The Great Serpent Mound of Ohio is indeed the most mysterious and incredible marvel of human achievement. It is hard to observe the astonishing structure of this prehistoric effigy mound but from high above, Serpent Mound appears in the shape of a snake. The date of its construction has been shrouded in controversy, but some people estimate it to be at around 300 B.C.
In 2013, radiocarbon dating revealed that the magnificent structure, which was constructed by Native Americans, dates back to 321 BCE (1,400 years old), one year after the death of Aristotle in ancient Greece.
Serpent Mound is located on a high plateau overlooking Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio, about 73 miles east of Cincinnati. It has a curled tail at the west end, a head at the east end, and seven winding coils in between. In all, the mound stretches a 0.25 mile and ranges from 1.2 to 1.5 meters (3.9 to 4.9 feet) in height and 6.0 to 7.6 meters (19.7 to 24.9 feet) in width.

According to Archaeology: “In the late nineteenth century, Frederic Ward Putnam (American anthropologist) excavated two mounds near Serpent Mound, and he found artifacts and villages belonging to the Adena and the Fort Ancient cultures. Studies conducted in the 1990s dated the structure to A.D. 1120, or the Fort Ancient culture. But recently, scientists have dated charcoal pieces recovered from soil cores taken across Great Serpent Mound. The samples have yielded dates between 400 and 80 B.C., suggesting that the effigy was created by the Adena culture. The charcoal, however, was found scattered throughout the soil and may have been from old Adena fire pits that were dug up by later Fort Ancient builders.”
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Traditionally, Serpent Mound was attributed to the Adena Culture or Civilization, based on an adjacent conical Adena burial mound, and the similarity of style of the effigy with many other Adena earthworks of the Ohio Valley.
However, in the 1990s, during an investigation, two charcoal samples were discovered in Serpent Mound that dated to the later time of about 1070 CE. Subsequently, the site managers credited the construction to Fort Ancient Culture even though it has been disassociated from the Fort Ancient earthwork in Warren County, Ohio, and is not known to have built large earthworks.

Many scholars believe the Serpent Mound was used in religious ceremonies. When settlers first discovered the mound, there was a fire-scorched stone monument in the egg-shaped head, which has led some to suggest it was used as an altar of some sort – possibly sacrificial, based on the ceremonial knives unearthed among the blackened stones and a number of headless skeletons discovered in gravesites nearby.
Serpent Mound & Ancient Aliens
History noted: “Serpent Mound may have had a spiritual purpose, given that the many native cultures in North and Central America revered snakes, attributing supernatural powers to the slithering reptiles.
Additionally, graves and burial mounds near the site suggest Serpent Mound’s builders may have constructed the structure for some kind of important burial or mortuary function, such as to guide spirits. But the mound itself doesn’t contain any graves or artifacts.”
There are serious suggestions that the serpent is intimately connected with the heavens. Several authors have suggested that the serpent is a model of the constellation “Little Dipper,” (a star pattern in the constellation Ursa Minor) its tail coiled about the North Star.

The design of the mound also matches the shape of the constellation Draco, with the star Thuban (Alpha Draconis, which served as the north pole star from the 4th to 2nd millennium B.C.) lining up with the first curve in the snake’s torso from the head. This alignment suggests another purpose for Serpent Mound: a kind of compass that helps determine true north.
Interestingly, the Serpent Mound was constructed on the edge of a meteor crater, leading some to speculate that the location is not the least bit random or accidental:
“Between 256 to 330 million years ago, a meteor streaked through the sky — it either landed in a shallow sea or disturbed some dinosaurs, astrogeologists don’t have the exact date — and made an impact in modern-day Peebles. The site of the meteor strike lives on and is known for something equally spectacular, the Serpent Mound.”
A very rare element is found at the site of meteor crashes: Iridium. To mark the presence of a very rare and precious element often found in meteors, iridium has great conductive abilities and is one of the rarest elements found on Earth. It tends to be concentrated in unique areas either due to a meteorite crash at some point in the past or volcanic activity and lava floats. Could the Serpent Mound be a marker where extraterrestrials mined iridium?
Some ancient astronaut researchers believe that aliens or advanced ancient civilizations in the past mined iridium as an energy source. If so, there might be a connection between energy in the ground there and the one found in the Nazca plain.