A significant surge of interest has surrounded the UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) enigma, drawing widespread attention to the recently released “JELLYFISH” UAP footage. Filmmaker Jeremy Corbell unveiled this captivating footage of a peculiarly-shaped UAP, captured at a United States joint operations base in Iraq. Corbell remarked that while the object’s shape is unusual, such sightings have been reported since the beginning of the UFO phenomena. Confirming its authenticity, the Pentagon has officially stated that the object in the video is not a hoax.
Corbell released FLIR infrared footage depicting an incursion by an unidentified object, tracked over a significant duration in October 2018. He elaborated, stating, “The object navigated through a sensitive military installation, eventually moving over a body of water where it executed a controlled descent, submerging beneath the surface. After an observation period of approximately seventeen minutes, the UAP resurfaced from the water and rapidly accelerated, surpassing the capabilities of the observation platform’s optical scope. The origin, intent, and capabilities of this Anomalous Aerial Vehicle remain shrouded in mystery. It retains its official designation as a UAP.”
The UAP shows transmedium capabilities: It flew over the military base and then moved over water. It descended into the water in a controlled manner and disappeared for about seventeen minutes. After that, it came out of the water and quickly flew away at an incredibly high speed that the observers could not keep up with.
Today we release the RAW footage of a military filmed UAP incursion within a United States joint operations base. This UAP of unknown origin displayed transmedium capability – and has been officially designated by the United States intelligence agencies as a UAP (Unidentified… pic.twitter.com/gomB8N2eI2
— Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell (@JeremyCorbell) January 9, 2024
The eyewitness explained that the object was hard to see with normal night vision equipment, and it seemed to block the camera’s ability to focus on it. Even though it did not look like it had typical engines or wings, it could stay in the air and move around.
When Matthew Szydagis, a professor in the Physics department at University at Albany first observed the footage, he was struck by the unusual shape of the UAP. He likened it to a Star Wars droid, emphasizing that “It is not a standard or common shape of UAP.” Dr. Szydagis published his new paper, “Initial Results From the First Field Expedition of UAPx to Study Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena” and provided scientific expertise on speculation about UAP propulsion systems. (Source)
According to Dr. Szydagis, one of the most intriguing aspects of the object in the footage is the rapid change in the object’s color, suggesting a swift alteration in temperature. He points out that known objects do not change temperature so quickly. This phenomenon raises a couple of possibilities.
Some might argue that the rapid temperature change merely results from an issue with the camera, like a smudge or distortion on the lens. However, Dr. Szydagis dismisses this possibility after closely examining the footage. He notes that the object’s size changes as the camera zooms in and out, and the camera reticle shifts relative to the object. The other possibility Dr. Szydagis considers is that the object might have capabilities to manage its signatures. This leads to further questions about why such an entity would choose to reveal itself in such a manner.
Newsnation writes, “The object moved through a sensitive military installation before moving over water, where it began what Corbell describes as a controlled descent before submerging. After 17 minutes, the UAP reemerged from the water and disappeared at a high rate of speed. The video released by Corbell did not include that.”
While Dr. Szydagis acknowledges that initial impressions might suggest a simple explanation, like a smudge on the camera lens, he stresses the importance of considering all available evidence. He emphasizes that without additional context, including more footage from various angles and a deeper understanding of the event’s circumstances, drawing definitive conclusions remains challenging.
“Well, the change in color, which normally could represent a temperature change, may be an artifact of the camera and the system. We don’t know yet what this is. There are so many pieces of the puzzle that have yet to be confirmed. This is very early days, so I don’t want to say about the temperature change. And again, with the transmedium travel so far, the only bit of this video that I’ve seen is the bit that you’re showing now. I have yet to see the part where it apparently goes into the water and comes out, but if that is what people are saying it is. That is certainly something to watch. And it’s one of these so-called five observables, this apparent ability to move seamlessly between water and air that we hear about. And that is noteworthy for sure if it’s verified. Right.”- Nick Pope, Former MoD ‘UFO adviser’ (Source
Corbell had a conversation with the sources from where he learned that the UAP considered potentially hostile due to a potential payload, could not be locked onto, and the platform appeared to have been jammed.
