The UAP phenomenon is not only bound to the United States. It is a worldwide mystery, and Luis Elizondo, a former AATIP Director was in Rome to collect more information on the UFOs as military personnel within the Italian government seem to possess in-depth knowledge about the matter. It turns out that the Italian military has found a way to communicate with the unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP), using a radio beacon with a particular frequency.
Could there be any connection between UAP sightings in Italy and the United States? Journalist Christopher Sharp noted that a mysterious UFO that crashed in Italy in the 1930s, including the bodies of its occupants, somehow got into the possession of the United States military and was brought to the USA after World War II ended and remained here.
Pertaining to this, there are two accounts of alleged recovered bodies (not human in nature). One is mentioned by UAP researcher Leonard Stringfield, who told the story of the French biologist in his 1982 book, entitled “UFO Crash/Retrievals: Amassing the Evidence: Status Report III.” And the other one comes from Bill Brophy, who said his father, a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Air Force, had allegedly seen the bodies.

It is believed that the bodies were recovered from the UFO crash that occurred long before the Roswell incident. Mr. Sharp writes that they were reportedly found in 1933, after a strange craft crashed in Lombardy, Italy. The crash happened when Italy was under the rule of Fascist Benito Mussolini.
The claims of the UFO coverup directly come from the documents released from Mussolini’s office. According to them, Mussolini took all measures to silence the witnesses and classified the craft as top secret. Studying the craft was Mussolini’s next top objective. The best engineers and scientists in Italy came together to form a top-secret organization that was allegedly commanded by radio inventor and renowned engineer Guglielmo Marconi.
At first, nobody – not even Mussolini – had a strong conviction that the object was extraterrestrial in origin. The most common misconception was that it was German. Because of their blonde hair and blue eyes, the victims that were found resembled Germans quite a bit. However, according to the documents, Italian consistently referred to the craft’s origin as “unknown,” implying that nothing definitive could ever be proven.
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Later, somehow the information of the retrieved unknown craft was confided with Pope Pius XII by Mussolini himself as they both were in good relations. But after Mussolini became an ally with Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich, Pope became uneasy about the craft and somehow leaked to the US from the Vatican. After the war, the craft was allegedly brought to the USA, where it supposedly remains today.
In an interview with Max Moszkowicz, Lue Elizondo gave this rumor some credit by saying he had seen documents from Mussolini’s office that he had found “compelling” before theorizing (as per the rumor) that pieces of the craft had been transported to the USA. Mr. Sharp claimed that he has a source in the aerospace industry who told Liberation Times that something was recovered from Italy following World War II.
“I don’t see the Italian 1933 craft as a typical UAP like we have documented in many other UFO sightings. It was not powered by gravity manipulation or inter-dimensional technology. I think this was a vehicle powered by jet engines and rockets and shaped like a flying wing, like the designs of the Horten brothers. It was meant to be reverse-engineered by the Axis powers to gain a technical advantage. What reason would an NHI have for gifting such technology to the Axis? Your guess is as good as mine, but it was not for benign purposes.”
“What happened to this craft? My guess is it was taken by the Americans since we got there before the Soviets. Or it could have been destroyed. It certainly would have helped with our rapid advances in rocketry, jet technology, and our newfound interest in flying wings such as the YB-35 and the YB-49, eventually leading to the B-2.”
USAF Reports: Ohio Air Force Base Stored Three Crashed UFOs & Bodies Of Their Pilots
It is rumored that Hangar 18 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is holding a tremendous amount of UFO material and alien bodies. Retired US Air Force Engineer Raymond Szymanski claimed that the Ohio base is a warehouse of extraterrestrial life and crashed flying saucers. Moreover, the documents found in the US Air Force Office of Special Investigation archives discuss the crashed UFOs and their occupants being held at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
The document below is from a year prior, in 1952, where Airman 1st Class, Clyde Wheeler was interviewed and essentially said the same thing. He said he was told by Master Sergeant Loyal Bunce from Selfridge Air Force Base, Mt. Clemens, Michigan that he (Bunce) knew about the flying saucers at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. He explained in detail that he not only knew about the flying saucers at WPAFB but also knew they had possession of the bodies inside.
I was able to gather some official documents from 1952 and 1953 that discuss flying saucers and their occupants being located at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. You could call them the OG Wilson Davis notes. 🙂
— Witness Citizen (@WitnessCitizen) August 8, 2022
USAF retired Raymond Szymanski claimed that state-of-the-art climate-controlled facilities and deep underground cryogenic chambers were put in place at WPAFB to preserve alien debris and technology, weapons, and even bodies and captured aliens. This location is dubbed “The Blue Room” within Hangar 18.
Stringfield was certainly the prominent figure who took the interest to look behind the door of Hangar 18. According to his research and collected data, there is a tremendous amount of UFO material and alien bodies locked in Hangar 18. He studied many accounts but two were quite fascinating, brought to his attention by researcher Charles Wilhelm.
He recalled: “In 1959, a lady living alone in Price Hill, Cincinnati, had hired young Charles to cut her grass all summer. She knew of his interest in the UFO [subject] but said little about it until she became ill with cancer. Knowing that she had a short time to live, she called Charles to her bedside to reveal a startling story. She said that she had had a Top Secret clearance in her past work at Wright-Patterson and had seen two saucer-shaped craft in a secret hangar. One craft was intact; the other, damaged. She also knew of two ‘small creatures’ preserved inside another secret building and had personally handled the paperwork on their autopsy report. She told Charles, ‘Uncle Sam can’t do anything to me after I’m in the grave.’”
There is another account brought to Stringfield by Wilhelm following his acquisition of sensitive intelligence data in 1966. Stringfield stated: “Wilhelm got the story from a friend in the Army Reserve whose father worked with Project Blue Book at Wright-Patterson Field and held high-security clearance. At the time of his death, the father told his son about the two disc-shaped craft and four preserved small alien bodies.
Wright-Patterson was the confirmed site of Project Sign — later Project Grudge, and later still, Project Blue Book — an official government study of UFOs. This secretive government research project was officially “terminated” in 1969. “In a 1988 interview, Senator Barry Goldwater claimed he had asked General Curtis Emerson LeMay for access to a secret UFO room at [Wright-Patterson] and angry LeMay said, “Not only can’t you get into it, but don’t you ever mention it to me again.”