A Dulce base mystery is still one of the highly discussed cases among UFOlogists. It has been rumored for decades that there is a secret underground facility in Dulce, New Mexico, where aliens and humans work together as “partners in crime.” Former FBI agent Ben Hansen attempted to investigate the site where locals claim to encounter UFOs very often.
Phil Schneider, who is at the center of this riddle, claimed to have participated in the construction of at least two underground bases for the so-called “secret government,” as well as in the construction of 13 deep-seated military bases underground. Two of these bases were major, including the much-rumored bioengineering facility at Dulce, New Mexico. (Click here to read the full story)
UFOs are seen near the Archuleta Mesa mountain regularly, according to the members of a local tribe who believed they live in the shadow of a secret US Military station for more than 60 years. For years, they claimed to hear strange noises and some even allege that they were abducted and taken to a secret alien lair deep within.
Dulce is home to the headquarters of the Jicarilla Apache Reservation of northern New Mexico and is largely inhabited by around 3000 Indigenous peoples who have allegedly witnessed egg-shaped crafts and had their cattle strangely mutilated.
In 2021, ex-reservation police detective Avery Tafoya told The Sun Online: “Everybody in Dulce knows pretty much about it, and we all realize it is there. There is a growing interest in this and it’s worldwide, not just here.” Tafoya is a familiar face when it comes to Dulce. As a member of the Jicarilla Apache Nation, his own family had their share of encounters with strange activity. His father was chief of police and investigated the first cattle mutilations and reports of alien activity in the area.

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- Filmmaker Jeremy Corbell Claimed ‘UFOs & Aliens Are Just Small Part of Larger Reality’
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- US Congressman Has Real UFO Photos, Says It’s ‘Disturbing’ & Blamed Pentagon For Cover-Up
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Archuleta Mesa mountain range is the rumored location of a secret 7-story military facility that supposedly houses different races of ETs, and reptilians, along with genetic experiments conducted on humans such as mind control and cloning.
Investigator Heather Taddy wrote on his personal blog: (Source)
“He [Tafoya] recalled stories where his father saw what looked to be tripod marks near the site of the mutilations. The consistencies with the cattle deaths are alarming. I spoken with several ranchers in Colorado who have experienced the same. Through my research, I discovered something called Project Gasbuggy.
In 1967 the Atomic Energy Commission detonated a nuclear device near Dulce as a way to not only find a use for nuclear weapons but to release natural gas trapped underground. Think of it as modern-day fracking. Did the government mess up and release radiation that had an effect on the livestock?
One explanation is that the government was hoisting these cows up onto black helicopters to monitor the effects on the cattle, taking samples of the tissues, then putting the cows back. This could explain why straps and gas masks were found at some of the sites where these cows were. This sounds completely ridiculous though!!! It wouldn’t explain every mutilation all over the midwest. I find it hard to believe that no one would notice a cow being lifted up into a helicopter. I can understand the government covering up their mistakes but geeeez. There are theories relating to the use of blood and tissues. Were cows being dismembered to look for radioactive issues?”
Tafoya told The Sun that he might have had a glimpse of a report (its photocopy) that was allegedly written by federal investigators. During a night shift, he claimed he accidentally came across it – and while leafing through it, he found drawings. They were said to describe a seven-level deep laboratory run by humans and aliens with twisted genetic experiments aimed at producing hybrid organisms.
At the time, Tafoya did not know what he was looking at and said he wondered if it had been misfiled. But he said he was no stranger to the theory of a sprawling base within the mountain. Growing up, he heard rumors of a base within the mountain as well as of it being constructed from below the crust of the Earth.
According to records obtained through a freedom of information request, US military engineers did have the potential of discreetly worming their way underground at the time. Tafoya was determined to discover a way into the alleged underground base, and he was planning a trip up the almost 10,000-foot Archuleta Mesa.
Tafoya was also featured in a documentary for the Discovery Channel called UFO Witness. He attempted to summit the mountain with former FBI agent Ben Hansen but was thwarted by snow on the track. However, the two men were able to position a heat camera toward the mountain’s edge and were astounded by what they witnessed.

“We could see a heat plume coming out of the rock. So that’s one area and I would want to get to put heat cameras to see if we pick up anything that could come from a vent.”
As a federal agent, Hansen had cases in both worlds of National Security and Criminal Law. When he was working at the state level, he was working in child s*x crimes. However, Hansen says he has always had an interest in UFOs and aliens since he was 5 years old. When it comes to UFOs and extraterrestrial life, Hansen admitted that there is a lot of things the government keeps from humans so they don’t have to worry about it. He confessed that from what he had seen himself, all of his research, and the people he had worked with, he believes for 95% that humans have been visited by entities from other worlds.
Local residents claim that a portion of the mountain around there opened up and crafts developed. In the documentary, Geri Julian, a Jicarilla elder, related a horrifying encounter she claims occurred in 1986 on the Archuleta Mesa mountain.

“She recalled driving with her husband when they both saw an extremely bright light with a dome on top. My husband looked at me and said right away ‘get in the truck’ I got in the truck.”
But she said the truck’s engine then failed and “two small people started climbing down a ladder.” Just then, she said, the vehicle started up and the two beings went back in and the craft headed towards a hole in the mountain. Later that night, she woke up in her room and “two small people” were at the end of her bed, trying to pull her off the bed.
She said: “I couldn’t scream. I was holding on to the mattress and they were trying to pull me off. And then my husband moved and then they let me go.”
Six years prior, on May 4, 1980, a genuine abduction report was filed.
Merna Hansen reported that while driving home with her six-year-old son, she encountered UFOs, one of which she claimed was lifting a cow with a beam of light. Before she knew it, the crafts had vanished. However, the car came to a halt and the engine ceased to function – and six hours elapsed.
She apparently recounted being abducted under hypnosis with experienced UFO investigator Leo Sprinkle after being terrified by what she said had happened. During the regression session, one of the UFOs focused on their automobile and informed them that both she and her kid were taken aboard one of the craft. She referred to her kidnappers as “grey” aliens.
Both subjects were stripped naked and subjected to a variety of exams and procedures. They then observed the earlier captured cow being chopped up. She allegedly claimed to have seen big vats and lit containers that had “hanging human body parts.”
It all sounds like a nightmare than reality, yet police were apparently examining the mutilated cows just before the alleged occurrence. New Mexico State Trooper Gabriel Valdez claimed to have discovered a series of frightening livestock mutilations in the late 1970s. The officer claimed he discovered a hybrid that “looked like a human, a monkey and a frog” inside one dead cow.
Many attempts were made by various whistleblowers (Dulce Warriors as Mr. Timothy called them) to reveal the truth about Dulce and humanity’s infiltration by interplanetary races. However, many of those seeking to enlighten the world about this growing danger found their lives threatened by malevolent forces that would stop at nothing to prevent the truth from ever getting out. (Click here to read full story)
Mr. Timothy attempted to discuss the connection between the Dulce base and Area 51 in his book “Dulce Warriors: Aliens Battle for Earth’s Domination,” along with 9 others. He added that everything people know about the UFO mystery may actually be disinformation to hide advanced military science and technology.