NASA has officially announced to study UFOs or, as the government calls them, UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena). The mystery of what was once dismissed as conspiracy theorizing has earned the more impressive description of “high-risk, high-impact” research. In the history of NASA, dozens of scientists, researchers, astronauts, etc, have raised the matter of UFOs, but the agency did not dare to take any action.
In the recent UFO hearings, some UFO footage by the military baffled the experts as they could not explain them. Renowned American physicist Michio Kaku says over 400 declassified UFO sightings defy the “normal laws of physics”. Is it true? Former NASA scientist Paul R. Hill found in his UFO research that the objects do obey physics law but in a different way.
Paul Hill (1909–1990) was a respected NASA scientist when, in the early 1950s, he had a UFO sighting. Soon after, he built the first flying platform and was able to duplicate the UFO’s tilt-to-control maneuvers. Official policy, however, prevented him from proclaiming his findings. “I was destined,” said Hill, “to remain as unidentified as the flying objects.”
“Paul Hill has done a masterful job ferreting out the basic science and technology behind the elusive UFO characteristics and demonstrating they are just advanced and exotic extensions of our own technologies. Perhaps this book will help bring solid consideration for making all that is known about extraterrestrial craft publicly available.” — Edgar Mitchell, Sc.D., Apollo 14 Astronaut (from Unconventional Flying Objects)

For the next twenty-five years, Hill acted as an unofficial clearing house at NASA, collecting and analyzing sightings reports for physical properties, propulsion possibilities, dynamics, etc. To refute claims that UFOs defy the laws of physics, he had to make “technological sense… of the unconventional object.”
Read also:
- Bob Lazar Explains How Aliens Use Element 115 To Fly UFOs
- FBI Chilling UFO Reports: Recovered 3 UFOs With Alien Bodies In New Mexico & 27,000 Mph Craft
- Ex-USAF Col. Testified Extraterrestrials Do Not Allow Nuclear Weapons In Space
- Does This FBI Document Suggest That Nikola Tesla Was An Alien From Venus?
After his retirement from NASA, Hill finally completed his remarkable analysis. In his book entitled “Unconventional Flying Objects,” published posthumously, he presented his findings that UFOs “obey, not defy, the laws of physics.” Vindicating his own sighting and thousands of others, he proves that UFO technology is not only explainable but attainable.
Hill explained one of the most consistently-observed characteristics of UFO flight is a ubiquitous pattern in which they tilt to perform all maneuvers. Specifically, they sit level to hover… tilt forward to move forward… tilt backward to stop… bank to turn… and descend by “falling-leaf” or “silver-dollar-wobble” motions.

The detailed analysis by Hill showed that such motion is inconsistent with aerodynamic requirements but totally consistent with some form of repulsive force-field propulsion. Not satisfied with paper analyses alone, Hill arranged to have various forms of jet-supported and rotor-supported circular flying platforms built and tested. Hill himself acted as a test pilot in early originally-classified versions and found the above motions the most economical for control purposes.
In an effort to examine the force-field propulsion hypothesis yet further, Hill analyzed a number of cases involving near-field interactions with an apparent craft, in which some form of force was in evidence. These include examples in which a person or vehicle was affected, tree branches were parted or broken, roof tiles were dislodged, objects were deflected, and ground or water were disturbed.
Under close analysis, the subtleties of these interactions combine to point unequivocally to a repulsive force field surrounding the craft while discriminating against propulsion mechanisms involving jet action, pure electric or magnetic effects, or the emission of energetic particles or radiation (although the latter may accompany the propulsive mechanism as a secondary effect).
Further detailed investigation indicates that the particular form of force field propulsion that satisfies observational constraints is what Hill labels a “directed acceleration field.” That is, a field which is gravitational-like in nature in general and gravity-canceling in particular. Such a field acts on all masses in its sphere of influence as a gravitational field does. Corollary to this conclusion is that observed accelerations (~100 g’s relative to the environment) could be sustained without on-board high forces.

One of the consequences of the above identification of field propulsion type by Hill is his conclusion (supported by detailed calculation, computer simulation, and wind-tunnel studies) that a supersonic flight through the atmosphere without sonic booms is easily engineered.
Even at supersonic speeds, manipulation of the acceleration-type force field would result in a constant-pressure, compression-free zone without shockwave, in which the vehicle is surrounded by a subsonic flow pattern of streamlines and subsonic velocity ratios. An additional benefit of such field control is that drops of moisture, rain, dust, insects or other low-velocity objects would follow streamlined paths around the craft rather than impact it.
Another puzzle resolved by Hill’s analysis is that alien craft observed to travel continuously at Mach 4 or 5 do not appear to generate temperatures sufficiently high to be destructive to known materials. In other words, UFOs appear to prevent high aerodynamic heating rates rather than permitting a heating problem and then surviving it with heat-resistant materials as is the case of the Shuttle whose surface temperatures can reach 1300°C. The resolution of this potential problem is shown by Hill to derive from the fact that the force-field control that results in the prevention of shockwave drag as discussed above is also effective in preventing aerodynamic heating. In effect, the airflow approaches and then springs away from the craft, depositing no energy in the process.

Another typical nugget of information is found in Hill’s discussion of the results of the analysis of a possible UFO artifact – the famous Ubatuba Magnesium fragments claimed to have originated from an exploded unidentified craft near Ubatuba, Brazil. Laboratory analysis of the samples found the magnesium to be not only of exceptional purity and anomalous in its trace composition of other elements, but 6.7% denser than ordinary pure magnesium – a figure well beyond the experimental error of the measurement.
Hill’s calculation shows that this observation can be accounted for by assuming that the sample contained only the pure isotope 26Mg rather than the naturally-occurring distribution among isotopes Mg24, Mg25 and Mg26. Since the only isotope separation on a significant scale in terrestrial manufacture is that of Uranium, such a result must be considered at least anomalous and possibly as evidence for extraterrestrial manufacture.
In the final analysis, Hill summarized on the basis of presently available data that the observation of some “Unconventional Flying Objects” is compatible with the presence of engineered platforms weighing in at something around 30 tons, which are capable of 100-g accelerations and 9000-mph speeds in the atmosphere. Perhaps, more important for the technical reader, however, is Hill’s supporting argumentation based on solid analysis that these platforms – although exhibiting the application of physics and engineering principles clearly beyond our present-day capabilities – do not appear to defy these principles in any fundamental way.
I write SciFi stories based on facts., which correspond to those detailed here. The 9,000mmph speed and type of propulsion match those I’ve read elsewhere. Admiral Byrd is a fine example to read, and the anti-magnetic propulsion suggest the existence of a mother ship above the pull of Earth’s ionosphere. A plasma screen around the object flows in parallel, separating not combating the airflow, this eliminating sonic boom.