Apart from Bob Lazar, there is another interesting person named Bill Uhouse who claimed to have worked in Area 51. He revealed the secret of this mysterious site after his agreement ended in 2003. Basically, Mr. Uhouse, a retired mechanical engineer was assigned to test a re-engineered ET craft in 1958 that crashed in Kingman, Arizona in 1953. The US government officially accepted the existence of Area 51 in 2013 via declassified CIA documents published by the National Security Archive at George Washington University. Now, they have admitted that UFOs are real. It is plausible that soon the testimonies given by these individuals might come true.
Bill Uhouse claimed that he had served 10 years in the Marine Corps as a fighter pilot and four years with the Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB as a civilian doing flight testing of exotic experimental aircraft. Later, for the following 30 years, he worked for defense contractors as an engineer of antigravity propulsion systems: on flight simulators for exotic aircraft and on actual flying discs.
Bill Uhouse Testimony
Mr. Uhouse (then 71 years old) testified that the first disc they tested was a re-engineered ET craft. After he left his job in the Marine Corps, he started working with the Air force at Wright-Patterson, doing experimental flight testing on various modifications and tech orders that they had incorporated into different aircraft such as F-89, B-47, F-102, etc.
One day, Mr. Uhouse was invited by a man (his identity was not disclosed) to work on some new creative technology. Apparently, that was a flying disc simulator where Uhouse was reassigned to link aviation which was a simulator manufacturer. He revealed that during that time, they were building something called the F-102 simulator, B-47 simulator, and so forth. According to him, this particular flying disc simulator was actually based on the re-engineered 30-meter-long UFO that crashed in Kingman, Arizona in 1953.

He further testified that the extraterrestrials presented a craft to the US government. This craft was taken to Area-51, which was just being constructed at the time, and the four ETs that accompanied the craft were taken to Los Alamos. Mr. Uhouse’s specialty was the flight deck and the instruments on the flight deck – he understood the gravitational field and what it took to get people trained to experience antigravity. He actually met several times with an ET that he called J-rod (or Jared) who helped the physicists and engineers with the engineering of the craft.
“There was only one of them (alien) that would talk to scientists in the lab with them and the rest wouldn’t talk to anybody or even have a conversation with them. First, they thought it was mental telepathy but it is kind of a joke to me because they actually speak maybe not like we do but uh they actually speak,” Mr. Uhouse said on Sirius Disclosure.
“Mr. Uhouse’s story is a strange one, and much of it is beyond the scope of the Kingman story. However, the UFO researcher Bill Hamilton dug deep into the claims of Uhouse, who also asserted that no less than four alien entities had been found alongside the Kingman UFO and that all of them had survived the crash, albeit with varying degrees of injury. Somewhat ominously, Uhouse also asserted that several members of the team involved in the retrieval were later afflicted by what was suspected of being an unknown biological agent.
In 2006, new and provocative data surfaced regarding this last statement via an unnamed source who claimed a background within the United States’ Intelligence community. According to the information on the Website, the Kingman crash did indeed occur, and, just as Bill Uhouse claimed, four aliens had been found at the site, two severely injured and two in reasonably good condition.
As well, a number of the military retrieval team suffered adverse physical effects by their exposure to the craft and the bodies. While a number of researchers believe that the data on this site are government-generated disinformation, the fact that some of it dovetails with what I have written here warrants further scrutiny,”— From the book Encounters with UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life (2012).
Read also:
- Ret. US Army Major Showed Deleted UFO Photos Captured By Apollo Astronauts On Moon
- FBI Chilling UFO Reports: Recovered 3 UFOs With Alien Bodies In New Mexico & 27,000 Mph Craft
- Ret. US Army Colonel Claimed Aliens In Roswell UFO Crash Were Bio-Robots Built For Space Travel
- Ariel School 62 Children Witnessed Landing Of Grey Aliens In Zimbabwe 1994, New Photo Evidence
Inside ET Technology
Mr. Uhouse said the thing he had worked on was different from what Bob Lazar called a reactor. He explained that they had operated the simulator with six large capacitors charged with a million volts each. He said that there were six million volts in those capacitors which last for 30 minutes.
It was designed the way so that it would lift off the ball and turn a certain amount of degrees left to right. In a simulator, there were no seat belts, and the same thing with the actual craft “no seat belts.” As there was no requirement for them unlike in regular aircraft, these crafts had their own gravitational field. Additionally, the ET crafts had no windows, all the visibility was through cameras.
Mr. Uhouse stated that it required a good amount of time for a person to train in order to operate the disc. Besides, its design was so exacting that nothing could be externally installed on it such as machine guns and bombs like in traditional aircraft.

In one of his most recent interviews, Mr. Uhouse mentioned the reason for the secrecy of Area-51, claiming that a peace pact had been signed between the United States and United Nations.
According to Uhouse, the pact had been signed by the United Nations and at-the-time president, Dwight D. Eisenhower, which the former engineer believes is the reason Area-51 keeps the acquiring of new tech a secret.
In December 2020, the former head of the Israeli space security program and retired general, Haim Eshed claimed that a sort of agreement was made between aliens and the US government to keep silent on their experiments on Earth and secret bases on Mars.
The Article says nothing like this story, nothing about being a pilot, but involved in heavy equipment better check the story again.