Tassili n’Ajjer is one of the most mysterious archeological sites located in the Sahara desert on a vast plateau in southeastern Algeria. Covering a total area of 28,000 square miles, Tassili is the home of 15,000 ancient artworks which record climatic changes, animal migrations, and the evolution of human life on the edge of the Sahara from 10,000 BC to the first centuries of the present era. According to many researchers and the ancient astronaut theory, the mysterious cave paintings of Tassili could be the best evidence of extraterrestrial beings present on Earth in the distant past.
Around 8000 BC, ancient inhabitants of Africa represented their lifestyle through rock engravings. They included pictures of wild and domestic animals, humans, geometric designs, ancient scripts, and mythical creatures, such as men with animal heads and gods or spirit beings.
A French soldier named Charles Brennans is credited with some of the initial discoveries in the early 1930s. While on an exploratory mission in a remote area of the desert, Brennans discovered paintings and rock engravings of elephants, giraffes, rhinoceroses, and strange human figures. He later returned to the area in 1956, accompanied by Henri Lhote, a French explorer and ethnographer, with financial support. Over the next 16 months, Lhote and his team discovered and documented almost 800 paintings.

Researchers cataloged over 5000 cave paintings and speculated that the Sahara region was completely different 4000-6000 years ago. The art covers five distinct periods, each of which corresponds to a particular fauna, and can be characterized by stylistic differences. These are the Wild Fauna Period, so-called Round Head Period, Pastoral Period, Equidian period, and Camel Period.
According to researchers, the cave paintings of Tassili are one of the most important ancient collections of rock art known today. Unfortunately, only 20% of them remain visible as the majority of these incredible cave paintings have been destroyed by erosion.
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Experts believe cave paintings are between 10,000 and 15,000 years old. They suggest that cave paintings of that time were usually done with a single shade of color. However, the colors used in the Tassili cave paintings were even more special to history.
There are countless species depicted in the caves, among them are giraffes, ostriches, elephants, oxen, alligators, and even hippos. It may be assumed that the Sahara region was full of life in the distant past.

There are many interesting details about the cave paintings of Tassili. Nomadic people assert that these caves are an ideal living environment even today. According to the depictions, rivers, jungles, animals and numerous plants were not foreign to the area. Experts suggest that they might have been located in the vicinity of the caves.
These mysterious depictions have fueled debate among researchers. Why would they depict rivers, jungles, and animals native to the region in the past, and then depict strange humanoid figures with helmets and suits?
The ancient people of the Tassili Caves portrayed their everyday life and their experiences. They did not invent these humanoid figures, which in some cases are even depicted with mysterious antennas on their helmets.
Another picture found is rather controversial, as the drawing shows what appears to be several human women being escorted into a mysterious non-earthly craft. And they are being led by what appears to be a figure wearing a globe-like helmet.
Researchers have also identified a set of unique symbols. Some experts speculated that these were part of a crude writing system that existed in the area 5000 years ago. Mainstream archaeology has been less than accommodating in accepting these symbols as an actual language since it would force changes to the accepted belief that Mesopotamia was the cradle of civilization and writing.
Even though ample drawings exist, the lack of burial artifacts or any other items, such as pottery or other objects of everyday life, have left a gap in the total understanding of the people who created them and what time period they were actually associated with.
Is it possible, as ancient astronaut theorists suggest, that the natives of the Tassili Caves depicted the ancient astronauts that visited them in the past 10,000 years ago?
To support the theory, one should look at ancient artwork found across the world as a basis for comparison. Even the most primitive cultures are known for drawing things they see in their lives; there is very little evidence of imaginative artwork. The ancient people of Tassili were no different and they certainly would not invent humanoid figures with antennae, helmets, or gloves unless they saw them with their own eyes.
In addition as further supporting evidence, the mysterious beings with gloves, boots, and helmets are also seen in the AzyefĆŗ, Ti-n-Tazari, and Sefar region. Round-headed drawings are found in the Nazca lines in Peru as well.