In 2018, Professor Avi Loeb announced that the asteroid Oumuamua is of interstellar origin and is probably an alien spaceship. This news caused a huge scandal in the scientific community. The man who spent almost a decade as Chair of Harvard’s Department of Astronomy was not taken seriously and was ridiculed. However, more than four years later, he continues to claim that his hypothesis is based on solid evidence and has not been refuted by anyone. And he calls to start looking for similar objects in the Universe.
In 2017, Canadian astronomer Robert Weryk noticed Oumuamua from the Haleakala Observatory, Hawaii, using Pan-STARRS1, when it passed the Earth. Scientists had no clue about the composition of this object because it was totally different from other asteroids as it was elongated and sparkling. At first, scientists thought it was a comet, but it did not have a gas tail. As the research began, it started becoming even more mysterious.
After studying this data, professor Loeb put forward an extremely bold hypothesis along with his colleague Shmuel Bailey in 2018, saying “Oumuamua was produced by an alien civilization.” He said that perhaps this was a part of a larger spacecraft drifting in interstellar space.
The same year, Mr. Loeb hypothesized that there is a possibility of the existence of quadrillion alien spacecraft alone in our solar system. “There should be one in every volume roughly the size of the orbit of the Earth around the sun. This is a vast area in human terms, but in the immensity of space, it’s pretty small. So it means that there are plenty of them, a quadrillion of them, inside the Oort cloud. Inside the solar system. There are lots of them,” he explained.
Now in 2022, Mr. Loeb enhanced his thoughts, asking a logical question: How many more Oumuamuas might there be in the solar system and its neighborhood? Loeb and Carson Ezell, both Harvard astronomers, reached this conclusion in a recent study published in September 2022 but has not yet undergone peer review. They estimate that there could be as many as 4,000,000,000,000,000,000 (or 4 quintillion) Oumuamuas-like objects. (Source)

The smaller figure, 4 quintillion, refers to extraterrestrial bodies that appear to be directed for the solar system’s “habitable zone,” closer to our Sun. That’s where Earth orbits, and where astronomers have some chance of spotting a passing object. Mr. Loeb does not claim that the Milky Way is swarming with quintillions of alien spacecraft. He has not stated that “Oumuamua is a crewed craft or a robotic probe”; he has only suggested that we should be open to the idea.
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In their research, they detect first four known interstellar objects over the past decade: the interstellar meteors CNEOS 2014-01-08 and CNEOS 2017-03-09, the interstellar object Oumuamua and the interstellar comet Borisov. The rate of detection of interstellar objects depends on detection sensitivity, given the objects’ size and distance.
Therefore, the population of alien craft is not what Loeb and Ezell estimated. It is the population of potential artificial objects or alien craft. They write: “One can use recent rates of detection of interstellar objects and known capabilities to estimate the density of similar objects in the solar neighborhood and the total number of such objects bound by the thin disk of the Milky Way.”
In order to determine how many further objects similar to Oumuamua, that may be out there in the darkness, having traveled from a nearby star system, Loeb and Ezell took into account how little of the galaxy we can observe with our instruments — which is not much.
They actually came up with two numbers. One for all interstellar objects, including those that are zipping randomly around and across the solar system and are not likely to pass within view of our instruments. That is a staggering 40,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (or 40 decillion).
Research on Extraterrestrial spacecraft
Professor Avi Loeb is one of the highly qualified persons that adds credibility to UFO research. He assures that his Galileo Project will have transparency in sharing its progress with the public and nothing will be classified. He states that by 2023, the Galileo Project will publish all its data on natural, artificial, and extraterrestrial objects.
The announcement of the Galileo Project came shortly after the Pentagon made public its UFO footages in 2021. At the time, Dr. Loeb said: “What we see in our sky is not something that politicians or military personnel should interpret, because they were not trained as scientists, it’s for the science community to figure out.”
Dr. Loeb believed that the discovery of equipment from extraterrestrial civilizations would have a profound impact on humanity. His Galileo Project will search for such relics near Earth.
In his recent interview with Curt Jaimungal from TOE, Dr. Loeb confirmed that the Galileo Project began testing a suite of instruments that would observe that sky and analyze the data with artificial intelligence algorithms.
He further stated that “hopefully by 2023, we’ll start collecting data at places where there are reports on these [UAP] objects. That’s the third branch of the Galileo projects, we’re already doing this research and we should see it’s a phishing Expedition.”
On November 10, 2021, Dr. Loeb attended The Ignatius Forum at the Washington National Cathedral along with Jeff Bezos, Bill Nelson, and Avril Haines, the Director of National Intelligence. He had an opportunity to ask Haines about her thoughts on the nature of UAPs, to which she unhesitatingly replied that she does not know.
Harvard Professor Claims Galileo Project UFO/UAPs/Alien Data Will Be Public By 2023, No Secrets
Follow the link for more info: #UAPtwitter
— Vicky Verma (@Unexplained2020) September 18, 2022
The Harward professor is not pleased with the government’s work on the phenomena and urges scientists to engage in these activities. “Because the sky is not classified, it’s only the sensors that the government is using that are classified and that’s why the data is classified. So the Galileo Project will try to establish a data stream that is open to the public, the way science is done. Everyone will be able to access the data and it will be of high quality.”
In January 2021, Dr. Loeb released the book “Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth.” In it, he doubles down on his statements of Oumuamua as an artificial extraterrestrial object. In June, he explicitly connected his Oumuamua hypothesis to the burgeoning government investigations into unidentified aerial phenomena in a Scientific American opinion column.
The Vera C. Rubin Observatory, which is being built in Chile, was also mentioned by Loeb. The observatory, which is scheduled to open in 2023, should be able to examine the entirety of the southern sky every four days due to its 3.2 billion-pixel camera. According to Loeb, a high-resolution photograph may show bolts and screws on an artificial object’s surface and tell it apart from a nitrogen iceberg, a hydrogen iceberg, or a dust bunny.
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