There is a Great Conspiracy involving an account by Christine Fitzgerald, a healer and close friend of Princess Diana, who claimed that Diana knew about the royal family’s alleged reptilian genetic history and control.
Have you ever scrolled through your social media feed, clicked on a story about the royal family, and then found yourself reading strange articles about them? Like, maybe you read that Meghan Markle was a secret spy or that Queen Elizabeth is a reptile from outer space?
Yeah, I’ve done that too! I’ve looked all over the internet and found some really weird theories about the royal family. Some of them are so crazy that the palace had to say something about them!
[This information comes from The Biggest Secret by David Icke, page 464.]
Because of Christine’s understanding of the esoteric, Diana could talk to her about matters she would not dare to share with anyone else for fear of being dubbed crazy. It is clear that Diana knew about the true nature of the royal family’s genetic history and the reptilian control. Her nicknames for the Windsors were “the lizards” and “the reptiles” and she used to say in all seriousness:
“They’re not human”. There is a very good reason for Diana to use this description of the Windsors.
Arizona Wilder (She was first introduced on page 303), a woman who was part of a secret society, remembered a strange and disturbing ritual she attended at Clarence House, the home of the Queen Mother, in July 1981. This was just before Princess Diana married Prince Charles on July 29th. The ritual, called “The Awakening of the Bride,” was meant to show Diana the true nature of the royal family.

Diana was brought into a room where the Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, Lady Fermoy, Earl Spencer, Prince Charles, and Camilla Parker-Bowles were present. She was wearing a white gown and had been given a drug by Lady Fermoy. The Queen Mother told Diana that her marriage to Prince Charles was only for producing heirs and that she should not expect a loving relationship. Camilla Parker-Bowles was introduced as Prince Charles’ consort, not Diana.
Then, something shocking happened. Prince Philip and the Queen Mother shape-shifted into reptiles, revealing their true nature to Diana. She was terrified but remained quiet. The Queen Mother warned Diana that if she ever revealed the truth about the royal family, she would be killed.
Diana later confided in her friend Christine Fitzgerald about the ritual and the royal family’s secrets. Christine said that Diana described the Queen Mother as “evil” and hated her. However, the Queen Mother is widely regarded as a kind and gentle person by the British public.
Christine also revealed that Diana was given drugs, including Valium, to control her and treat her bulimia. She suspected that Diana was being drugged from the start of her relationship with the royal family.
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- This Mexican Scientist Claimed We Live in a Holographic Matrix, Disappears Mysteriously After It
- British UFOlogist Claims He Is Fighting In A Space War For 15-Foot Aliens Against Reptilian Race
- This Swiss Scientist Claims There is Portal Underneath CERN from where Beings Coming In & Out
Christine had many conversations with Diana and learned about her difficult life with the royal family. She also has connections with people who have inside knowledge of the royal family’s secrets.
This was the first time Christine had spoken publicly about her experiences with Diana and what she knew about the royal family’s secrets, including their alleged reptilian nature.
She told me (David):
“The Queen Mother… now that’s a serious piece of wizardry. The Queen Mother is a lot older than people think. To be honest, the Royal Family hasn’t died for a long time, they have just metamorphosised. It’s sort of cloning, but in a different way. They take pieces of flesh and rebuild the body from one little bit. Because it’s lizard, because it’s cold-blooded, it’s much easier for them to do Frankenstein s*** than it is for us. The different bodies are just different electrical vibrations and they have got that secret, they’ve got the secret of the micro-currents, it’s so micro, so specific, these radio waves that actually create the bodies. These are the energies I work with when I’m healing.
They know the vibration of life and because they are cold-blooded, they are reptiles, they have no wish to make the Earth the perfect harmony it could be, or to heal the Earth from the damage that’s been done. The Earth’s been attacked for zeons by different extraterrestrials. It’s been like a football for so long. This place was a bus stop for many different aliens. All these aliens, they could cope with everything, including the noxious gases.
They’re landing all the time and coming up from the bowels of the Earth. They looked like reptiles originally, but they look like us when they get out now through the electrical vibration, that life key I talked about. They can manifest how they want to. All the real knowledge has been taken out and shredded and put back in another way. The Queen Mother is “Chief Toad” of this part of Europe and they have people like her in each continent. Most people, the hangers on, don’t know, you know, about the reptiles. They are just in awe of these people because they are so powerful.
