Former United States Air Force Lt. Col. Richard French claimed in 2013 that the US government had been covering up the existence of extraterrestrials ever since the famous Roswell crash. Actually, according to French, there were two UFO crashes in the Roswell incident. He also gave an explanation for why he had spent so long hiding the existence of aliens.
Lt. Col. Richard French served in the US army for more than 27 years. He gained his commission in the army and became a fighter aircraft pilot. He was posted in multiple locations during his time in the US army including Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was Lt. Col. French’s responsibility to disprove fictitious sightings of UFOs during his supposed tenure as Project Blue Book’s principal investigator in the 1950s.
Colonel Jesse Marcel said that “the US Air Force has retrieved a flying disc with alien beings had crashed in New Mexico” in a press release on July 8, 1947. Unfortunately, a follow-up press release changed the facts of the initial one and thay time, the crashed UFO turned into a crashed weather balloon.
The revised weather balloon theory failed to provide any new information that would explain why or how Col. Marcel, a highly decorated combat officer who helped deliver the first nuclear weapons used in battle, would have mistaken a weather balloon for a fallen disc containing alien bodies.
Dozens of US military officers claimed that the crash involved extraterrestrial craft with aliens, while skeptics tried hard to deny it. Besides, the US government covered the whole incident calling it a military program (Project Mogul).

French asserted that he was present in Alamagordo, New Mexico, in 1947 when the alien craft crashed. Prior to his passing in 2014, he gave an interview a few years back in which he recalled the day of the tragedy that astonished everyone, stating that there were two crashes in Roswell.
“There were actually two crashes at Roswell, which most people don’t know,” French told HuffPost. “The first one was shot down by an experimental U.S. airplane that was flying out of White Sands, N.M., and it shot what was effectively an electronic pulse-type weapon that disabled and took away all the controls of the UFO, and that’s why it crashed… When they hit it with that electromagnetic pulse — bingo! — there goes all their electronics and, consequently, the UFO was uncontrollable.”
When the UFO got hit by the electromagnetic pulse, it lost its electronic system, became uncontrollable, and at last, crashed. French claimed that he was actually an official UFO debunker. A confidential military source told him about the UFO shot down and also the second crash near Roswell days later. He believed that the second ship came to rescue the first ship survivors and try to recover the parts. Other army officials never accepted French’s shocking statements, and they argued how the US army could develop pulse-power weapons systems in the 1960s if their laser systems were so limited that time.
French further told HuffPost that a “confidential source” told him about the second crash: It was within a few miles of where the original crash had been. “We think that the reason they were in there at that time was to try and recover parts and any survivors of the first crash. I’m [referring to] the people from outer space — the guys whose UFO it was… I had seen photographs of parts of the UFO that had inscriptions on it that looked like it was in an Arabic language — it was like a part number on each one of them. They were photographs in a folder that I just thumbed through.”

The Roswell crash incident has been claimed to be authentic by dozens of government officials, including Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell and former Pentagon UFO official Luis Elizondo. “Make no mistake, Roswell happened. I’ve seen secret files which show the government knew about it — but decided not to tell the public,” claimed Edgar Mitchell, Ph.D., Apollo 14 Astronaut. (Click here to read the full article
“I’ll share with you… some of the observations that were made by some people. Before I was part of AATIP, I had no idea about Roswell, other than that there was sort of some alleged crash at some point and some farmer found debris — but during my time with AATIP, there was some very interesting anecdotal information that suggests there wasn’t just one crash, there may have been two crashes, and that somehow it may have been related to some sort of testing that was being done at the time at White Sands, and that material was recovered,” said Elizondo.
Read also:
- These Brave Astronauts’ Testimonies Leave No Doubt In Aliens & UFOs’ Existence
- Astronomer Jacques Vallée ‘Trinity’ UFO Crash: Encounter With Three Aliens In 1945
- Ex-Pentagon Agent Claims UFOs Changed Witnesses’ Brain, Unlocked Sixth Sense
- Ex-Apollo Astronaut Claimed Humans Are Ancient Aliens, Visited Earth From Space
Back to Lt. Col. French’s testimony, if you think it was the most shocking statement given by him, then you might listen to his next claim. French recounted how the Newfoundland incident unfolded decades ago, following the sighting of two UFOs by numerous witnesses off the coast of St. John’s. French was given the task by his superiors to investigate the matter. He testified about his work on UFOs in 1952 in front of 6 former members of Congress at the Citizen Hearing in 2013.
“They said, ‘We have a UFO report and we want you to investigate it,’ and that was standard for what I was doing,” French told The Huffington Post. “They told me there were two of them involved and that they were deep under the water, after entering the water doing roughly 100 miles an hour.”
He remembered witnessing two extraterrestrial ships six meters off the shore, submerged. Additionally, he spotted two aliens close to the ships. He recalled that the water was transparent, allowing him to see what the aliens were doing at the bottom of the boat. “The water was fairly clear and I could see without any trouble. They weren’t down at the bottom of the [seabed] — they were about half way down,” French said.
According to him, the aliens were small in size, “light grey in color, very thin, long arms with either two or three fingers.” They had big heads, and he could not see pupils in their eyes. While watching this once-in-a-lifetime scene, he saw one of the ships started coming out of the water. When the ship emerged out of the water, its speed was around 160 km per hour, but it suddenly increased to 4000 km/hr or even more and disappeared.
French continued: “It took them about 20 minutes and then the two ships departed together, again slow when they exited the water, and immediately they sped up to a very high speed. I believe they were repairing [the ship] and tested that the repairs had been adequate, and then away they went.”
During the 1950s, French was working to cover up the UFO stories under Project Bluebook. He was also one of the authors of the project. “In other words, if someone had a UFO sighting, I and another agent would try to come up with some logical explanation for this strange aerial appearance. Most of the reports were from civilians than the military. We gave our analysis and tried to debunk it by saying it was swamp fog or that the thing they saw was actually hanging on wires. It went up through channels all the way to the presidential level.”
French never understood the reason why he was ordered to debunk UFO stories but from his own analysis, he believed that if the otherworld beings visiting Earth then “it basically would destroy religions and the fact that our military’s helpless against them would destroy the reputation of the military.”
Maybe destroy “Religions” but not faith in Jesus Christ the Creator of the Universe! They are just demons from a hybrid race.
Jesus Christ WAS an alien. Think about it. Immaculate conception (the greys have been alleged to steal or implant fetuses) and the ‘miracles’ he worked (any technology that is sufficiently advanced from cultural perspective is indistinguishable from magic)