Why Did NASA Stop Using Space Shuttle To Fly To The ISS?
For thirty years, the Space Shuttle program has been a…
Ufologist Scott Waring Spotted 5 Km Long Alien Spacecraft On The Moon
Taiwanese ufologist Scott Waring told the public about his new…
Sorry, Elon Musk Lies To Us, There Is No Technology That Can Send Humans To Mars
The "Martian" is one of the best films of the…
Mysterious 6 Km Long Tunnel Network Found Below Djoser Pyramid At Saqqara
Many people believe that the Great Pyramid in Giza is…
Potentially, The Most Dangerous Asteroid The Size Of Football Stadium Is Approaching Earth
An unpredictable and therefore potentially dangerous celestial body is approaching…
Three Hunters From Spain Saw Reptile-Looking Aliens Coming Out Of UFO In 1968
There are various stories of encounters with creatures, both strange…
Comets Travel Thousands Of Years In Space, Then Why Don’t They Disappear If They Lose Mass From Tail?
The tail of a comet is formed due to exposure…
40,000 People Claimed To Be UFO Crew Members, Sent To Earth As ‘Being of Light’
Aliens have never shown themselves to the public or proved…
It Is True That In Reality, Nobody Knows What Gravity Is? Then What Is Gravity?
There are tools and techniques to calculate gravity with an…
FBI Agent Met Aliens From Other Dimension in 1947, Who Just Wanted Peace With Humans
The FBI has always paid great attention to the UFO…
An observer From Mt. Everest Sees horizon 339 km Away, But Why He/She Does Not See Earth’s Curvature?
Curvature is a few coherent concepts. In a general sense,…
Ancient Alien Weapon Found On Moon Looks Similar To Ancient Hindu God Weapon
Ufologist Scott Waring believes that there are alien weapons hiding…
Earth’s Magnetic Field Is WEAKENING: This Will Change The Polarity Of Our Planet – End Is Near?
Over the past 200 years, the magnetic shield surrounding our…
Aliens Are Hiding In The Secret Underground Cities On Venus And NASA Knows It
A lot of research vehicles have visited Venus or its…
Why Is The Image Of A Black Hole So Important? And Why Is It So Blur?
On April 10, 2019, the results of direct observation of…