The UAP phenomenon is a global enigma that is a major problem for all the militaries of the world. The United States is not the only county dealing with mysterious unidentified objects that are transmedium in nature. Dr. Jacques Vallée claimed that he had observed the UAP patterns in Europe before he came to the US. It was not a new thing for him. The year 2020 was the first time when former French Intelligence Officer Alain Juillet spoke of UFOs and his statement did not go by the rule of mainstream UFO experts.
Alain Juillet, a former director of the French Republic’s foreign intelligence service (DGSE), is the one of the first people in authority to speak openly about the UFO phenomenon and the existence of alien life. With his immense intelligence experience, he advocated a pragmatic approach and an open mind to unraveling a mystery too important to be left to dogmatic believers and skeptics.
During an appearance on The Hidden Truth Show, American physicist Dr. Jack Sarfatti suggested that the infamous USS Nimitz tic tac UFO was able to attain its otherworldly speed and maneuverability by using a “metamaterial” that allowed it to time travel. This same theory is well-explained by Dr. Michael P. Masters in his book, “Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon.” He proposed that all of the reported UFO sightings over the years were not truly caused by extraterrestrials coming to visit our planet, but rather by time-traveling humans operating futuristic spaceships. Interestingly, Alain Juillet believes that UFOs may actually come from parallel worlds.
In an interview with the French publication “Paris Match” in 2020, Mr. Juillet said: “In the particular field of UFOs, not to mention the people who see a flying saucer landing in a field, there are fighter pilots, astronauts, people who are anything but funny and report very precise observations. We must not say that they are nonsense, but just recognize that there are things that escape us. It is in this context that I became interested in this problem because the first thing we see when we study this phenomenon, it is that obvious these machines or these appearances do not function according to the terrestrial laws and in particular that they are not subjected to gravitation.”

Mr. Juillet raised the question of whether or not these UFOs could be coming from parallel universes to our own. He said: “For comparison, a fly with its faceted eyes can see dimensions other than ours even though it lives in our world. Perhaps, therefore, there are things that are in our universe that we cannot see in normal times because they are not in our field of vision. But perhaps, from time to time, something happens, that a phenomenon passes through our field of perception before disappearing.”
While discussing how society would respond if the general public ever learned the truth about UFOs, Juillet said: “If tomorrow morning, we have confirmation that the UFOs come from a world parallel to ours everyone will say ‘Well there, there is a parallel world.’ The day we say it, within five years, everyone will have accepted it as a trivial phenomenon.”
Has any country developed a system (technology) that disobeys the known laws of physics? “Twenty years ago, I would have answered, ‘Why not?’ But today, if a country in the world had made such a discovery, we would know it. No progress of this magnitude can be kept secret. It is impossible. If a country possessed such technology, it would have already been used openly.”
Read also:
- These Brave Astronauts’ Testimonies Leave No Doubt In Aliens & UFOs’ Existence
- Astronomer Jacques Vallée ‘Trinity’ UFO Crash: Encounter With Three Aliens In 1945
- Washington’s UFO lobbyist: If UFO Data Revealed, World’s Economy Would Collapse
- Ex-CIA Officer: Truth About UFOs Is Terrifying & Interdimensional Beings Are Within Us
During a podcast session with “J’suis pas content TV,” Mr. Juillet said UAPs are not from any country on Earth, that they have been detected going faster than the speed of sound underwater, and much more.
“What is up with UAPs? Are we spying on aliens?” asked the host. The former French Spy agency head told about his meeting with documentary filmmaker Dominique Filhol. He told Filhol why the UAP topic interests him. He said:
“Me, on the defense side, I have a real issue when I see that they detect unidentified things… Americans succeeded to film some, and take measurements, measurements in a lot of domains like radiation, magnetic fields, etc. We have a lot of measurements, and lots of information gathered, from the last 15 to 20 years. And, we see that’s something we fail to understand.” He continued: “we don’t understand it, we don’t control it.”
“Why we don’t understand it? Because those things have abnormal characteristics?” Mr. Juillet said: “Yes, because, for example, they are stationary and in a tenth of a second or in a second they are at 10,000kph. We are not able to build things like that.” Maybe we understand them but it’s classified by the military? he replied: “No, I’ll tell you why it’s not possible. Because we do not know today how to make a material that does not melt when passing in this lapse of time from 0 to 10,000 kph.”
Mr. Juillet is assured that these UAP sightings are not any classified stealth technology by humans. Additionally, he is afraid if the UAPs become aggressive, then it would be a disastrous event as in his current knowledge, there is no technology to stop them. “So we’re thinking, is it a drone, did the Chinese find something or did the Americans or Russian?”
“But when we look at it, we see that everyone: Chinese, Americans, and Russians are looking for answers. We face something we don’t understand, and it would be great to understand it, because it could become a real danger. And that’s what I’m interested in, to try to understand. And my question goes further because, we’ve seen it in the air, but we’ve seen some in water too.”
According to Mr. Juillet, they have detected UFOs moving at an incredibly fast speed. He added that these objects are going underwater, moving way faster than the speed of sound. So, “the more we advance in the technique, the more we identify events like this. But till now, we can’t explain them. We’ll find, I’m convinced we will. But we need time,” he said.