The most awaited documentary on the 1996 Brazil UFO incident has finally been published. Filmmaker James Fox’s “Moment of Contact” concluded with testimony that a crashed UFO in Varghina Brazil was ultimately loaded onto a USAF cargo plane and brought back to (assumedly) the United States. Moreover, he shared exclusive information about the case on his recent “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit.
In 1996, some bizarre UFO phenomena took place in Varginha, a city in Brazil, where many locals claimed to have seen two alien creatures, captured by the Brazilian military. On January 20, 1996, North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) transmitted accurate radar data on a flying object south of Minas Gerais to its colleagues at Brazil’s CINDACTA aerial surveillance center.
Ufologist Roger Leir was the first to reveal the bizarre details of the case. He visited Varginha shortly after the incident. Then, he published the book “UFO Crash in Brazil.”
When the police arrived, they immediately opened fire on the aliens, and one of them got injured. Then, the injured alien was taken to the local hospital, about 1.5 kilometers from Varginha. According to the hospital staff, an entire wing of the hospital was closed, and the hospital itself was literally packed with military personnel in full ammunition. Doctors tried to save the creature, but it died. Its death was recorded on January 22, 1996. More than a dozen specialists, including genetics, took part in the subsequent autopsy. They found out that the alien had a black tongue, the absence of genitals, and a navel. After the autopsy, the dead alien was placed in a wooden coffin, the lid of which was secured with screws.
But even if it is all fiction, it is still among the best pieces of science fiction ever written. A quarter century later, nearly everyone who hears the witnesses recount their account is persuaded they are speaking the truth. Now, the most compelling evidence that extraterrestrials exist, have visited Earth, and have even perished here is presented in the new documentary “Moment of Contact” (now available on Amazon, Apple TV+, and AmazonPrime Video).
Retired Brazilian Air Force General Jose Carlos Pereira told Fox in the documentary that “Governments tend to cover up everything they can’t explain to their population.” Whereas a university professor and amateur ultralight pilot Carlos de Sousa claimed to have seen the crash on January 13, 1996, in Varginha, Brazil.
Mr. De Sousa described the UFO in the film as the size of a school bus, a submarine-like shape, leaving the white smoke behind. He spoke to researcher Claudeir Covo on camera in 1996 and said, “It was floating and slowly losing altitude. It looked like a washing machine struggling, fighting to keep its altitude… The side of it was completely torn and it had white smoke coming out. It wasn’t black smoke like from a fire. At the time I thought it was like an aircraft in trouble, an airplane, so I decided to follow it.”
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But according to Mr. De Souza, military trucks from the neighboring ESA Army Base soon arrived and told him to leave. The soldiers threatened to use their weapons if Varginha did not comply because the base is 30 kilometers away. Varginha’s citizens were shocked when a big contingent of military forces surrounded the town and roped off numerous blocks. They made it impossible for anyone to enter or leave the region.

Among the eyewitnesses who personally saw these creatures were two 14-year-old twin girls, Liliane and Valquíria Fátima Silva and 22-year-old old Kátia Andrade Xavier. They saw one of the creatures and, according to them, it was very thin with brown skin, big red eyes and had three horns on its head, about 160 cm high, and its feet were in a V-shape.
According to the legend, the claimed encounter occurred around three hours later, when two military police officers were traveling along a road next to the empty lot when a creature suddenly ran in front of their vehicle.
One of the officers, Marco Chereze captured the creature with his “bare hands” and took it to a local hospital, Brazilian UFO Magazine editor A.J. Gevaerd told Fox. “After he captured the creature he was smelly – he had this strange feeling of something greasy or sticky over his body that came from the creature,” he said. “He developed this infection that wouldn’t go away, and for two or three weeks it was getting worse and worse and worse… and that infection killed him.”
In the film “Military X,” an anonymous whistleblower is questioned. According to him, they assisted in moving a creature’s body from Humanitas Hospital to the ESA Army Base. A former traffic controller for the Brazilian Air Force was also interviewed by the filmmakers. They said that the US Air Force unexpectedly descended upon Campinas and sent two helicopters to Varginha. They apparently collected something while there and took it with them.
In an “Ask Me Anything” session on Reddit, Fox stated that even bigger updates were coming in the future. When asked about rumors of an alleged 35-second video of the creature, Fox said: “I have personally spoken to three witnesses in Brazil. [They] claim to have seen photographic evidence — both video and stills.” “There will be details coming soon… very soon,” he wrote.
Here is the YouTube video where a man named Vitorio Pacaccini said he watched a very definitive and detailed video proof of the Varginha alien back in 2012. Pacaccini is a UFOlogist that was very important by the time of the event but was missing from the community until recently.

His description of the video is very convincing. He says the being was very weak and not communicating, they were trying to help it stand and actually tried to feed it with an apple and water but the being did not respond to it. He says the audio and video is clear and the being is the precise description of the girls and the military whistleblowers. Perhaps James Fox is trying to bring this footage forward with Paccatini.