There are very few people who think to help mankind without considering any profit in return. After great inventor, Nikola Tesla, Baltimore engineer Otis T. Carr was the only person who believed in Tesla’s free energy concept. He wanted to create a spacecraft that would run on free energy and take humans to Moon and other planets. His friendship with Tesla lasted until his death in 1943. He was a protégé of Tesla who constructed a number of fully functional flying saucers in the late 1950s.
Carr was born in West Virginia in 1904. He left school at the age of 13 and self-educated himself. He met Tesla for the first time in Manhattan in 1925 while working as a hotel clerk. The two men talked about the developments in technology and discussed energy productions. Carr, who reportedly discovered free energy, was inspired by Tesla.

During an interview with The New York Herald Tribune in 1911, Tesla said:
“My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety.”
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Unfortunately, Tesla never had an opportunity to convert those ideas into a reality due to political and budget issues, but his disciple Carr claimed to have achieved harnessing power from gravity and built a spacecraft using it.

In the 1950s, Carr was searching for investors for his saucers and free energy program. He became friends with a Baltimore man named Ralph Elsmo, who owned an advertising enterprise. After finding out about Carr’s ideas, Elsmo offered him a place to developing inventions using Tesla technology. Later, he set “OTC Enterprises, Inc.” In 1957, Carr was promoted by advertisers as the greatest scientist and was called a creator of the solution to power sources, free energy produced by the “Carrotto Gravity Motor.”
His most controversial invention was powered by the Utron Electric Accumulator, described as a fourth-dimensional space vehicle or the OTC-X1 spacecraft, in other words, a flying saucer.

Carr could not have developed this technology if Tesla had not shared his ideas of antigravity propulsion with him years ago. In 1958, Carr claimed to have produced an anti-gravity technology that could be applied in a spacecraft. He asked for funding of around 20 million dollars to construct manufacturing facilities and build a machine (OTC-X1) that could fly to the Moon or any other planet in the solar system.

He even approached the Pentagon and pitched them his OTC-X1 concept. Being interested, the Pentagon sent a team to investigate Carr’s offer. They visited his office in Baltimore and found his model useless. In 1958, the FBI started an investigation
During a Project Camelot, Carr and technician Ralph Ring had been working closely on the design of flying saucers. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, the two of them built a flying saucer powered by rotating electromagnets in conjunction with a number of small, ingenious capacitor-like devices called “Utrons.” They constructed several small-sized ships and a 45-foot craft that flew 10 miles at the speed of light.
“I was with two other engineers when we piloted the 45′ craft about ten miles. I thought it hadn’t moved – I thought it had failed. I was completely astonished when we realized that we had returned with samples of rocks and plants from our destination. It was a dramatic success. It was more like a kind of teleportation.”
“You must always work with Mother Nature. Force is never necessary. The laws of the physical universe are really very simple,” Ring said.
According to Carr, “Any vehicle accelerated to an axis rotation relative to its attractive inertial mass, immediately becomes activated by free-space-energy and acts as an independent force.”
On April 15, 1959, hundreds of people gathered in Oklahoma city for Otis Carr’s disk launch. They were invited to the launch of his 45 feet craft that would rise 400-600 feet in the air. However, the launch was postponed as Carr had been admitted into hospital, diagnosed with a lung hemorrhage.

Carr attracted the attention of World War II veteran US army officers Wayne Aho and Daniel Fry who accompanied him and helped his project to keep going. He claimed to launch for the Moon on December 7, 1959.
In 1947, Carr prepared the documentation, and later, in 1959, received a US patent No. 2.912.244 for a project of OTC-X1 spacecraft despite the fact that the United States Patent and Trademark Office had not recognized the idea of “perpetual motion machines” for a long time, and Carr’s device used just such a principle.
In 1960, Carr was found guilty of selling unregistered stock in Oklahoma and in January, he was charged in fraudulent of $50,000. He was sent to prison for 14 years and meanwhile, his lab was destroyed and all his prototypes were ceased by the government. His team members were asked not to make any contact with each other. After that, Carre lived in Pittsburgh until his death in 1982, continuing to try to interest investors in his technology.
Otis Carr was a victim like Tesla, who was left unnoticed and broke at the end of his life. People often talk about the intervention of the government and other forces opposing the advancement of Carr’s flying saucers. Besides, opponents of alternative energy regularly report a fraud on the part of Carr.
Preposterous. Why don’t you continued this series; the prison records can supply you with hundreds of con-men who scammd investors with lunatic schemes!
only a con man would discourage someone from wanting to follow what they believe..
As always the government is innocent of wrong doing. They must think that like them we are all fool!
As always the government is innocent of wrong doing. They must think that like them we are all fools! Just think how far ahead we could have been if it were not for the greed of the big billionaire oil companies, all that fuel burned to sent rockets to space, you’d think it was a Chinese holiday. So please don’t accuse the innovators of wrong doing but rather the true criminals in the big picture.