Tesla and other car manufacturers predict the future with electric engines. Of course, the trend will affect racing cars – the British company McLaren told about its vision of the future F1 championship.

It believes that by the 2050s, the competition will remain exciting only if they involve artificial intelligence, a new kind of cars and pilots as well as special displays that reflect their emotional state. The concept is called MCLExtreme.
The company believes that cars in future F1 championship will be able to reach speeds of up to 500 km/h – by modern standards, this is a fantastic indicator.
Electric motors will not require charging, as they can be charged directly during races in the pit lane area.
The slower the car moves, the more charge it will receive, but at the same time, it risks being left behind.
There is another option – the pilots will be able to “steal” the charge from cars traveling in front. Moreover, in the future F1 championship, it will be possible to forget about the stops for the replacement of huge tires, because they will be restored independently.
The cockpit will be completely closed because the racers are unlikely to withstand driving at a speed of 500 km/h without special protection.
Representatives of McLaren believe that people need to be given an opportunity to look at some human factor for a long time – for example, emotions.
Thus, they propose to connect devices to drivers to recognize emotions and display them in the car using color coding. For example, the pilot’s anger can be shown in red, and his calmness – in green.
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Since in future F1 championship most cars will be autonomous, racing cars will be equipped with artificial intelligence.
No, the company does not want to take control of the pilots but seeks to make their driving more interesting.
Particularly, we are talking about the assessment of environmental conditions, the position of the rider and his condition – the system will be able to develop a new strategy and show it on a holographic display.
Of course, the tracks will change. They will become more adapted to extreme weather and will be surrounded by transparent barriers to make fans are as close as possible to racing tracks.
By the way, viewers can easily distribute augmented reality devices, which will display all sorts of information about the race in the future F1 championship.