For a very long time, the governments of powerful nations have been trying to remain silent on the mysteries behind alien encounters and UFO sightings. After the Roswell incident, the number of UFO sightings has increased very much, or we can say that people got aware of this phenomenon. Although UFO sightings reported in the past few decades have always been doubtful, the Coyne case is the most credible UFO incident that even was discussed in the United Nations in 1978.
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On October 18, 1973, four crew members of the United States Army Reserve encountered an unidentified flying object at 11:05 p.m. while returning from Columbus to Cleveland, Ohio in Army helicopter 68-15444.

The crew members CPT Lawrence J. Coyne, Pilot in command Lt Arrigo Jozzi, Copilot, SSG Robert Yanacsek, Crew Chief, SSG John Healey reported that the near midair collision happened at about 2,500 feet when flying over Mansfield, Ohio.
Maj. Coyne told reporters in 1975:
“We were flying along at about 2,500 feet when the crew chief on the helicopter observed a red light on the east horizon. He then informed me that the light was closing on the helicopter — that it was coming at us on a collision course.”

Coyne said that the object was approaching them like a missile even when they descended the helicopter to get away from the collision path. They prepared themselves for a collision, but the UFO stopped above them.
“It looked like we were going to collide with it and we braced for impact, and then I heard the crewmen in the back say, ‘Look up!’ and I observed this craft stopped directly in front of us — stopped — it was hovering, right over the helicopter,” Coyne said.

As the UFO hovered over the army helicopter, the crew noticed a bright green light coming from the object that swung 90 degrees and entered into their cabin. Coyne said that it was so bright that their red navigation lights faded in it. The whole cabin and faces of crew members were in the bright green light.
At first, all the members thought it was just some high-performance aircraft but when it stopped above them, they noticed that it was a cigar-shaped object, 60 feet long and 20 feet high. According to the description of the unknown craft given by Coyne and other crew members, its shape had similarities with the ship mentioned in George Adamski
During the encounter, the Army Reserve helicopter was at 1,700 feet, but when the object started moving slowly toward the West, Coyne found changes in altimeter, and in seconds, they were at 3,500 feet.

Jezzi remembered that the craft was moving faster than 460 km/hr but lesser than 1000 km/hr, as other witnesses claimed. They all felt turbulence at 3,800 feet and after that, they got back the helicopter’s control. They descended to 2,500 feet and continued on to Cleveland.
The Mansfield National Guard Tower confirmed that they had no recordings of any contact with Coyne that night, and also there was no aircraft during that time. This incident damaged the magnetic compass of the army helicopter so badly that the maintenance team had to replace the entire unit with the new one.
This incident got additional credibility from the eyewitnesses on the ground who watched the whole show. In fact, the army could not stop Coyne and his crew members to discuss their UFO encounter in the United Nations in 1978.

In 1999, a retired NASA scientist named Richard Haines created the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP) for documentation and analysis of aviation safety-related encounters with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAP.
Out of all the UAP analyses by Haines and his team, the Coyne incident topped the chart in credibility.
He said: “I think the Coyne case ranks very, very high in credibility. One reason is Coyne’s reputation as a good pilot before this happened. And his courage — the fact that he was willing to come forward with this very bizarre story and to stand by it says an awful lot. And he would give encouragement to other pilots to do the same.
If everybody remains silent, we’re never going to get to the bottom of this.”