Nobel Prize winner, cosmologist, and swiss astronomer Didier Queloz firmly believes that we are not alone in the universe. He believes that mankind will face aliens within 30 years.
Today, many people believe that in reality, life on other planets exists. The question regarding unidentified flying objects causes a lot of controversies, where the US navy failed to confirm the objects in the recent viral UFO video.
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So far, no one has brought strong evidence about the real existence of aliens. But Swiss scientist Didier Queloz, who is a Nobel Prize winner, has reason to believe about the upcoming meeting with alien residents.
Didier Queloz and Michel Mayor (another laureate) received a prize for the discovery of the first exoplanet in the orbit of a star similar to the Sun. Queloz said that he firmly believes that we are not alone in this universe.
Speaking in London, Didier Queloz shared with his audience the idea that a huge number of planets and stars have not yet been studied, and the chemistry that creates all living things is actually universal. This is the reason that the scientist does not believe that humans are the only ones who live in the universe.
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Queloz has been a professor at the University of Cambridge for 7 years, but he is confident that aliens will be discovered with a hundred percent accuracy within a hundred years.
According to the Swiss astrophysicist, the machine capable of detecting chemical bioactivity on exoplanets will be invented in the next thirty years. He has a good reason for such thoughts, since he, Mayor and James Peebles became the people who created the basis for modern cosmology. Peebles, by the way, also became the winner of the 2019 Nobel Prize.

Didier Queloz and Michel Mayor discovered the 51 Pegasi b exoplanet (similar to the size of Jupiter) in 1995. This discovery triggered a full-fledged revolution in astronomy and provided an area that is considered to be the best one for detecting extraterrestrial life. Since then, 4,000 other exoplanets have been found.
It is worth noting that the search for extraterrestrial life on exoplanets is a priority for NASA and the European Space Agency. In September, for example, an exoplanet was discovered, which is very similar to ours, and it is believed that it is able to support life. Now, this celestial body is believed to be a possible “substitute” for the Earth since it even has water on it.