Ancient Egypt and the mystery behind the construction of the Pyramids are not only limited to archaeologists and historians but also impressed the great scientists such as Nikola Tesla. The Greek word “pyramids” means “fire in the middle.” Many believe that ancient Egyptians possessed electricity. Back in the 20th century, scientists were not able to find any trace of soot at the ceilings and walls of ancient Egyptian tombs. This led to the conclusion that a different source of light was used to create enigmatic wall paintings instead of oil lamps.
No doubt, the inventions of Nikola Tesla changed the world. There are many mysteries and myths associated with him, discussing some bizarre technologies that may have been developed by Tesla. Even though he had hundreds of patents, Tesla had other interests.
Among the most unusual things was his preoccupation with Egyptian pyramids, one of humanity’s most mysterious and magnificent constructions.
According to Tesla, pyramids served a higher purpose than just mesmerizing giant stone sculptures. Throughout his life, he investigated pyramids and found some alluring things about them. He wondered if they were not giant transmitters of energy: a thought that coincided with his investigation into how to send energy wirelessly.
In 1905, Tesla filed a patent in the U.S. titled “The art of transmitting electrical energy through the natural medium,” outlining designs for a series of generators around the world that would tap the ionosphere for energy collections. He saw planet Earth itself, with its two poles, as a giant electrical generator of limitless energy. His triangle-shaped design became known as Tesla’s electromagnetic pyramid.
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He explained that the location of the Egyptian pyramid was responsible for the power. Bigthink wrote: “He [Nikola Tesla] built a tower facility known as the Tesla Experimental Station in Colorado Springs and Wardenclyffe Tower or Tesla Tower on the East Coast that sought to take advantage of the Earth’s energy field. The locations were chosen according to the laws of where the Pyramids of Giza were built, related to the relationship between the elliptical orbit of the planet and the equator. The design was intended for wireless transmission of energy.”

Tesla’s tower was also believed to have been built upon aquifers, which means that the electric technology used by Tesla is nearly identical to that applied in the construction of the Great Pyramid. Both the Great Pyramid of Giza and Tesla’s magnificent Wardenclyffe tower were the systems that generated negative ions and were capable of transmitting them without the need for electric cables, a completely free and wireless energy that powered other electrical components through vast distances.
In 2015, Archaeologists and Geophysical Researchers from the University of Mexico announced the discovery of a large cenote, or sinkhole cave, underneath the famous Maya temple pyramid at Chichen Itza. The pyramid is known as Kukulkan or El Castillo. It is renowned as one of the ‘new’ seven wonders of the world for its perfect astronomical geometry.
Experts found out that it is connected to other caverns and lakes in the area. The water filling the cavern is thought to run from North to South. This means that the Pyramid of Chichen Itza sits upon a subterranean water source just as Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower, and the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Interestingly, the outer casing of the Great Pyramid of Giza was covered by ‘white tufa limestone,’ put together in such a way that nothing could fit in between the stones. It is noteworthy to mention that the ‘white tufa limestone’ used in the outer casing of the Great Pyramid of Giza does not contain magnesium and has very high insulating properties. It is believed that this sophisticated insulation property allowed the ancient Egyptians to fully control the release of energy from within the Pyramid.
In addition to the outer casing, the stone blocks used in the inner parts of the Great Pyramid were made from another form of limestone, which contains small amounts of crystals and metals which are believed to be two important properties that allowed maximum power transmission. Interestingly, the shafts built inside the Great pyramid were made of granite, and there is a slightly radioactive substance permitting the ionization of the air inside the air shafts of the Great Pyramid, similar characteristics can be found in a conductive insulating cable.
Another aspect of Tesla was his affection for numbers. He was obsessed with numbers “3,” “6,” “9” which he believed were the key to the universe. He is alleged to have stated: “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”
Some believe Tesla’s obsessions with these numbers connected to his preference for pyramidal shapes and the belief that there was some fundamental mathematical law and ratios that are part of a universal math language.
In his book “Pharaoh’s Pump” (1973), Edward J. Kunkel proposed that Great Pyramid worked like a hydraulic ram pump, forcing water up through the structure and out the small shafts via changes in air pressure. Later, Engineer John Cadman tested and modified Kunkel’s theory, discovering that the pyramid could work as a vibrational “pulse generator,” via changes in air and water pressure. He argued that as water flooded into the subterranean chamber via the descending passageway, the pressure would have increased via granite check valves until a vibrational pulse was released. These “pulses” translated to a steady rhythm of vertical compression waves that would have propagated up through the structure.
The case of Bosnia’s Ancient Pyramids is another example that supports the idea that pyramids could be a power generator for some unknown work. Dr. Semir Osmanagić, who discovered the site in Bosnia said an energy phenomenon, popularly known as “Tesla’s Stationary Waves” was recorded at the top of the [Bosnia] Pyramid of the Sun. These waves are believed to travel faster than the speed of light without losing power as they pass through cosmic bodies, enable the concept of a cosmic web or cosmic internet and almost instantaneous intergalactic communication in the universe. (Click here to read full article)
Speaking of electricity, something happened in recent history that changed the world without people noticing. In the early 2000s light bulbs began to change, first from incandescent to fluorescent. We all remember the coiled bulbs which we probably are still using in some places in our homes. But in the 2010s, the LED light bulb came to the market and largely replaced the inefficient incandescent bulbs in only a few years. My question is, since LED technology was discovered in the 1950s, why had it taken nearly 70 years to replace the incandescent in all of the applications we now see it replacing, especially the common household light bulb? That’s 70 years of all of that heat energy wasted all across the world. And since the LEDs are so efficient compared to incandescent the switchover MUST have affected the bottom line of the electric power companies, even all energy companies taking a loss over it. Have I just answered my own question? Did the government restrict the LED light bulb to allow the big electric energy companies to make greater profit? If that’s the case, why did they finally allow it when they did? Could they “afford” to absorb these losses more at this time? Did they do it because of “climate change”? Did they do it because they anticipated a greater drain on the old, decaying power grids across the world? None of this adds up and I can’t reach any conclusive and logical reasons for this mystery. Anyone?
Actually – LED are “laser” type lights. Very harmful, incandescent is more natural. You are seeing a lot of cars using the SUPER BRIGHT LED lights, and traffic lights with SUPER BRIGHT LED lights. It gives people headaches as well.
It makes it more difficult to concentrate/to think/etc. Interestingly enough – pre-convid – around 2018/2019 various govts encouraged land owners to install SUPER BRIGHT LED lights in apartment buildings, etc – such that apartment building owners actually ‘forcefully’ installed those (didn’t request residents change them, just went in and changed them and told them not to change them back).
I suspect it is more of a control mechanism, and the pyschopaths orchestrating convid wanted to use it now. With ‘natural’ lighting it is easier to think. With SUPER BRIGHT LED lights – it makes it more difficult – and perhaps is one of the reasons many people failed to see convid was a total scam/never a ‘virus’ – and that the deathjabs/clotshots/poisonpricks etc were designed to kill, not to ‘heal’ from something that doesn’t exist.
LED lights in cars are very annoying and clealy affects your eyes and gives headaches.
Sir, the first blue led was invented in the 90s after 30 years of research and the inventor was rightfully awarded a Nobel prize in physics for it.
Without a blue led there is no white light, we only had red and green before that. Nowadays most LED lights use UV LEDs and a phosphorus screen to produce white light.
Your conclusion is wrong because the base assumption is wrong.
Great article, thanks.
The pyramids could fly, that technology has been lost, but it will be found once again soon.