There was a time when talking about UFOs was considered taboo in the government and scientific areas. However, the gravity of understanding the “UAP Phenomena” was always on the list of the government defense department. The Pentagon knows the UFO technology is unexplainable, which has ultimately become a national security issue.
There is always a pattern to predict future disasters, and some people have the ability to foresee them. A former analyst at the Department of State and Defense Marik von Rennenkampff explains the need for “Cassandra” in the UFO matter, and ignoring it might bring a curse. He suggests overcoming the future consequences of the phenomena, the government should start listening to the people who have analyzed and experienced UFO encounters in close proximity.
The testimony given by the former U.S. Navy Lt. Ryan Graves corroborates the well-documented 2015 UFO encounter. His claims would significantly shift Congress’ view toward UFOs if included in the ahead UAP hearings that are speculated to happen by the end of 2022.
Can’t speak to the 500ft climb, but otherwise this is about as accurate a representation as I’ve seen.
— Ryan Graves (@uncertainvector) March 18, 2022
Ryan Graves is a former Lt. U.S. Navy and F/A-18F pilot who was the first active duty pilot to come forward publicly about regular sightings of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP). He currently serves as the first Chair of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena Community of Interest (UAPCOI), representing more than 30,000 members of the aerospace industry concerned with improving aviation safety.
While speaking about his UFO experience, Lt. Graves told 60 Minutes that he often detected UAP on his F-18’s instruments, and pilots see them every single day off the Atlantic coast. He said UFOs should not be dismissed as a ridiculous conspiracy theory but rather as a very genuine threat to national security. He first saw a UFO in restricted airspace near Virginia Beach in 2014, and the object showed up on his radar and infrared targeting cameras. Furthermore, he said UAPs would sometimes fly right between aircraft flying in formation.

He said the sightings have happened “every day for at least a couple years” and has three explanations: top-secret U.S. technology, foreign spying devices, or something not from this planet. “The highest probability is it’s a threat-observation program,” said the pilot, adding: “If these were tactical jets from another country that were hangin’ out up there, it would be a massive issue. But because it looks slightly different, we’re not willing to actually look at the problem in the face. We’re happy to just ignore the fact that these are out there, watching us every day.”
Lt. Ryan Graves discussed with podcast host and researcher Lex Fridman his encounter with UFOs and many more interesting topics surrounding autonomous weapons systems, AI, and more. (Source)
The former Navy fighter pilot was questioned about his perspective on the famous 2015 UFO “Gimbal” footage, which was recorded by US fighter pilots while to the nuclear aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt when an item flashed up on their radar. As the pilots can be heard stating, “there’s a whole fleet of them, look on the SA,” the tape only shows one enigmatic object in the center of the picture. Graves, who was on a flight during the Gimbal encounter, backed up this claim.
Read also:
- Forgotten Paper Reveals NASA Intention To Reverse Engineer UFO Technology
- Jeremy Corbell Says UFO Disclosure Is Imminent As Whistleblowers Are Ready: Hearings Soon?
- Ex-US Army Major Released NASA Footage Of 2000-Mile-Long UFO Near Saturn
- Ex-CIA Officer: Truth About UFOs Is Terrifying & Interdimensional Beings Are Within Us
According to Graves, his squadron of pilots and other squadrons of pilots saw a variety of objects, not just one UFO. The SA, or Situational Awareness page, gives pilots what Graves describes as a “God’s eye” or “top-down” of all the contacts on the radar. “What they essentially saw was, if we were to consider we’re above the object, offset to the north of the object, there was a formation of about somewhere between four and six of these in a rough wedge formation.”
The former Navy pilot notes that the wedge formation the fighter pilots witnessed was not moving in an “autopilot type manner,” describing their movement as being “kind of all over the place.” The Gimbal object, according to Graves, followed the remaining fleet after the majority of them abruptly turned and headed in the opposite way.
A key “Gimbal” video mystery is solved.
When accounting for all available data (distance, object heading and, now, wind speed/direction), @MickWest’s sim explains the object’s odd rotation.
The UAP appears to exhibit extraordinary technology.
Skeptics MUST grapple with this👇
— MarikvR (@MvonRen) September 27, 2022
Graves adds that although the “Gimbal” appears to be rotating slightly in the video (as shown above), a study on the film revealed that it was actually turning vertically and ascending in altitude. This maneuver, according to Graves, is not typical of a fighter pilot and would not be carried out if it were possible since it would “kill the fuel,” which would be harmful to the endurance of a surveillance mission if one were to be carried out.
When asked why the Department of Defense (DOD) made the Gimbal film public and acknowledged its existence, Graves responded that, in his opinion, the DOD had little choice because the video had already been leaked internally. He continued that the DOD could have lied and called the film a hoax, but “our culture is now too open, and the information moves too freely to do things like that, and it kind of left them in a pickle that they had to respond to.”
Following the recent House Intelligence subcommittee hearing on UAP, Graves detailed the shape of the unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) seen by the members of his squadron and stated the mystery objects must be treated “like a foreign adversary.” He also cautioned that frequent UFO sightings are putting the lives of military aviators in jeopardy. (Source)
Like Ryan Graves, there are other pilots who witnessed a similar incident but not everyone has a chance to share their story. Former Defense analyst Rennenkampff states that at this point, any intelligence analyst worth his salt should sound the alarm about the UFO phenomenon. And if policymakers are, in fact, receiving such warnings, Cassandra’s curse appears to be alive and well.
Rennenkampff advised the senate committee not to miss the chance to detect the modern-day Cassandra, which might protect future disasters that may be caused by UAPs. He writes: “Grappling with the data should turn any objective analyst – private citizen and government employee alike – into a modern-day Cassandra.”