The Shree Padmanabhaswamy Temple is a sacred site located in India, that is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, a supreme deity in Hinduism. This 8th-century temple is one of 108 temples in India that are devoted to Lord Vishnu, reclining on the hooded serpent Anantha. The temple underwent a major renovation in the 18th century under the rule of King Marthanda Varma.
The king and his royal family took it upon themselves to maintain and care for the temple and its devotees. This tradition of dedication and devotion to the temple continues to this day through the Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple Trust, which was established in 1965 by the last Maharaja (King) of the Kingdom of Travancore in the southern part of Kerala.
There are six secret chambers (labeled from A to F) that hide secrets and unusual treasures. Five of them have been opened, but the sixth one is additionally protected, and its contents remain a mystery.

The final chamber, or Vault B, is the entrance to the last secret room that was discovered in the Padmanabhaswamy Temple. It is guarded by two priests, and they say that inside this cell, there is a large room in which amazing secrets and knowledge of the world are hidden.
In 2011, a petition was filed in the Indian Supreme Court calling for transparency in the management of the temple. The subsequent investigation led to the discovery of six underground vaults within the temple complex.
Five of the vaults were opened, revealing an astounding collection of gold and precious stones that is worth approximately $22 billion. Vault A was found to hold 2,000 pounds of ancient gold coins and a magnificent golden throne adorned with hundreds of diamonds and precious stones.
They included a 4-foot high solid gold idol of Mahavishnu studded with diamonds and precious stones, a solid gold throne meant to accommodate an 18-foot idol of the deity, and thousands of pure gold chains. Despite the massive amount of treasure found, the full inventory was never made public. It is believed that these valuable items were accumulated over thousands of years as donations to the temple from various dynasties and kings.
Vault B, as reported by, contains three doors, one made of wood and the other made of iron. The third door, however, is unique and highly enigmatic. It is made of iron and features engravings of two large snakes guarding the entrance, yet it lacks a lock.
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Stories have been created about the mysterious Vault B of Kerala’s Padmanabhaswamy Temple, one of which suggests that the vault opens out to the Arabian Sea. This theory emerged after temple authorities attempted to open the vault and heard the sound of waves crashing. The true contents of the vault, including potential venomous snakes or the rough waters of the Arabian Sea, are unknown.
What is known is that the temple’s treasure had been accumulating for thousands of years from donations from various kingdoms such as the Cheras, Pandyas, Pallavas, and Cholas. The wealth and mysteries of Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple are vast and unfathomable.
Who can open the secret cham bers of Padmanabhaswamy Temple?
The door to the secret Vault B is said to be opened only by a highly skilled and knowledgeable “sadhu,” who is familiar with the chant of the “Garuda Mantra.” It is believed that the door cannot be opened by any other means and currently, there is no one in the world who possesses the sacred and powerful “Siddhapurshas” and the knowledge of the sacred “Garuda Mantra.”

It is said that any attempts to open the mysterious inner chamber within Chamber B of the Temple, using man-made technology and without the use of the sacred and powerful “Garuda Mantra,” will result in potential disasters in and around the Temple, as well as throughout India and possibly even the world. This warning is supported by past unsuccessful attempts, such as one in 1931, where a group of people trying to open the vaults were forced to flee due to an infestation of cobras. (Source)
In 2014, journalist Jake Halpern from The New Yorker Magazine conducted extensive interviews with those who successfully opened the vaults. He reported that opening the doors to Vaults A and B required multiple keys, which were entrusted to Varma and the temple’s current executive, V. K. Harikumar. The observers used the keys to open the metal-grille door to Vault B and discovered a sturdy wooden door behind it.
They opened that door as well and encountered the third door made of iron, which was jammed shut. They then turned their attention to Vault A, unlocking two outer doors, one made of metal and the other made of wood. They entered a small room with a huge rectangular slab on the floor, like a toppled tombstone.
It took five men more than thirty minutes to move the slab. Beneath it, they found a narrow, pitch-black passage, barely wide enough for an adult to get through, leading down a short flight of steps. It was just like the “hollow covered by a stone” previously described by a British missionary.
Before the observers descended, a team of firemen arrived and used special equipment to pump oxygen into the enclosure. At the bottom of the stairs was the vault.
It has been rumored that Vault B at the Shree Padmanabhaswamy Temple was opened twice in 1990 and five times in 2002, though no cobras were found within. Despite this, the belief that cobras guard the temple’s wealth helps to secure it. This temple, known for its immense wealth, is considered to be one of the most important Hindu temples in India.
In July 2018, the Indian government proposed building an underground museum to showcase the temple’s treasures and secure them with a security system even more advanced than that of the Reserve Bank of India. However, the Travancore royal family, the temple’s former custodians, opposed the proposal, arguing that the artifacts are God’s ornaments and should not be removed from the temple.
he origins of the treasure and how it came to be in the temple’s possession are still a mystery, and many theories have been proposed, including that it may have been accumulated over centuries by powerful kings and rulers. The temple’s wealth and mysteries continue to fascinate and intrigue visitors from around the world.
The Pictures of the 7 ” Nordic Cadavers ” propped up against their Vimana Craft 30 x 10 x 8 M with a Hum and impenetrable for Fiberoptic viewing inside, that Temple , built centuries ago. The pictures lays to rest ” FERMI’s Paradox = ” Where are they ” ? Light, Fair skinned , Blond, allegedly from Aldebaran / or Pleiades, and have helped us in our Technological Advances ( Read the ” US Navy’s Secret Space Program, 2017 by Michael Salla, PhD