What are UFOs? It is the question that many people around the globe have been asking for years. Are they military crafts, extraterrestrial spaceships, or just a hoax? There is no conclusion to this mystery as there are huge piles of sightings, footage, images, and witnesses which make this subject even more complicated. The very unlike and most bizarre thing someone would hear about UFOs is that they can be controlled telepathically. In many alien abductions cases, witnesses claimed that they had been communicated by otherworldly beings through the mind. Surprisingly, a man from California claims that he has a very unique gift to summon UFOs.
Robert Bingham from Pasadena, California calls himself a “UFO Summoner.” According to him, he brings UFOs and interacts with them. He has been a pioneering voice in modern Ufology and is often seen in many UFO events. The man invited on many TV interviews throughout the world, including The New York Times, BBC, Fuji Television Network, Armenia TV, Tercer Milenio hosted by Jaime Moussan, Rai 2 Italian TV Show Voyager hosted by Roberto Giacobbo, several Canadian television shows, as well as a variety of Podcasts.

The New York Times writes, “Robert Bingham has “seen things.” When he was 39, he looked skyward and noticed a worm-shaped ship about 20 feet tall zipping through the clouds.”
Bingham claimed that he had found this ability interacting with UFOs about 25 years ago. In 2013, he published a video on his YouTube channel “UFO Robert Bingham,” where he taught how to summon or call UFOs. He said: “What I do actually is I look in the sky and for a blue patch of sky and I I pick up just one spot in that sky and I look deep into that sky with my eyes as deep as I can.” He explained that anyone can do it by following a few simple steps. To interact with UFOs one should observe the sky with an open heart and good intentions and mentally transmit a message that says ‘Please come, thank you.'”
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- UK Most Credible UFO Incident: British Channel Islands UFO Sighting In 2007
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According to Bingham, he concentrates at one spot in the blue sky and at the same time, calls the extraterrestrials and projects a thought at that spot. He believes that a human mind is some type of transmitter which he uses to contact beings telepathically.

He never thought that he would be able to public his ability. Fortunately, in 2012, he went public under the title “Ambassador To The Kingdom Of The Most High.” But he is mostly recognized as “ the Summoner.” Since going public, Bingham has gained a thousand of followers from around the world, including students who are learning and practicing his summoning technique with excellent results.
He has been able to demonstrate and teach his summoning technique at his self-hosted live events (most of which have been entirely free and open to the public), as well as utilize his YouTube channel to teach students worldwide. Many people report great success from following his summoning technique and often share their own photos and videos as a testimony to the effectiveness of his teachings.
On December 14, 2013, while Bingham was summoning the UFOs, a video was filmed that shows multiple orbs or unidentified objects in the sky in different sizes, shaped like a Christmas Tree or Ebani.
When asked whether he worries if people would doubt his sanity, Bingham replied: “If I’ve got it, I say it. I don’t hold back and say ‘Oh they’re going to think I’m crazy. I say it. And the government believes me. Believe me, they believe me. That’s why they’re coming out with that stuff now.”
He is the host of The Strictly out of the Box Podcast. He is currently working on a memoir and documentary on his ability to summon UFOs.
Prophet Yahweh is another summoner who has similar abilities like Bingham. He said that he developed this ability after studying the Old Testament in its original Hebrew form and gaining knowledge related to UFOs from his studies.
This is maybe my favorite UFO clip from 14 years ago. I’m not sure if Prophet Yahweh is still with us pic.twitter.com/WhnlaN8dGq
— Chris Stein (@chrissteinplays) May 18, 2021
Such claims are not new, even recorded during the Soviet Union. Head of the USSR’s Flight Safety Service Major General Vasily Alexeyev said that during the 1980s, UFOs appeared often on several military bases or any place where “there is a high concentration of advanced science and, to some degree, danger. Because every nuclear rocket, every new airforce installation represents a breakthrough both in science and in military terms.”
Moreover, he stated that individual officers and commanders who knew about the phenomenon had no official guidelines or instruction on the matter, so they investigated it in their own way.
“I know that in some places they even learned to create a situation which would deliberately provoke the appearance of a UFO. A UFO would appear where there was increased military activity connected, say, with the transportation of “special” loads. It was enough to artificially stimulate or schedule such a move for a UFO to appear,” General Alekseyev claimed.
Whether these claims are real or fake, they affect the credibility of UFOs. The government still holds a lot of UFO data that might change our views on UFOs.