He told Liberation Times, “If UAP are able to penetrate our sensitive military installation with impunity – disabling our primary targeting and defense platforms – we must consider the role stigma and secrecy have played in corroding our ability to acknowledge and respond to such threats.”
Jellyfish UAP is not a traditional shaped UAP but there are sightings of such unusual objects. In 2020, Captain Kate McCue of the Celebrity Edge cruise ship saw a similar UFO hover over her ship for a few moments, then described as the jellyfish-shaped UFO plunged directly into the ocean. (Source)
“. . . and I have a drone on board, so I thought it would be a good night to catch a sunset. I had a drone in my hand, and someone said: ‘what’s that?’ and we look up and there was – I put it on TikTok – it looked like a black jellyfish, a gigantic back jellyfish, and it sailed right over the retreat, directly through the center-line of the ship, right through the center line of the ship, right through our “X” in our stack and just floated though. The thing is, we had no wind, maybe 5 knots at the time, but this thing was cruising along about 10-15 miles per hour, just cruised right over, and as its passed the stern of the ship, it went a couple hundred meters, maybe three or four hundred meters, and then it started to descend into the water. But because it was sunset we couldn’t put a rescue boat down to see what it was, but it disappeared into the water, and we had no idea . . . it wasn’t a drill, there was no noise associated with it. So if you want to see our UFO, it was on TikTok.”
According to an earlier report by the Scotsman, Harrier jets engaged in a dogfight with a “bright light” above the Queen’s Highland home at Balmoral, and a glowing white ball “like a flying jellyfish” was spotted over East Kilbride. These sightings were reported in 2002 and 2006.
Corbell has been talking about UFOs being shot down by the militaries around the globe. He said that people often get upset with him when he says that UAPs are continuously being fired upon. During his podcast with Joe Rogan, Corbell revealed a lot of shocking information about UFOs that have been monitored by the US military over their airspace.
Read also:
- Ex-US Marine Saw Massive UFO Being Loaded With Weapons By Secret Military In Indonesia Jungle
- Lue Elizondo’s Attorney Reveals World-Changing UFO Disclosure News: There Is a Video Interview of an Extraterrestrial Being
The jellyfish UAP constitutes the fourth piece of footage provided by Corbell and Knapp, showcasing objects of unknown origin captured by military platforms in Syria and Iraq. Other instances include the Baghdad Phantom, the Mosul Orb, and the Syria ‘Dome’ UAP.
Corbell told Liberation Times, “The UFO reality is an uncomfortable truth – and it’s time to bring this issue fully into the light. The public has an inherent right and need to know – the truth about what UFOs represent to humanity and we must approach it head-on.”
According to Corbell, the Five Eyes report was published months after the incident occurred and indicates that on 14 December 2021, an RAF Typhoon jet shot at one UAP using an ASRAAM missile. At the time, the incident was reported as the first enemy aircraft shot down by the RAF since the Falklands War in Argentina more than 40 years ago.
Jellyfish or similar object 2020 or 2021 in Poland
Shared on Reddit today.
The user says it was posted two years ago on social media.
Source: https://t.co/leECE5ohNE#UFOtwitter #UAPtwitter #UAPs #UAP #UFOX pic.twitter.com/4hQipSYe04
— Vicky Verma (@Unexplained2020) January 10, 2024
Corbell stated that Centcom (United States Central Command) has been tracking UAP for over 15 years, and the frustration lies in the lack of proper reporting and handling of these incidents within the chain of command. He noted that in conflict zones, there is a tendency to shoot at anything within a certain proximity to ground troops or bases, especially if it appears to have a payload. However, the issue arises in the lack of recovery or proper handling after such engagements.