Bizarre UFO Encounter Of US Farmer: Three Aliens Gave Him Pancakes
Joseph Simonton, a poultry farmer was sixty years old at…
25,000-Year-Old Human Face, Carved From Mammoth Ivory, Discovered In 1894 In France
Have you ever wondered how the oldest human looked like?…
Moon-Sized UFO Again Flew Out Of Sun Through Portal, So Is Our Sun A Stargate?
After the appearance of a Hollow Earth Theory, many conspiracy…
Ret. NASA Astronaut Claimed To Have Seen Snake-Shaped UFOs During Two Missions In Space
Space is not what we see at night or what…
Former U.S. Secretary of State Showed His Cousin 4 Aliens In Jar Under Capitol Building
It is not for the first time when someone in…
Strange Disappearance Of Swiss Man Who Built Landing Base For UFOs
Many people are sure that aliens exist and regularly visit…
Ex-USAF Captain: UFOs Hacked Malmstrom AFB Nuke System, Deactivated 10 Missiles
Since 2020, the number of UFO sightings has increased in…
“There Are Millions Of Alien Beings On Moon” According to Former CIA Pilot John Lear
A former CIA pilot John Lear gave part of his…
CIA Secret Files Show John F. Kennedy Killed 10 days After Demanding UFO Files
A few days before his mysterious death, the 35th US…
US Inventor Alexander Weygers Wanted Military To Use His UFO Designs Against Japan
Multi-talented Dutch-American inventor Alexander Weygers was probably the first person…
Brazilian Man Onilson Páttero’s Two Bizzare UFO Encounters Happened Before Walton’s Case
In the world of ufology, the most famous UFO incident…
Mysterious Austrian Inventor Developed UFOs & Anti-Gravity Technology For Hitler
Not many inventors were lucky enough to change the world…
Stefan Michalak Alien Craft Encounter Is The Most Credible Documented UFO Case In Canada
Do you know that Manitoba (Canada) has the highest number…
Mysterious Figurines Collection Of Humanoids With Dinosaurs & UFOs Baffled Scientists
According to paleontologists and researchers, the dinosaurs got extinct around…
Ret. US Colonel Claimed Two Airmen Might Have Been Abducted By Aliens In Rendlesham Forest incident
When we look into the history of UFO sightings, the…