The alien abduction cases are often considered in the category of fringe as individuals who claimed to have been abducted have only a story to share. Does that mean they are lying? Probably not. They might have seen and experienced things that are either some unknown natural phenomena or aliens that are behind them. Mabel White is among the few alien abductees with a compelling story that seems true to many.
John Ege from Medium writes: “UFO and alien abductions likely go back before the modern era. To hear Erich von Däniken, author of Chariots of the Gods, say it, it’s been going on since the beginning of humanity.” And interestingly, Ege states that there is no psychological or social phenomenon that explains alien abductions, and John E Mack, Harvard Professor agreed with it.
On April 23, 2023, Eyes On Cinema published a never-seen interview of Mabel White (video is mentioned below), where she talks about her encounter with extraterrestrial beings and their puzzling motives behind what she refers to as a “hybridization” program. White’s testimony offers a glimpse into an enigmatic world where otherworldly forces are said to manipulate human biology for unknown purposes.

“They told me they were making a hybrid race, but they never revealed the true purpose behind it,” White shares, her voice filled with curiosity and confusion. “I asked them why they were gathering eggs and engaging in these activities, but they never provided a clear answer.”
White vividly recalls incidents from her childhood in the 1930s, where she and her family would witness peculiar lights hovering over oil wells. On multiple occasions, they spotted small children dressed in white near these wells, both during the day and night. Curiosity piqued, White and her family attempted to approach these ethereal beings, but they always vanished before they could make contact.
“The main concept conveyed to me was the creation of a hybrid breed that could exist in both our atmosphere and theirs,” White explains. “They claimed they hadn’t yet achieved the desired outcome.”
In a particularly vivid memory, White describes being shown a baby that appeared human but with slightly slanted eyes. She immediately recognized the child as her own and expressed a desire to take the child with her. However, the extraterrestrials informed her that the child would not survive in Earth’s atmosphere.
White’s conviction in the reality of her experiences is unwavering. She cites physical evidence, such as dirt on her body that could not have been obtained from simply stepping out of a car, as proof of the authenticity of her encounters. She also speaks of unexplained bruises that appeared overnight, emphasizing that no one can physically harm her in her sleep.
“The bruises are real. I couldn’t have caused them myself, and if someone had hit me, I would have woken up,” White asserts. “These experiences are real to me, and they are not inherently frightening. They just happen, and they leave an indelible mark.”
While initially frightened by her lack of conscious awareness during these events, White eventually found peace in accepting that she could not alter or control them. She believes that humans are powerless against these advanced extraterrestrial beings, both mentally and technologically.
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- Two US Marines Claimed Corbell’s Huge Mojave Triangle UFO Is Definitely Not Flares
- Karla Turner Claimed She Found Evidence That Aliens Are Manipulating Human Reality
- Ex-CIA Officer Encountered With Reptilian Alien; Says Reptilian Race Walking Among Us
- Whitley Strieber’s Alien Abduction & Stranger Who Told Him ‘Mankind Is Trapped’
“They are too far advanced for us to defend ourselves,” she states. “It’s as if they possess a kind of magic. They could easily conquer us if they desired, but I don’t believe their intention is to dominate through violence. Instead, they seek our bodies and minds to carry out their own agenda.”
White contends that the aliens’ focus lies not in government control, but rather in the manipulation and utilization of human beings to fulfill their undisclosed objectives. She expresses a sense of resignation, acknowledging that humans play a vital role in their mysterious plans.
As Mable White’s testimony brings to light the secrets behind her alleged alien encounters, it leaves us with more questions than answers. What is the true purpose behind the hybridization program? What role do humans play in the extraterrestrial agenda?
Mack hypothesized that these entities might have just come from a parallel universe rather than from space. When he finally published his book “Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens,” he claimed that his experiences had “amply corroborated” Hopkins and Jacobs’ research, “particularly that the abduction phenomena is in some central way implicated in a breeding program that leads to the development of alien/human hybrid progeny.” Almost all of his abductees returned with “a resolve to changing their relationship to the earth,” which led him to the further conclusion that the aliens were bearing warnings about threats to the planet. (Click here to read the full article)
The idea of alien hybridization has recently been endorsed by former CIA John Ramirez. In an interview with Project Unity, Ramirez stated that humans are hybrids. According to him, former US Intelligence agent Lue Elizondo is unable to use the word “hybridization,” but the Pentagon employees are counting on him to do so eventually.
Elizondo discusses the possibility that non-human intelligence has been in contact with humans for a very long time on the Theories of Everything podcast. This would imply that we have all forgotten about our own past, which would hide the possibility that we are hybrids of humans and extraterrestrials.
Moreover, the alien abduction of Kim Carlsberg, a commercial photographer, is a modern-day case of alien-human hybridization. She was abducted by a grey alien in 1988 while she was living on the beach in Pacific Palisades. She cliamed that the beings used her DNA and combined it with someone else’s sperm, creating hybrid children. These fetuses were then grown on the alien spaceships, and in some instances, abductees reported being allowed to see the hybrid offspring during subsequent encounters.
The nature and purpose behind these reported hybridization programs remain speculative. Some theories suggest that extraterrestrial beings may be attempting to create a new species or reintroduce hybrids to Earth in the future when conditions are more suitable. Carlsberg herself expressed her belief that something strange and potentially significant is occurring to individuals who claim to have been abducted. The prevalence of such reports and the emotional impact described by abductees contribute to the ongoing discussion and exploration of this puzzling phenomenon.
Very interesting Documentary and find it totally agreeing with other information I’ve learned within the 40 years of my study. My own personal feeling is that we are dealing with a spiritual entity that can materialise to any thing and size. Scripture says we are dealing with Spiritual wickedness in heavenly places {dimensions}. These spirit beings want desperately to be like us. We are potentially Gods if we are found worthy.There is benevalent and manevalent beings around us