldiers. The US military personnel could be seen telling other soldiers about his repeated abductions by extraterrestrial civilizations and meetings with three different species of aliens.
He told others that he had been firstly abducted by grey aliens (with a large head and short body), then by the tall white aliens (who were created by short grey aliens as servants), and by reptilians (like anthropomorphic lizards).
He was trying to sketch the aliens on the whiteboard behind him, but because of the poor quality of the video, it is hard to see them. According to the soldier, on the greys’ planet, they can breathe oxygen as the atmosphere is quite similar to ours. However, the planet has a binary star system, resulting in drier air. The greys’ bones are more fragile than those of humans.
The soldier also mentions the third race, the reptilians, whom he draws and identifies as adversaries to humanity. He explains that they are humanoid and bipedal, standing at an average of 6 to 7 feet tall with a strong build. He explains that the reptilians are the most aggressive and dangerous alien species, and they could be a real threat to mankind.

According to the soldier, there had been a big war between the greys and the reptilians, and the greys almost wiped the reptilians out. Meanwhile, he said that the greys are kind to humans. He had even reportedly visited the planet of grey aliens.
But the greys’ planet lies in a binary star system (with two suns like in Star Wars on the planet Tatooine), due to which their place is like a desert with a very hot climate. The soldier also mentions the term EBE-1 which, according to former CIA pilot John Lear, is known as “Extraterrestrial Biological Entities.”
Lear believed that everything started with the Roswell crash in 1947. He claimed that in September 1945, President Truman established MJ-12, and the purpose of that was to study the saucers and cover up the existence of UFOs. He told Geroege Knapp that four alien bodies were recovered from a crash and were autopsied by Dr. Detlev Bronk. They were named “EBEs”, and three live EBEs were captured in different crashes. EBE-1 lived with an Air Force Colonel between 1949 and 1952. The EBEs were kept in an electromagnetic facility called a YY-2, which was designed by Dr. Eric Wang, who worked under Dr. Kissinger and was involved in the coverup of the incident since the beginning.
Further, the soldier stated that the alien abductions are mostly done by the grey aliens, but they always return people without harming them. He even said that since the caveman days, the DNA of humans have been altered by 60-68 times to enhance and accelerate our evolution, so that we can be immune to various diseases and protect ourselves from disasters. Jesus Christ was one of those genetically modified humans.
The soldier also talked about the top-secret project supervised by the Majestic 12, in which 12 people were selected for visiting greys’ planet. They chose the best military specialists from the US Department of Defense, who had to spend 10 years on an alien planet.
Majestic 12 (or MJ-12) was the ultra-secretive group that controlled and managed the UFO/alien issue in the 1940s. So, the US soldier refers to the so-called “Project SERPO,” which is allegedly one of 20 top-secret projects supervised by the MJ-12.
SERPO was a joint program of the US government and humanoids living on the planet Serpo, located in the star system of the Zeta Reticuli. The distance from Earth to Serpo is about 39 light-years. According to an anonymous source, contact with aliens was established after two of their aircraft crashed in Roswell (New Mexico, USA) in 1947. Then, the Americans managed to save one humanoid. He was allowed to communicate with his brethren through an intercom located in a disc-shaped object.
The Americans prepared a group of 12 people after having established contact with the aliens. By agreement in the exchange program, for the duration of the stay of earthlings on the planet Serpo, one of the aliens remained as a diplomatic representative on Earth. All the information related to those who had agreed to fly was destroyed as if they never existed.
According to the soldier, one US President told Close Encounters director Steven Spielberg that he “hit the nail on the head” with the film’s storyline. It is unclear which President he is discussing but he claimed all the presidents including Barack Obama “know.”
Interestingly, during a special screening of “ET: The Extra-Terrestrial” at the White House in 1982, President Reagan whispered to Steven Spielberg that everything shown in the movie was real. It was confirmed by Spielberg while giving an interview to Quint (aka Eric Vespe).
Spielberg said: “No, he wasn’t ushered out of the room. He was the President of the United States! Nobody could usher Ronald Reagan out of the room! It was in the White House screening room and Reagan got up to thank me for bringing the film to show the President, the First Lady, and all of their guests, which included Sandra Day O’Connor in her first week as a Justice of the Supreme Court, and it included some astronauts… I think Neil Armstrong was there, I’m not 100% certain, but it was an amazing, amazing evening.
He just stood up and he looked around the room, almost like he was doing a headcount, and he said, “I wanted to thank you for bringing E.T. to the White House. We really enjoyed your movie,” and then he looked around the room and said, “And there are a number of people in this room who know that everything on that screen is absolutely true.”
The actual source of the video is still unknown, and the identity of the US soldier has never been disclosed.
[…] Black US Soldier Was Abducted by Three Alien Species And Visited Grey Aliens Planet […]
[…] Black US Soldier Was Abducted by Three Alien Species And Visited Grey Aliens Planet […]
[…] Black US Soldier Was Abducted by Three Alien Species And Visited Grey Aliens Planet […]
[…] Black US Soldier Was Abducted by Three Alien Species And Visited Grey Aliens Planet […]
[…] Black US Soldier Was Abducted by Three Alien Species And Visited Grey Aliens Planet […]
[…] Black US Soldier Was Abducted by Three Alien Species And Visited Grey Aliens Planet […]
When he drew Lazar’s sport model i knew he’s full of it, at least he did his research.
They just wanted to mention/talk about HE’sUS Christ.
This whole article was JUST for that.
What does his skin color have to do with him being Abducted?
I was in the Marines for 10 years and the Army for 10 years and I didn’t care what color my fellow service members were.
The LBJ bit was interesting, he passed January 1973 and Close Encounters was released November 1977. I guess he possibly could have been talking about the script.