There are stories of many explorers who went missing for doing something they loved most. Among them was an avid hiker Kenny Veach, who was popular on YouTube among his fans. He disappeared from the face of Earth on November 10, 2014, while exploring a mysterious cave in the Mojave Desert, California. For almost a decade, the disappearance of Kenny Veach remains one of the biggest mysteries because his last location was near the site of secretive US Air Force base Area 51, which has long been shrouded in mystery.
Kenny Veach was born in 1967 in Las Vegas. He was fond of hiking and posted all his adventure videos on his YouTube channel, which was named “Snakebitmgee.” On his channel, he showed videos of himself hiking alone in the deserts of Nevada and California. He loved going on these risky adventures. While hiking, he would find things like animal bones and other interesting stuff, which he used to decorate his house.
Before he disappeared, Kenny quit his job fixing coffee machines to try to invent things. He made a new kind of holder for toilet paper and tried to sell it on a TV show called Shark Tank. He also wanted to sell his house, but he had a strange condition: whoever bought it had to let him stay there and decorate it the way he liked. Sadly, nobody agreed to this.

But Kenny’s real passion was hiking alone in the Mojave and Great Basin deserts. He would go camping for days with just basic stuff, like no GPS or maps. Sometimes his girlfriend joined him, but mostly he went alone.
The Mojave Desert, located southwest of the United States, is subject to many mysteries and has been a preferred place for many field tests. From the alleged secret government activity and UFO landing to the secret extraterrestrial bases, the desert is associated with many amazing stories.
In June 2014, 47-year-old Kenny found a mysterious cave near Area 51. He shared a video titled “Son of an Area 51 Technician” on his YouTube channel. The content in the video sparked a curiosity among his fans who wanted him to go back and explore it. He found the cave while hiking near Nellis Air Force Base. He described the entrance as looking like a big letter M. He usually explores caves he finds, but this time, as he got closer, he felt his body shaking a lot. It scared him, so he left quickly.
“That aint nothing. I am a long distance hiker. One time during one of my hikes out by Nellis Air Force Base, I found a hidden cave. The entrance to the cave was shaped like a perfect capital M. I always enter every cave I find, but as I began to enter this particular cave, my whole body began to vibrate. The closer I got to the cave entrance, the worse the vibrating became. Suddenly I became very scared and high-tailed it out of there. That was one of the strangest things that ever happened to me.”- Kenny Veach “snakebitmgee’
Even though Kenny was scared, he went back to the cave for his fans. He brought a gun and a camera to record his trip, according to Nevada Magazine. He embarked on a long ten-hour walk through “very risky land” to locate a hidden cave in a mountain near a bomb testing area. However, Kenny couldn’t find the secret cave.
He stated on social media, “I saw a big spider, a turtle, and a male sheep, but I couldn’t find the cave.” This left many of his viewers disappointed, and his YouTube comments section was flooded with criticism, accusing Veach of not substantiating his original claim. Many urged Veach to undertake another journey to locate the mysterious cave.
But one fan even pleaded, “No! Don’t go back there. If you find that cave entrance, don’t go in, if you do, you won’t get out. But, Kenny didn’t listen to these warnings. Looking back, it’s sad to see how many people tried to warn him. But Kenny still wanted to find M Cave, so he kept searching. Sadly, his last video was the end of his adventures.
On November 10, 2014, Kenny told his family he was going on a trip and went to the Mojave Desert. In the Mojave Desert, it’s even riskier because it’s extremely hot and dry there. Death Valley, a part of the Mojave, can get as hot as 134 degrees Fahrenheit (58 degrees Celsius). People can die from the heat or lack of water in just a few hours.
Kenny was used to hiking in these tough conditions, so his family wasn’t too worried when he went to camp near Nellis Air Force Base. However, they didn’t know he left his video camera behind. Whatever Kenny was up to in the desert, it wasn’t for making videos for his YouTube channel.
Unfortunately, Kenny Veach went for a hike but didn’t come back, so his girlfriend Sheryon Pilgrim told the police he was missing. After he disappeared, volunteers looked for Kenny. They looked in an old mine shaft that Kenny had shown in one of his videos. They found his phone there, but his car was found some miles away.
Kenny’s last video showed him looking for M Cave near an old mineshaft on Sheep Mountain. That’s where a group called Red Rock Search & Rescue started looking for him. They found his phone and car, which was a good start, but they didn’t find anything else. People who were looking for Kenny and his fans on YouTube thought he had vanished mysteriously.

Sheryon Pilgrim, Kenny’s girlfriend who told everyone he was missing, wrote a sad message on his first video of their hike in the M Cave. She explained why Kenny hasn’t been found yet.
She wrote, “I believe he committed suicide. He battled depression for many years and would not take medication or see a doctor. He quit his job a little more than a year before he disappeared… one helicopter flyover was done and there was no trace of Kenny or any of his camping things. They found his car in the area I told them it would be. They did find his cell phone by the mine shaft in the video. The mine shaft was only about a four-hour hike from his car. It is my feeling he left it behind so that he could not be tracked by the GPS in it. He also did not take his video camera with him on this solo hike. It was left in his home. So, he had no intention of filming anything”.
Until now, the explorer hasn’t been found. People wonder a lot about what might have happened to him. His disappearance is a big mystery, and it’s made lots of people on the internet come up with their ideas. Some think he found out secrets the government was hiding, or maybe he encountered aliens. His body has still never been recovered, and so the mystery remains unsolved.
In the 1950s, the largest boulder in the Mojave Desert was the pilgrimage for UFO enthusiasts where several UFO conferences were held. Giant Rock has been a Native American spiritual site for thousands of years. Stories and legends of the rock describe the contact with so-called Nordic aliens which provided the design plan for the dome structure, Integratron which claimed to be capable of rejuvenation, anti-gravity, and time travel.
From the declassified FBI files from the 1950s: On May 11, 1957, Army Intelligence Corpsman Wayne Sulo Aho attended an annual convention for flying saucer “believers” held at Giant Rock. According to a newspaper account, one night of the convention, Aho says he was drawn by some strange force out into the surrounding Mojave desert. The forces were controlling his body.
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After Aho had walked two miles into the desert, an egg-shaped flying saucer descended and changed into the shape of a crimson sphere. At that point, he experienced a series of telepathic exchanges with intelligent beings that warned him that the earth “is in grave danger.” He never saw them face to face but heard their warnings.
In another newspaper clipping from the same year (see the video here), Aho said the aliens had told him that Earth is a “schoolroom” for aliens from the entire universe.
Those who do not know should be aware that in 2021 a self-described retired defense intelligence officer who now goes by the alias Añjali broke out a story that somewhere deep in the Mojave Desert is a hidden base inside a mountain where extraterrestrials reside. (Source)

In August 2021, Angelia Lynn Johnston held a news conference in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Añjali said she met the beings on January 21, 2018. In front of a small gathering of people, she told her story of meeting two strangers who showed her the tunnels to the base. She said it was there when she met two aliens of different races who communicated with her through her consciousness.
She went on saying that the aliens were aware of her conducting the press conference, approved it, and that they are peaceful creatures. “We have an ongoing communication and I look forward to all of you developing one,” Añjali said.
On February 21, 2000, an extraordinary event occurred. A huge section of the Mojave Desert’s Giant Rock came crashing down, revealing a gleaming white granite core. This erratic, aptly-named Giant Rock towers around seven stories high, weighed in at 25,000 tons or more and covered 5,800 square feet in the original form.