For more than half a century, incredible information about Nikola Tesla has been kept secret, and only recently the FBI declassified document revealed this data, which indicates that a cult scientist was once brought to Earth from Venus. Tesla’s mind was almost too great for the limitations of his time’s technology.
These things make it clear that Tesla was a remarkably intelligent man who was far ahead of his time. In fact, it has been said by many that his inventions were between 300 and 1,000 years ahead of time. If it were not for Tesla’s inventions, the world as we know it would be nearly half a century behind where we are today in terms of technological advancement. This has, understandably, led many to wonder about Tesla’s origins. Was he even from this planet?
According to information from the FBI documents, Nikola Tesla was an alien. In the archives of the FBI’s official website, there is a very mysterious document that contains a very unusual statement regarding Nikola Tesla. In addition, the declassified FBI dossier contained information about a certain George Washington Van Tassel, who was engaged in ufology and also worked on the Douglas, Hughes, and Lockheed planes in the 30s and 40s.

This declassified FBI document known as the “Interplanetary Sessions Newsletter“, written on June 14, 1957, seems to suggest that these notions may not be as unbelievable as they sound. In fact, this document seems to suggest that Tesla was originally from the planet Venus. It read in part:
“The Space People have visited the Tesla engineers many times, and have told us that Tesla was a Venusian, brought to this planet as a baby, in 1856, and left with Mr. and Mrs. Tesla in a remote mountain province in what is now Yugoslavia.”
Margaret Storm had been assigned to certain work with the Space People, as follows: She wrote a book – Return of the Dove – a story of the life of Nikola Tesla, a scientist, and the part his inventions played in the New Age. Much of the data for this book has been supplied to Mrs. Storm through transcripts received on the Tesla set, a radio-type machine invented by Tesla in 1938 for Interplanetary Communication.
Tesla died in 1943 and his engineers did not build the Tesla set until after his death. It was placed in operation in 1950 and since that time the Tesla engineers have been in close touch with space ships. The Space People have visited the Tesla engineers many times, and have told us that Tesla was a Venusian, brought to this planet as a baby, in 1856, and left with Mr. and Mrs. Tesla in a remote mountain province in what is now Yugoslavia.”

Additionally, Margaret Storm, a woman who was tasked with writing a book on Tesla’s remarkable life, was reportedly given information through a device that the scientist created in 1938 that was said to allow for “interplanetary communication”. Allegedly, Storm even had contact with these so-called “Space People”. In an interview in May of 1959, Storm reported that Tesla was a Venusian saying:
“Tesla was born onboard a spacecraft and brought to this planet… and placed in the care of Mr. & Mrs. Tesla.”
Storm claimed that Tesla was frequently in contact with his fellow Venusians, even visiting him from time to time. In the interview, she states that Tesla had many visitors who arrived in spaceships and that “most of them have come from Venus”.
According to the “Interplanetary Sessions Newsletter”, Margaret Storm had been “assigned to certain work with the Space People as follows: She is writing a book- Return of the Dove- a story of the life of Nikola Tesla, scientist, and the part his inventions will play in the new age”. Further, much of the information that Storm used to complete her book was given to her through communication with the Space People. The now-declassified FBI document goes on to say:
“Much of the data for this book has been supplied to Mrs. Storm through transcripts received on the Tesla set, a radio-type machine invented by Tesla in 1943 and his engineers did not build the Tesla set until after his death. It was placed in operation in 1950 and since that time the Tesla engineers have been in close touch with space ships.”
Read also:
- Black US Soldier Was Abducted by Three Alien Species And Visited Grey Aliens Planet
- Italian Man Took Photos Of Aliens From Planet Clarion, Located 150,000 light-years From Earth
- Chinese Man Mated With 10-Foot Tall Alien For 40 Minutes While Hovering Above His Sleeping Wife
- Alien Abducted Irish Man And Told Him The World Would END in 850 Years
He explained that the location of the Egyptian pyramid was responsible for the power. Bigthink wrote: “He [Nikola Tesla] built a tower facility known as the Tesla Experimental Station in Colorado Springs and Wardenclyffe Tower or Tesla Tower on the East Coast that sought to take advantage of the Earth’s energy field. The locations were chosen according to the laws of where the Pyramids of Giza were built, related to the relationship between the elliptical orbit of the planet and the equator. The design was intended for wireless transmission of energy.” (Click here for the article)
Based on the number of patents that Tesla had on record, in addition to the nearly 500 patents that he had either sold or did not register, Tesla would have had to have created an unbelievable 20 inventions every year. The “Interplanetary Sessions Newsletter” seems to leave us more questions than answers. Still, it is a remarkable finding for those who believe in alien visitation to our world.
This book is cited in A.H. Matthews’ The Wall of Light (a similar work that attempts to explain the mentalism & methods of Nikola Tesla.) As Stanton Friedman would say, “this goes into my grey basket” — I cannot dismiss it entirely, but I see no practical use for it at the present time:
Return of the Dove is an unauthorized biography of Tesla viewed through the lens of esoteric/theosophist religious teachings. While the Venus claim is by far the most sensational & implausible, there is still some material here that might be of interest to Tesla historians — for example, descriptions of some lesser-known Tesla inventions (such as the ‘Tesla sphere’ and the cosmic ray engine), or the claim that Tesla had “entrusted a great deal of confidential information” to Matthews & Carr. But the author later confessed in a radio interview “I don’t know anything about the details of his experiments.” Ms. Storm appears to be a well-intentioned spiritualist and Tesla enthusiast whose unbridled optimism left her vulnerable to exploitation: she eventually parted ways with Otis Carr, claiming to have been defrauded:
“Margaret Storm regrets including Otis T. Carr in her book. She helped raise $15,000 for Carr and tried to return their money.”
The surname “Storm” is likely a pseudonym, but the author claims to have known Tesla personally. If this is true, it might have been just a brief acquaintance and not a close friendship: In the book she states that splitting the atom “always yields frightful devastation or poisonous radiation” — yet Tesla claimed to have done so with no ill effects. The author does not have a good grasp of science and Tesla’s research, other than what has already been published. But the book is still interesting as a historical reference that documents the origins of the renewable energy movement. The promised sequel Flame of the Dove was never published, and later attempts to locate the author were unsuccessful. However, there is one prediction which the reader could still hope to see fulfilled:
“In the very near future, as soon as the governments of the world are forced to release their information on spaceships, more and more of these vehicles will become visible in the skies.”
After what you read about the FBI today, I am very cautious about how much I believe this company. One must assume that they simply throw many things into the room to cause confusion. That Tesla should descend from Venus, however, is not a new or only FBI statement. One would have to investigate where the original assertion comes from. Who has claimed first that he came from the Venus? The next question that arises for me is, why did all his contacts never help him to really implement his patents for the benefit of mankind? Used in a good way, our planet would expose completely different today, if we had had free energy from the beginning. Spez. thought also for the very poor countries. Also we would be in the techn. development far further than we are today. Tesla died 1943 thus in a time, where one can confidently assume that this mankind for this technology was ripe. It would probably never have come to these extreme environmental sins by man. Especially today, all kinds of nonsense is being practiced again to generate alternative energies.
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To answer your question of why its pretty simple. MONEY!