The first moon landing played a vital role in the history of modern human space exploration. What the Apollo 11 astronauts experienced on Moon gave birth to many conspiracies such as UFOs on Moon, ancient alien cities, the Hollow Moon theory, etc. These theories were widely supported by many credible experts, but the astronauts themselves never confirmed it, at least not officially.
Al Worden, Command Module Pilot for the Apollo 15 lunar mission in 1971 once said in an interview that Earth was visited by a space civilization, later they settled here and now we know them as humans. Moreover, late Italian journalist Sergio Zavoli claimed that Neil Armstrong confirmed to him that they had been observed by someone else on Moon.
An article recently published in Avvenire, an Italian daily newspaper entitled “Cose dell’altro mondo (Non noi soltanto)” [Things from the other world (Not just us)], claims that Apollo 11 astronaut and the first man to step on Moon Mr. Armstrong saw something mysterious on Moon, which insistently observed the astronauts. The article is written by Alessandra Zavoli, the wife of the great Italian politician and journalist Sergio Zavoli. He died on August 4, 2020.
[English Translation from web] “I [Sergio] interviewed Neil Armstrong. The astronaut confided to me that during the final phase of the approach to the satellite, he had seen a group of mysterious objects nearby. At 4.05 am on 21 July 1969, in Houston – when [Mission Control Center] asked him about the interference on radio transmissions – he replied: ‘I see huge objects, they look like spaceships and what is worse they look at us insistently.'”

NASA officials either denied any information about UFOs on the Moon or simply refused to comment on such statements, but evidence has recently been published that Apollo 11 astronauts witnessed a mysterious phenomenon during their trip to the moon. It took seven years to digitize old files, and now they are available here.
In the audio files, one can feel the alarm of the astronauts when they talked about a radiant object that had an oblong shape. The speed of the unidentified object was very significant, and the object itself left the orbit of the moon, which can be understood from these records.
In 1987, British UFO researcher Timothy Good wrote a book entitled “Above Top Secret: The Worldwide U.F.O. Cover-Up,” in which he stated that Neil Armstrong saw “other” spacecraft. It has been the most bizarre claim ever made. Is there any truth in Mr. Good’s book?
Timothy Good was once called “Britain’s leading UFO researcher” by British weekly newspaper Observer. After presenting his book, he was involved in the initial publication of the purported Majestic 12 documents. Later, according to skeptic Phil Klass, Good questioned the authenticity of at least some of the documents. In 2007, the CIA cited Above Top Secret as one of the sources contributing to “the idea that CIA has secretly concealed its research into UFOs.” Besides, in May 2019, Tom DeLonge of Blink-182 credited Good’s book with “opening his eyes” into UFOs, leading to DeLonge’s development of To The Stars.
According to Mr. Good, a former female MI6 agent told him that Neil Armstrong suggested to her that there were “other” spacecraft on the Moon when Apollo 11 landed in 1969. In his book “Above Top Secret,” Good wrote that there are certain people (whose identities are still questionable) who claimed that Armstrong did in fact encounter UFOs on the Moon.
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Otto Binder, Maurice Chatelain, and Dr. Vladimir Azhazha are some names Mr. Good mentioned in his book who had worked for NASA during Apollo 11. According to Mr. Good, they all have claimed that some radio hams received the message from NASA, in which Armstrong said that he had seen other spacecraft. But there is more to this story (Click here to read).

Apart from Armstrong, the second man on the Moon named Buzz Aldrin might add some light to the alleged Apollo 11 UFO encounter on Moon. Documentary filmmaker James Fox stated on a podcast that he had met with Fay Ann Aldrin, a sister of the second man on the Moon, Buzz Aldrin. According to Ann, Buzz Aldrin said that “something followed them to the Moon.”
Fox claimed that Aldrin was ready to tell his story, before pulling out of an interview at the last moment out of fear of being labeled a “UFO nut.” Although he did not tell his story to James Fox, Aldrin spoke publicly to the Science Channel, asserting that objects were following Apollo 11, to which NASA responded by issuing a statement, claiming Aldrin was taken out of context and that objects seen by the crew were “panels from the separation of the spacecraft from the upper stage.”
Aldrin has previously asserted that there is a monolith on Mars’ moon, Phobos. He said: “We should visit the moon of Mars, there’s a monolith there, a very unusual structure on this little potato-shaped object that revolves around Mars once every seven hours. When people find out about that they are going to say, ‘Who put that there? Who put that there?’ Well, the universe put it there, or if you choose, God put it there.”
Buzz’s participation in the Phobos’ monolith mystery encouraged UFO hunters and other researchers to search for the sign of alien life on Mars. NASA has been exploring the universe for decades and plausibly encountered UAP on many occasions, otherwise, they would never switch off a live video when strange objects enter the screen.
Mr. Armstrong never discussed publicly his thoughts on UFOs and aliens. However, it did not stop him to keep looking for the answers. Did you know that he once went on a quest to unravel the truth behind a giant cave in the Andes, which is linked to the extraterrestrial hypothesis?
Still, nobody knows why Mr. Armstrong agreed to go on the quest with Stan Hall. But he was greeted as a hero by the Shuar people when he arrived there. People who watched him descending through the ladder into the cave witnessed another great step for mankind. He was intrigued after his scientific exploration of the Lunar surface and was eager to know what was left behind in our galaxy. Armstrong said the expedition was as great as the Moon.