A big UFO reveal was made by American Attorney Daniel Sheehan in the 2001 Disclosure Project Event at The National Press Club in Washington, DC. He claimed to go through documents from the Project Blue Book that remained classified. Mr. Sheehan boldly claimed that those uncensored documents of the Blue Book had photographs of a crashed UFO being investigated by Air Force personnel.
Who is Daniel Sheehan?
Daniel P. Sheehan is a Harvard College, Harvard Law School, and Harvard Divinity School-trained Constitutional Trial Lawyer and Appellate Attorney. Over the last five decades, his work as a trial lawyer, appellate attorney, public speaker, author, and college and law school educator has helped to expose injustice, protect fundamental rights and elucidate a compelling vision for the future of humanity. Mr. Sheehan has served as a legal counsel on many high-profile cases such as Karen Silkwood, Iran-Contra, the American Sanctuary Movement, the Pentagon papers, Three Mile Island, and Watergate. (Source)
Mr. Sheehan’s UFO journey began in 1977, when he was approached by his friend Marcia Smith who spent 31 years as a science and technology policy expert specializing in space activities at the Congressional Research Service.
She informed him that newly-elected President Carter held a meeting with the Director of Central Intelligence and demanded that the CIA should provide classified information about unidentified flying objects to the president, as well as the information that was in the possession of the United States intelligence community concerning the existence of extraterrestrial.

However, George H. Bush, who was the CIA director at that time, refused to give this information to the President of the United States. He told Carter that such intelligence is available strictly on a need-to-know basis and that the newly-elected president did not have a need to know. Mr. Sheehan said Bush’s response could have been based on the probability that the intelligence community feared Carter planned on making such information public.
“The director insisted that the president in order to have access to this information needed to have clearance through contact the Congressional Research Service (part of the U.S. Congress) to contact the United States House of Representative science and technology division to have them undertake a process to declassify this information because the DCI suspected that the president was preparing to reveal this information to the American public,” Mr. Sheehan said in the Disclosure at the National Press Club in 2001.
Marcia Smith asked Mr. Sheehan if he could get access to the Vatican library in an attempt to see what information the Catholic Church had on the UFO phenomena and extraterrestrials. Sheehan used all his influence and tried to obtain the information, but the Vatican flat-out refused his requests.
However, with Carter’s help, Sheehan did manage to get access to the classified portions of the Air Force’s Project Blue Book for a few hours in May 1977. Sheehan perused the files and microfilms in the just opened Madison building near Capitol Hill. He carefully examined various films until he came across a startling discovery in the frames of one of them taken by the Air Force.
Read also:
- Actual 8-Second Film Of UFO Landing At Holloman AFB Used In 1974 Documentary
- Ex-Pentagon Officer Discusses Shape-Shifting UFOs/Aliens Using Cloaking & Camouflage
- Nick Pope Said US Govt. Trying To Prepare World For Soon-To-Come Alien Disclosure
- CIA Doc Reveals E.T. Destroyed Russian Troops Using ‘Sodom & Gomorrah’ Weapon In 1990s
Sheehan UFO Experience
So, in May 1977, he went to the Madison building of the United States Library of Congress, and there was no one inside at that time. It was brand new. He was directed to a basement office, where there were two guards at the door and one more sitting at the table who verified his designation and that he had been appointed as a special consultant to the Congressional Research Service of the United States Library of Congress.
“There were these photographs of unmistakable — of a UFO sitting on the ground. It had crashed,” Sheehan said. “Apparently, it had hit into this field and had dug up, kind of plowed this kind of trough through this field,” he paused for a second.
“It was wedged into the side of this bank,” he said after taking a deep breath. “There was snow all around the picture. The vehicle was wedged into the side of this mud-like embankment — kind of up at an angle. There was Air Force personnel. As I cranked the little handle and looked at additional photos, these Air Force people were taking pictures.
In the photograph, they were taking photographs of this vehicle. One of the photos actually had the Air Force personnel with this big long tape measure measuring this thing. You could see that they had these parkas on, with little fur around their hoods. You could see that they had little name tags on their jackets. They were clearly U.S. Air Force personnel. I was kind of in this strange state saying: Here it is!
So, I turned the crank for more pictures, and I could see on the side of this craft these, like, little insignias — little symbols. So, I turned ahead a couple of pictures to see if there was a closer picture. Sure enough, there was. One of the photos had kind of a close-up picture of these symbols. So, what I did is — I was getting nervous — I looked around, and the [security] guys weren’t watching or anything. They were outside of the room, so I took the yellow pad, and I flipped it open to the little gray cardboard backing and I flipped it under the screen. I shrank the size of the picture to the same size as the back of the yellow pad, and traced the actual symbols out in detail, verbatim of what was there. Then I said, like, I’m going to leave. That’s it. I’ve got this, and I don’t want to push my luck on this thing…”
When Mr. Sheehan left the room, the guard asked to see his yellow legal pad and flipped through the pages, missing the alien hieroglyphs Sheehan had copied on the back of the pad. Sheehan offered to share this information with the religious establishment; they told him they were not interested.
On August 30, 2021, during an interview with Coast To Coast AM George Noory, Mr. Sheehan shared his contention that the US military has recovered more than one crashed UFO, which they had been deconstructing and back-engineering. He recounted how he came to legally represent Luis Elizondo in his complaints against the US Defense Department over its handling of the UFO issue over the years. (Source)
Mr. Sheehan admires Elizondo for trying to disclose UFO information to the American public, reminiscent of the controversies that activist Daniel Ellsberg faced when trying to reveal the Pentagon Papers (about the Vietnam War) in 1971.
The Pentagon wants to keep recovered UFO technology secret, and monopolize it for weaponry and their own purposes, Sheehan asserted, rather than use it for new or free forms of energy that would upend the oil industry and the vested interests behind it.
UFO technology, he added, would also help combat the crisis of global climate change. Advanced ET civilizations have realized they cannot directly interfere with species’ choices, as this would thwart their evolution, Sheehan noted. And when UFOs demonstrated they could shut down our nuke facilities, he continued, that was to send a message that they have this capacity but want humanity to choose to eliminate this destructive technology themselves.
Thank God for these brave people. Great little article.