There is a huge selection of electronic cigarettes available in the market which differentiates in appearance, color, length, taste, and smell. The choice of cigarettes is an extremely individual decision. Different people have a different taste for electronic cigarettes. So, a beginner always finds it extremely difficult to choose the right Vapor Cig from such a wide range of options. What factors should be kept in mind while looking for a perfect vapor cigarette? Let’s consider.
1. Think About the Components At First

In some electronic cigarettes, the cartridge is combined with an atomizer. The shape of this model can be similar to a cigar, a tube or a normal cigarette, and the selection depends on smokers. You should estimate the number of cigarettes that are smoked per day and determine the degree of their strength. If the degree of activity of the smoker is similar to the first two options, it is recommended to purchase an ES with a small cartridge and a small battery capacity. When it comes to the 3rd option, it will be logical to select products with batteries that hold the charge much longer. Charging the battery and the refilled cartridge will be enough for the whole day in case of the last two options.
2. Shape & Size

When making a choice in favor of a particular model, customers need to see the external features of the design of the products. Consider the shape and size of electronic cigarettes carefully before making a selection:
3. Sticks and Tubes

Think about these two as different electronic cigarettes are available in different shapes and sizes. Some good models are preferable to those smokers for whom the aesthetic side of smoking, the volume of the cartridge and the capacity of the battery are significant.
4. Battery Backup

Most active smokers always think of how to choose an electronic cigarette based on the characteristics of the battery, as batteries are divided into automatic and mechanical. When it comes to automatic batteries, there are chips and regulators of the created pressure. Mechanical battery packs have chips with buttons which enable the smoker to adjust the intensity of the voltage on the evaporator by hand. Just hold the button while tightening the evaporator to make this happen.
To help the battery work in the correct mode and keep a good charge, it is necessary to discharge the battery completely several times. Charge it for at least 3 hours and keep using it whenever you want. Electronic cigarettes with mechanical batteries are considered to be more reliable and practical, as smokers can easily adjust the process of steam supply & clean the evaporator. Always keep in mind that the lifespan of these models is much longer than electronic cigarettes.
5. The Presence of Atomizer

The atomizer is one of the important components of an electronic cigarette because it evaporates the liquid and forms a smoking vapor. Furthermore, evaporators are divided into unattended, semi-serviced, and serviced. You should inhale steam slowly and pause in between puffs to allow the atomizer to cool.
6. Cartridge

A cartridge is another component of electronic cigarettes. It is presented in the form of a mouthpiece made of plastic. The liquid in it is used for evaporation and generation of steam. There are devices in which the cartridge is combined with the evaporator, and the cartridge is usually in the range of 1 to 2 ml, equal to 25-60 conventional cigarettes. The smoker has to refill the capsule. The starter kits are an exception to this, as they come with several refilled cartridges.
7. Liquid

Fluid is the most important component of an electronic cigarette through which steam is produced that is inhaled by smokers during smoking. The impression of a smoker during the tightening process will depend on the quality of the smoker and its constitute spropylene glycol, glycerin, liquid nicotine, food flavors, distilled water. Types of liquids for e-cigs differ on the basis of their constituent components, odor, and the number of nicotine substances they contain. EC can be non-nicotine, light, medium, strong and very strong depending on the liquid filling.
8. The Presence of Menthol

As girls are also smokers, some cigarettes are made for them. So, the presence of methanol matters a lot. They are supposedly not as harmful as other cigarettes, thinner and lighter. Generally, a smack of menthol is available in cigarettes to make them strong. Its absence makes cigarettes light and less harmful.
These days, electronic cigarettes are increasingly used by smokers. Most smokers fail to choose a good brand of electronic cigarettes. Just keep the above-mentioned factors in mind to choose high-quality electronic cigarettes easily and effortlessly from a wide range of options.