Physicist Michael Pravica claims that human consciousness arises from hidden dimensions of the universe rather than solely from brain activity. He suggests that Jesus could be a hyperdimensional being, as referenced in the Bible. According to him, our consciousness has the ability to transcend the physical world during moments of heightened awareness.
Dr. Michael Pravica’s theory is about the idea that the universe has more dimensions than the four we know: height, length, width, and time. He explains this concept using a hypothetical scenario involving a two-dimensional being. “Imagine you’re a two-dimensional being living in a two-dimensional world, like a character in a comic book,” he stated. As a three-dimensional sphere passes through, it would appear as a dot that grows and shrinks, illustrating how limited perceptions can hinder understanding of higher dimensions.
Michael Pravica is an expert in general physics, specializing in high-pressure science, X-ray spectroscopies, and nuclear magnetic resonance. He studies matter under extreme conditions, focusing on high pressure, temperature, and radiation, while also advocating for science through media outreach.
Dr. Pravica has developed innovative concepts like “useful hard X-ray chemistry” for novel chemical reactions and Ion Beam Nuclear Transmutation Doping for semiconductor doping. He holds a Ph.D. and M.A. in Physics from Harvard University and a B.S. in Physics and Applied Mathematics from the California Institute of Technology.
Hyperdimensionality, Bible & Jesus!
Dr. Pravica concept ties into the theory of hyperdimensionality, or the idea that our universe is not just made up of the three dimensions we perceive. Instead, the universe might actually be part of a much larger nexus with hidden dimensions, he suggests.

If this controversial theory turns out to be true, we would have to accept not only that some beings may be residing outside the physical realm, free from the limitations of space and time, but also that our consciousness might have a similar capacity, He claims.
Dr. Pravica is an Orthodox Christian who earned a Ph.D. from Harvard. He thinks hyperdimensionality is a special way to connect his scientific knowledge with his religious beliefs. This idea puts him outside traditional scientific views, as he takes common ideas to new extremes to explore complex topics.
He believes that hyperdimensionality is more common than we realize. For instance, he suggests that Jesus could be a hyperdimensional being, among others. “According to the Bible, Jesus ascended into heaven 40 days after being on Earth. How do you ascend into heaven if you’re a four-dimensional creature?” Dr. Pravica asks. But, if you’re hyperdimensional, it’s very easy to travel from our familiar world into heaven, which could be a world of higher or infinite dimensions, he says. (Source)
Pravica believes that we all have the ability to connect with higher dimensions when we use our brains in certain ways. This can happen when we create art, do scientific work, think about deep questions, or even explore different places in our dreams.
During these times, our awareness goes beyond the physical world and connects with these higher dimensions, which then inspire us with new ideas and creativity. Pravica says, “The fact that we can imagine dimensions beyond the four we see is a special gift… it goes beyond just biology.”
This idea of our consciousness connecting with higher dimensions relates to advanced physics theories like string theory.
String theory suggests that everything in the universe, from tiny particles to the forces between them, is made up of tiny, vibrating strings. The way these strings vibrate in hidden dimensions creates all the different particles and forces we see. Pravica explains, “String theory is basically about understanding how the universe is built on a very small scale.”
Hyperdimensionality might help us understand why spacetime is curved. This means that space and time bend around huge objects like stars or planets, creating gravity. Pravica suggests that if spacetime is curved, it could be because of a higher dimension.
Many physicists believe in the idea of higher dimensions, but not everyone agrees with Pravica’s thoughts on how hyperdimensionality connects to consciousness. Some scientists might even see these ideas as very unconventional or as an extreme logical argument that doesn’t hold up.
Dr. Pravica believes in a view of God that fills in the gaps where science doesn’t have answers. Stephen Holler, a physics professor at Fordham University, explains that this way of thinking is not helpful. It stops people from being curious and learning more about the world. Instead of saying “I don’t know,” people should see that admitting ignorance is a chance to learn.
Holler gives an example from history to show how science improves our understanding. In the past, people thought the Earth was at the center of the universe (the geocentric model). To explain the movement of planets, they created complicated ideas like epicycles, which were small circles added to the larger paths of planets around Earth. This made things confusing and delayed the acceptance of the correct model, where the sun is at the center (the heliocentric model). Holler points out that while exploring new ideas can be exciting, we should be careful not to get lost in unnecessary complexity that doesn’t reflect reality.
Moreover, the limitations of current technology, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), pose challenges to exploring these dimensions. The LHC, which smashes particles at high speeds, allows physicists to study fundamental particles but cannot access the high-dimensional strings predicted by quantum physics. Holler states that “not even the most powerful particle accelerator in the world can provide real proof that these dimensions exist,” reinforcing the need for concrete evidence.
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Agree with Dr. Pravica or not but there is more to consciousness. Billionaire Robert Bigelow the only billionaire who spent millions of dollars searching for the soul or consciousness after death, and what he found might disturb you. We are all servants of a supreme consciousness. He claims that G-LOC makes our consciousness leave the body, allowing us to see beyond the room while being outside the body.
In an interview with Jeffrey Mishlove, billionaire Robert Bigelow discusses how out-of-body experiences can be triggered artificially. He learned about this from an Air Force general who had such an experience during centrifuge training. In this training, people endure high gravitational forces until they pass out. The general described how, after one session, he saw himself from above, observing his body walking and hearing conversations he wouldn’t normally hear. Separately, in 1962, American engineers found unusual electromagnetic signals aimed at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, leading the Pentagon to start a secret program to replicate these effects. Years later, the U.S. studied the Soviet interest in controlling human behavior through psychic means, fearing it was a threat.
In an interview with Jeffrey Mishlove, billionaire Robert Bigelow discusses how out-of-body experiences can be triggered artificially. He learned about this from an Air Force general who had such an experience during centrifuge training. In this training, people endure high…
— Vicky Verma (@Unexplained2020) August 15, 2024
The U.S. military has conducted extensive research into this potentially dangerous phenomenon and has officially named the experience “G-LOC.” The popular television show Sightings did an entire segment on G-LOC-induced OBEs that was titled “Simulated Out-of-Body Experiences.” Several U.S. military pilots participated in an experiment where G-LOC was created in a NASA centrifuge. Each interviewed pilot reported that he had passed out and then described a detailed out-of-body state of consciousness.”— The Secret of the Soul: Using Out-of-Body Experiences to Understand Our True Nature by William Buhlman. (Source)
Even though Holler identifies as nonreligious and an atheist, he acknowledges that spiritual beliefs that are consistent with established physical principles can strengthen both faith and science. Still, he says that “hyperdimensionality borders on science fiction.”
Dr. Pravica has faith that, within his children’s lifetime, we’ll figure out a way to generate the incredibly high energies required to investigate other dimensions. Meanwhile, he remains a vocal supporter of hyperdimensionality.
“I see no point otherwise,” he says. “Why study? Why live?” Hyperdimensionality gives the physicist a purpose, a happiness that “transcends this universe.”
The shocking official CIA documents on human consciousness that says Consciousness is not a part of our body at all, it’s stored in our brain, but not a part of it. Our consciousness (us) is its own being, a ghost version of us.
The shocking official CIA documents on human consciousness that says Consciousness is not a part of our body at all, it’s stored in our brain, but not a part of it. Our consciousness (us) is its own being, a ghost version of us.
— Vicky Verma (@Unexplained2020) March 17, 2024