This is the true story of a man who was part of a secret government program. As a CIA psychic informant, he was tasked with viewing Jupiter and the far side of the Moon. He made wild claims about Jupiter, and they later came true…
INGO SWANN (1933-2013) was internationally known as an advocate and researcher of the exceptional powers of the human mind and as a leading figure in governmental and scientific projects to investigate and identify the scope of subtle human perceptions.
In the 1970s, Ingo was involved in remote viewing experiments established by the U.S. Army and the CIA in collaboration with the Stanford Research Institute. This clandestine initiative — code-named Project Stargate — later became the basis for the movie The Men Who Stare at Goats, starring George Clooney and Jeff Bridges. (Source)

For Stargate, Ingo and a group of psychics used their abilities to spy on Russia from Palo Alto, California, even remotely discovering a downed Soviet spy plane under a jungle canopy in the African country of Zaire after the U.S. Department of Defense had deemed it lost.
Ingo’s various remote views of celestial bodies included: Jupiter (1973), Mercury (1974), the Moon (1975), and Mars (1975, 1976, and 1984). Selected information on these sessions is provided below. More can be found in his archives at the University of West Georgia.
In 1973, most scientists, academics, and media strongly opposed research into parapsychology or psychoenergetics. So, it was surprising when the country’s second-largest think tank started researching these topics. This caused a big reaction because the think tank, SRI, was highly respected and connected to the military and intelligence communities.
The idea of controlled remote viewing was a process in which viewers could view a location given nothing but its geographical coordinates and was developed and tested by Puthoff and Targ with CIA funding.
The experiment was controlled by Harold Puthoff and according to the account, during the experiment; Swann using the power of his thought visited the distant planet. The experiment was dated April 27, 1973.
According to Ingo, in the space to the right of the room, he could see Jupiter, remotely located many millions of miles away. (Source)
He could see how it was shining with a blinding light. He could look at it from all directions of his mind’s eye. At first, everything was seen in miniature and then everything was suddenly expanded.
“These visions are inside me, then outside. There is a yellow cast to space and seeming dark objects show through it. Can they be other moons of contrasting colors or densities? The impressions come to me that there are 17, some yet undiscovered by earth scientists, much closer to Jupiter, and the feeling also comes that some of them have been and are being spawned by the conclusive, volcanic action in the interior..,” Swann said, according to the document.”
Ingo also “saw” rings around Jupiter, but, he said that they were not as noticeable as that of Saturn. (Source)
Later, in 1979, the space probe Voyager confirmed the existence of the Jovian ring system; however, the hypothesis of its existence was put forward by the Soviet astronomer Sergey Vsehsvatskiy in the 1960s.
Perhaps, it was Swann who earlier provided the CIA with information regarding ancient civilizations on Mars. The Stargate project was launched in 1970 after the CIA stated that the Soviet Union reportedly spent more than $1 million a year on research into Psychotronics.
This experiment has been ridiculed by skeptics, who often haven’t reviewed its details. There are two key points that skeptics overlook: first, the Jupiter Probe was just an exploratory experiment, not a claim of any findings; second, it had prestigious sponsorship and scientific oversight.
The experiment’s focus on remote sensing of a distant planet was seen as radical, challenging not only mainstream academic views but also the usual practices in parapsychology.
The raw data from Ingo’s remote viewing of Jupiter yielded thirteen factors, and only thirteen, all of which were scientifically unanticipated before they were confirmed by later analysis of the scientific data. These raw data factors are enumerated below, accompanied by the…
— Vicky Verma (@Unexplained2020) August 23, 2024
Six of these thirteen factors were given scientific substantiation by 1975. Before Jupiter’s ring was “scientifically” discovered in 1979, most scientists flatly denounced the possibility of the RING. (Source)
In February 1975, he was contacted by a certain highly-placed figure from Washington, DC, who guardedly told Swann that he, Swann, would soon be receiving a telephone call from the aforementioned Mr. Axelrod.
Ingo quickly agreed to a mysterious, last-minute meeting, despite feeling concerned. He met a man who resembled a Marine, exchanged brief formalities, and was then driven to a helicopter. Blindfolded for a 30-minute flight, Swann was taken to what seemed like a secret underground location. Once there, he met a man named Mr. Axelrod, who admitted the name was fake, adding to the secrecy of the situation.
Axelrod quickly got to the main point, asking Ingo many questions about remote viewing. He also made it clear that he wanted to use Swann’s skills for a secret mission and offered a large sum of money. It was an offer Swann couldn’t refuse, and he didn’t.
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Axelrod then asked Ingo what he knew about the Moon, revealing the true purpose of their meeting. Someone in the government wanted the Moon to be remote-viewed, and Swann agreed to do it.
When Ingo began his work, he was shocked by what he saw. His mind focused on an image of a massive tower on the Moon, similar in size to the United Nations Secretariat Building. Swann was told that this structure wasn’t made by humans but by mysterious extraterrestrials. However, no one knew where they came from.
In later remote-viewing sessions, Ingo saw many unusual things on the Moon. He described domed structures, advanced machines, tall towers, large cross-shaped structures, and strange tubes spread across the landscape. He also saw signs of what looked like mining operations. It seemed that someone, or something, had secretly built a base on the Moon.
Ingo also focused on a group of people on the Moon who looked human. They were inside some kind of enclosure and were digging into a cliff. The strange thing was that they were all completely naked.
Suddenly, Axelrod, who was overseeing the experiment, stopped it. He hinted that the beings on the Moon might have noticed they were being watched and that Ingo could be in serious danger if they decided to confront him.
Axelrod asked Ingo if he knew a man named George Leonard. Ingo said no, he didn’t know him.
At the same time, Axelrod was asking him to investigate strange things on the Moon. Meanwhile, George Leonard was writing a book called “Somebody Else is on the Moon”.
In 1977, Leonard’s book was published. It talked about strange structures on the Moon, which was exactly what Axelrod was worried about —strange, possibly man-made structures on the Moon.
Ingo and Axelrod had several secretive meetings about strange events on the Moon. These meetings, which felt almost like a spy movie, ended suddenly in 1977, leaving Swann confused.
He wondered if he had psychically seen an advanced base on the Moon built by extraterrestrials. However, since the people he “saw” there looked like naked humans, he also considered it might be a secret Earth-based installation that Axelrod wanted to investigate.
The mystery remains unsolved, but there are more questions. The idea of aliens secretly using our Moon brings to mind similar claims about aliens on Earth.
In the 1997 book Remote Viewers, Jim Schnabel shared a story about the U.S. Intelligence community’s involvement in psychic spying, which started in the 1970s.
One remote viewer, Pat Price, believed that Alaska’s Mount Hayes housed one of the largest alien bases. He claimed the aliens looked human but had different hearts, lungs, blood, and eyes, and could control people through thought. Price also mentioned that this base caused problems for both U.S. and Soviet space missions.

Ingo Swann, Hal Puthoff, Pat Price, and some others mentioned here were all upper level Scientologists (OTs), PRIOR to working for the CIA. (Late 60’s early 70’s).
A buddy and I back in the late 60’s encountered the scientologists at an office they had near our hometown. We were both into esp and the like, at the time and decided that after talking with them, that they were simply after our cash.