The impressive career of Sir Peter Horsley began in 1939 after he joined the Royal Air Force during the war outbreak. He was only 18 years old when he started working with the British military. First, he was an air gunner, then a pilot in the RAF, and also worked as a flight instructor. Besides, he was a pilot of Major General Sir Miles Graham. Having so many accomplishments in the RAF, he had never thought that one day, he would have a chance to meet an extraterrestrial in London.
After the Second World War ended, Horsley returned to England in 1947 and was appointed Adjutant to the Oxford University Air Squadron in 1948. In the following year, he served as a Squadron for the British royal family and also acted as an assistant officer for Queen Elizabeth II and her husband. He became a Wing Commander in 1952 and from 1953 to 1956, he was a full-time Equerry to Prince Philip. He retired from the Royal Air Force as the Deputy-Commander-in-Chief of Strike Command.

In his autobiography “Sounds From Another Room” which was released in 1998, Horsely wrote about a two-hour meeting with an extraterrestrial being named Mr. Janus in a dark room in some London house.
“I don’t care what people think — it was what happened. I would say they come from another planet somewhere in the universe but not in our galaxy. They are benign, not aggressive and, like us, are explorers,” Horsely said. (Source)
This amazing resume has something interesting in it. It talks about a possible meeting with an alien named “Mr. Janus.” This story is found in Horsley’s book from 1998 called “Sounds From Another Room.”
“Janus was there, sitting by the fire in a deep chair. He asked: ‘What is your interest in flying saucers?’ We talked for hours about traveling in space and time. I don’t know what or who he was. He didn’t say he was a visitor from another planet but I had that impression. I believe he was here to observe us. I never saw him again. I have no qualms about the reaction to my experience with Mr. Janus.”
Horsely found out that Prince Philip had a fascination for UFOs. What’s more, he felt strange at the royal palace. He wrote in his book: “[The Duke] was quite interested. As always his mind was open. He agreed I should do a study on the subject in my spare time; as long as I kept it in perspective and didn’t bring the Palace into disrepute. He didn’t want to see headlines about him believing in little green men.”

In 1954, Horsely met General Martin who believed that the UFOs were sent to Earth by an alien civilization to prevent a nuclear war (a similar claim was also made by Edgar Mitchell who said before his death, “Aliens Arrived To Stop Nuclear War”). One day, Martin called Horsely, inviting him to meet a mysterious woman named Mrs. Markham at her residence in Smith Street, Chelsea, London. The next morning, he was introduced to a stranger named Mr. Janus.
Janus straightly asked Horsely what he knew about UFOs. They had a conversation for hours, talking about traveling into space and through time. Horsely had no clue who Janus was. But somewhere in his mind, he thought that Janus was a visitor from outer space who had come to Earth to observe the people.
Read also:
- Aliens From Andromeda Told US Army Personnel That Humans Are Composite Of 22 Different E.T. Races
- Former CIA Director Believes In UFOs & His Friend’s Aircraft Stopped At 40,000 Feet In The Air
- USAF Flight Nurse Interviewed Alien Named Airl, Said Earth Was Alien Prison Before 30,000 BCE
- Bizarre UFO Encounter Of US Farmer: Three Aliens Gave Him Pancakes
During a chat with Janus, Horsely was surprised when Janus told him that he would like to meet Prince Philip. Horsely replied that it would not be easy. He asked why he would like to meet the Duke of Edinburgh. Janus replied: “He is a man of great vision. . . who believes strongly in the proper relationship between man and nature which will prove of great importance in future galactic harmony… perhaps you and I can discuss the subject first and you will be able to judge whether I’m dangerous or not.”
According to The Sun, Prince Philip got interested in UFOs because his uncle, Lord Mountbatten, wrote about a silver spaceship landing on his estate in 1955. The report was kept secret until Lord Mountbatten died in 1979. It said a man named Fred Briggs saw the craft and a figure in overalls and a helmet coming out of it. Then Briggs got knocked off his bike and held down by something he couldn’t see.
In 2016, Nick Pope, who ran the Ministry of Defence’s UFO project told the Daily Star that Philip at one time was ‘absolutely fascinated’ with extraterrestrial activity.
He said: ‘This royal interest in UFOs was extremely difficult for us at the MoD because our policy was to downplay the true extent of our interest and involvement in UFOs…We routinely told Parliament, the media, and the public that the subject was of very limited interest and ‘no defense significance.”
UFO researcher Timothy Good, who spoke with Peter Horsley on the matter, related: “In my second and last meeting with Sir Peter Horsley at his home in 2000, he revealed that, in addition to being disturbed by the realization that Janus was reading his mind, he was even more disturbed by the fact that this extraordinary man ‘knew all Britain’s top-secret nuclear secrets.’”

Interestingly, Janus told Horsely that extraterrestrials were constantly watching humanity, as humans have a low level of consciousness. American author Richard Dolan wrote in his book “The Alien Agendas: A Speculative Analysis of Those Visiting Earth” that Horsely mentioned the mysterious group known as The Observers who had been studying Earth for a long time and also interacted with people.
Those observers “have highly developed mental powers, including the extra-sensory, thought-reading, hypnosis and the ability to use different dimensions,” Dolan wrote. He also talked about gray aliens, reptilians, insectoids, hybrid beings, and others in his book.
Janus thought, maybe this strange event was part of a plan by the government to see if Sir Peter was loyal to the country. Researchers Clarke and Roberts had this interesting idea. They asked Horsley if he thought it was possible that MI5, like the FBI in the United States, set him up to test him.
Horsley said firmly, “no.” He kept believing this until he died in 2001. He said, “I don’t care what people think – it was what happened. I would say they come from another planet somewhere in the universe but not in our galaxy. They are benign, not aggressive and, like us, are explorers.”
I think this is fascinating. I believe Horsley. I just wish there was more of a description of what the alien Mr. Janus looked like. All this does is make me want to know more, like always (when it comes to reading things about extraterrestrials).
Oh, I was just te-reading the portion of Tim Goods book about the ‘Janus meeting ‘ if I may do refer. And Horsley said something like, the more he tried to accurately recall Mr. Janus the more generalized his memory of his appearance became.