“Balmoral is a very, very nasty place. That’s somewhere they want to dig underground. They will find reptile fossils, it goes back that far. Don’t think of people like the Queen Mother and Queen Victoria, as different people. Think of them as the same person which after a while has had to replace their coat. When the flesh dies, that energy, while it’s dying, will be immediately up someone else’s jacksy (backside). It’s very vampire, worse than vampire.
They are not going to come to you with hooked teeth and suck you’re blood. Fear is their food, they can actually take fear and manifest it into a tangible thing. The key is the vibrational current. At that vibrational current, they can manifest anything from anything. Its like a holographic image. We are all minerals and water vibrating. This is all an illusion we are living in. That’s the secret. You know when the monarchy’s fallen, it’s not the end of it. They will manifest in another form. The reptiles have never been defeated and this is the closest they have come to it.
The reason they are so threatened today is because the Earth is in such trouble and the mental power of people is returning. This is their most frightening time, but this is not going to kill them. There are long centuries before it’s over yet. The difference this time is that it’ll be more difficult for them and they are going to have to settle for less and the Earth people are going to get more.
But even though these reptilian ones are f******, they are sad, pathetic beasts really, while humanity is galloping towards light. They’re just pathetic lumps of nastiness who aren’t going to win. I can’t talk about this everywhere because they would just go ‘Christine, get a white coat, put it on backwards, get out’. But I want an end to the b*******.”
Infamous conspiracy theorist, David Icke, has long believed and talked up his Illuminati theory that the world is ruled by a secret society made up of the royals and political and business leaders. Further, he suggests members of the royal family are shape-shifting reptilian lizards – a hybrid of sorts between reptilian aliens and humans, reported Express. (Source)

And he says has the proof to back it up.
“I have traveled and been to 50 countries to research it,” he once said in an interview. “It took the form of meeting people who tell of experiences of seeing people, often in positions of power, change from human form to a reptilian form and back again in front of their eyes.
“The hybrids became demi gods – part human, part god. They were obviously perceived as gods. The hybrid bloodlines were the ones that became the royal families of the worlds. In the Chinese empire, they claim the right to be emperor because they are descended from the serpent god. It is all founded on the myth of dragon and they all come from the reptilian connection to justify the right to rule.”
He goes on to explain the “obsession of interbreeding among royals” and marrying someone close to the family to “hold the genetic structure”. Are you also thinking about the fact that Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip are second cousins right now?
“Look at ancient texts and the Bible,” he said. “Do you really think that the snake in the Garden of Eden was really a snake?”
*Spits out coffee*
According to The Guardian, around 12 million people in the US also believe that interstellar lizards in people suits actually rule the country. (Source)
Bill Tompkins, Neil Armstrong & Moon reptilians
Just two years before his death, William M. Tompkins had written “Selected by Extraterrestrials,” which induced sudden chaos in the UFO community with his incredible testimony about the US Navy’s secret development of space battle groups with the assistance of major aerospace companies beginning with Douglas Aircraft. He can be considered one of the most incredible whistleblowers to step forward and disclose the Secret Space Programs, E.T. Agendas, and hidden governments. He claimed to be part of an operation involving US Navy spies who stole UFO plans and antigravity technological secrets from the Nazis during World War II. Click here for the Full article.
According to Tompkins, the Nazis were in contact with Extraterrestrial Reptilians at the same time as Orsic was doing her channeling. Hitler found out about Orsic, her abilities, and the fact she was receiving information that detailed how to construct UFOs.
Bill Tompkins, Neil Armstrong & Moon reptilians
Just two years before his death, William M. Tompkins had written “Selected by Extraterrestrials,” which induced sudden chaos in the UFO community with his incredible testimony about the US Navy’s secret development of space…
— Vicky Verma (@Unexplained2020) September 7, 2024
According to Tompkins, Hitler allowed Orsic (and the Nordics with whom she was working) to continue to work on their UFO program because the Nazis were already in contact with the Reptilians, and because Hitler knew he could always take over Orsic’s project at any time.
Robert Wood, who was interviewed alongside William Tompkins by Search4TruthReality, claimed that the Nazis’ technology rapidly advanced due to their relationship with the Reptilians so that they got to the far side of the moon before the end of WW2.
Tompkins stated that when the first astronauts went to the moon, they were shocked to discover it had already been occupied by Draco Reptilians. He said that the Reptilians, over 9 feet tall, were standing next to their advanced craft.