Who built the pyramids and how did they drag and lift up thousands of stone blocks weighing 2.3 tons each? According to mainstream historians and archeologists, huge stones were carved from the quarries using copper chisels. Then, these blocks were dragged and lifted into position. However, the method regarding the movement and placement of these stones is under great dispute.
Ancient astronaut theorists believe that the ancient beings from outer space were behind the construction of massive structures. They suggested that the art of levitation, through sonics or some other obscure method, allowed ancient Egyptians to defy gravity and manipulate massive objects easily.

But still, others insist that the ancient builders of the pyramids were giants. One of the proponents of the theory of the Egyptian giants was Canadian author, lecturer, astrologer, and mystic Manly P. Hall. According to American author and journalist Jason Colavito, Hall put forward a theory that the pyramids of Egypt had been built by giants.
In one of his old interviews, Hall said: “Way back in the days of the glory of Baghdad, the great sultan, the follower and descendant of the great El-Rashid of Arabian Nights, the Sultan Al-Rashid Al-Ma’mun, decided to open the Great Pyramid. He had been told that it had been built by giants, who were called the Shaddai, superhuman beings, and that within that pyramid and those pyramids, they had stored a great treasure beyond the knowledge of man. So, taking his court with him, the sultan went to Egypt, and he stood and looked at the Great Pyramid. And at that time all the casing stones were in place. The four walls were perfectly smooth. There was no visible opening of any kind. He didn’t know exactly what to do. But he heard from legends where he supposed the entranceway was, and he began to dig there. And they had a very fine way of digging in those days, which I think we have improved on. They had to use cold (coal?) fills (?) and vinegar to go through the stone. And when they go through a certain way, they did find that they had come very close to an entrance, but a great stone blocked it, and they could go no further.”
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Interestingly, according to the chronicles, in 852, Al-Mamun visited Egypt and examined the pyramid while it was still covered with a white limestone cladding. It is also true that the casing stones were in place, and fire and vinegar were used to break through them a tunnel into the pyramid.
Still, there is very little detailed information about “Shaddai.” According to some researchers, Shaddai is a Hebrew name of God. Others are inclined to believe that the Shaddai is related to Shaddad bin ’Ad, who was believed to be the ruler of the lost Arabian city of Iram of the Pillars.
Hugh Newman, the co-author of “Giants on Record” mentioned in his book about the monumental structures of Egypt and their relationship with the giants. He wrote:
“The Akhbār al-zamān, also known as The Book of Wonders (ca.900 – 1100 AD), is an Arabian compilation of medieval lore about Egypt and the world before the Great Flood. It claims that the people of ’Ad were giants, so Shaddad was most likely one, and it is said he “built the monuments of Dahshur with the stones that had been carved in the time of his father.
Before this, the giant Harjit had begun its construction. At a later date, Qofṭarīm, another giant, “placed secrets in the pyramids of Dahshur and other pyramids, to imitate what had been done of old. He founded the city of Dendera.” Dashur consists of the Red Pyramid and Bent Pyramid was constructed during the reign of Pharaoh Sneferu (2613-2589 BC). Dendera consists of highly decorated pillars dedicated to the Goddess Hathor.
The text goes on to say that Naqraus, the first king of Egypt (after the flood)
with his companions “built monuments, erected high towers, and executed the wonderful works,” while the city of Memphis was the work of a later set of giants, who worked for King Misraim, another giant. Later, it describes the work of more of these colossi: “Adīm was a giant, with insurmountable strength, and the greatest of men. He ordered the quarrying of rocks and their transportation to build pyramids, as had been done in former times.”
Many myths and ancient texts are bound to the stories of giants. For example, the Nephilims in Genesis 6:4 (Bible) are portrayed as giants. Besides, according to The Gilgameš epic at Ugarit, Gilgamesh surpassed other kings in bodily stature. He was estimated to have been between 4.8 to 5.4 meters tall (16 and 18 feet). (Click here to read a full article)
The first Pharaoh of Egypt (c.3150 BC) was called Menes (or Narmer), but is more famously remembered as “The Scorpion King.” There is no record of his stature, but he is depicted as being very tall on the famous Narmer Palette (c.3100 BC) and during his reign, oversized artifacts were created and are now preserved in a museum in Oxford, England.
The Third Dynasty saw the great pyramid of Saqqara built with numerous other temples in the complex. Djoser, who buried the gigantic King Khasekhemui (and may have been his son), was the ruler of Saqqara during its construction. Within the complex, a painting of the giant who clearly appears to have an elongated skull was photographed by Egyptologist Zahi Hawass examining it.
Another proof of giants in ancient Egypt are the gigantic coffins. The Serepeum near Saqqara is composed of 25 massive granite and diorite coffins weighing up to 70 tons each, and mummified Apis Bulls were sealed in them as part of an ancient cult.

Another huge sarcophagus is located under the Giza Plateau, in what is called the ‘Osiris Shaft’. It is partly submerged underwater, is rarely visited or photographed, and is deep beneath the stone causeway of the so-called Khafre’s Pyramid. The alabaster coffin of Seti l is 9ft 4in (2.84 meters) long and is currently housed in the Soane Museum in London. He was also the larger-than-life figure as depicted on the Abydos King Lists and with the massiveness of his coffin.
- https://www.jasoncolavito.com/blog/hugh-newman-discovered-my-translation-of-the-akhbar-al-zaman-and-thinks-it-shows-giants-ruled-egypt-before-the-flood
- https://www.jasoncolavito.com/blog/radio-host-excited-that-manly-p-hall-suggested-giants-built-the-pyramids
- https://www.ancient-origins.net/unexplained-phenomena/giants-ancient-egypt-part-1-lost-legacy-pharaohs-008739
- https://www.ancient-origins.net/unexplained-phenomena/giants-ancient-egypt-part-ii-physical-evidence-giant-characters-008745