The US Navy has recently responded to the 2020 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on classified UFO material. A US Navy spokesman said they have UFO videos but cannot release them publicly, as doing so may harm national security. However, Dr. Travis Taylor was surprised to know about this claim as he is assured not all UFO videos are classified.
Dr. Travis Taylor has been a popular face in the UFOlogy. He has appeared on several popular TV shows such as “Ancient Aliens” and “The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch” and is one of the world’s best-known UFO hunters.
In an interview on June 21, 2022, with George Knapp on KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Dr. Taylor announced that he served as the head of science for the U.S. government’s UAP Task Force, the entity which analyzed UFO incidents and delivered the June 2021 report to Congress which precipitated the current Congressional UFO action, including a 2021 law establishing a permanent UFO office and a 2022 UFO hearing.
While serving in this capacity, Dr. Taylor appeared on CBS Sunday Morning in 2021 to analyze UFO videos and comment on the imminent UFO report without disclosing to CBS or to the audience that he was a paid government UFO researcher working on that very report.
It is clear that the US government takes the potential threat of UFOs very seriously. In May 2022, the United States Department of Defense (DOD) held its first public hearing on UFOs since 1960. The hearing mainly discussed the Pentagon report of June 2021 which found that US Navy pilots had reported 144 UAP sightings since 2004.

At PhenomeCon 2022 in Vernal, Utah, Dr. Taylor was interviewed by James Faulk, a host of Headline Humboldt asking him about the current situation on UAPs and what he thinks of the recent Navy statement on UFOs video classification.
Dr. Taylor expressed his frustration with some people in the media and elsewhere who seemingly have a vested interest in debunking the UFO phenomenon and attacking his scientific bona fides. Furthermore, he stated that he helped write the security class guide for the UAP task force and that not all videos are classified.
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“In fact, many of the videos that the navy got were not classified. They were just treated as ‘sensitive,'” Dr. Travis said. He continued by stating that in most cases, the videos are classified due to hiding the particular defense technology from the enemies.
If you pick the defense component, it is likely a classified one, so it is very difficult to release such information. At the same time, there is something like cell phone videos that pilots shot through. “Well, none of those are classified unless they reveal something about the methodology of which it was taken,” he explained. (Watch at 13:36)
Dr. Taylor was asked by Jay Stratton, a director of the UAP Task Force if he would like to join the task force as a chief scientist. Dr. Taylor unhesitatingly agreed. He was involved in writing the final report to Congress summarizing the known evidence about UFOs.
The team created a classified briefing consisting of the most intriguing military encounters, starting with the 2004 Tic Tac incident. The task force whittled down a huge database into 144 of the very best cases. “We picked sources that were, we knew had a chain of custody of the data. And out of those 144 to 143 of them, we still couldn’t figure out what they were, where they came from and what their intent was,” Dr. Taylor said.
Dr. Taylor is one of the most qualified people who is involved in the UAP studies including the Skinwalker Ranch mystery. He has five advanced science degrees, including a Ph.D. in optical physics and a Ph.D. in aerospace and engineering, and is “currently working on advanced propulsion concepts, very large space telescopes, space-based beamed energy systems, and next-generation space launch concepts.” He has published two academic textbooks and numerous peer-reviewed papers.
Now, he is retired from government service and works as a private defense contractor in Huntsville Alabama.
Another reason for the Navy not to disclose videos could be even more compelling as US congressman Tim Burchett has recently said in an interview that some UFOs are reverse-engineered. He stated that he thinks the United States Government had probably reverse-engineered alien technology. He claimed that many sightings are made on military installations or over restricted airspace. (Click here to read the full article)
The Congressman was also asked about his thoughts on whether the Navy was working on some technology that could have applications in space or similar to that. In addition, he was asked whether he thought Roswell was a weather balloon. “They are covering it up, and American taxpayers should sue them. It’s so compartmentalized that probably a lot of the people working on it — reverse engineering projects — don’t even know what they’re working on,” he said.
No ufo info should be classified! Classification is to protect U.S. national interests from opposition forces. Since opposition forces, and ufo’s already know what they are doing, obviously. So classification of ufo info supports the opposition forces, ufo’s. And protects their operational information from USPERS! Exactly the opposite of what classification is designed to do. Duh!