Do aliens live among us? There is no direct answer to it, only theories shared in the mainstream media. For a long time, humans have held a belief that they are not the only intelligent life form in the universe. Currently, scientists have claimed that numerous alien civilizations may exist in close proximity to Earth, with some of them potentially possessing advanced communication capabilities.
According to a research published in The Astrophysical Journal by University of Nottingham researchers, there is a minimum of 36 communicating intelligent alien civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy. According to the Astrobiological Copernican Limit, the estimate provided may be an understatement since it assumes that intelligent life evolves on other planets in a similar manner to Earth.
Assuming that an Earth-like planet can form in a comparable orbit around a Sun-like star and that civilization develops technologically like humans, researchers propose that there may be roughly 36 Earth-like civilizations within our galaxy. These civilizations, similar to humans, would transmit signals, including radio transmissions from satellites and televisions, in an attempt to communicate with other life forms.
Study researcher Christopher Conselice suggests that the concept examines the evolution of life on a cosmic level and concludes that “There should be at least a few dozen active civilizations in our galaxy under the assumption that it takes 5 billion years for intelligent life to form on other planets, as on Earth.”
However, there is a list of well-acclaimed scientists and astronauts who have a strong belief in extraterrestrial life and claim alien beings live among us.
Lachezar Filipov: Academy of Sciences of Bulgaria
A Bulgarian astrophysicist Lachezar Filipov caused a stir with his claim in 2009. He told Toronto Star Newspaper that he and his colleagues are in contact with extraterrestrials who are “living among us” and that they are unhappy with what they see.

Filipov, who is a head of the Space Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, said: “We sent (the aliens) 30 questions about global problems.” Filipov was vague about how he actually conveyed the queries. “And now we have some answers.” He further stated that the “answers” came in the form of pictograms in crop circles.
Filipov believes that aliens are observing us, but we cannot observe them. He also said that the aliens are trying to teach us something and want to be in contact with us. He asked them about the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), and they said it does not work due to confusion about communication through “magnetic fields.”
Paul Davies: Arizona State University
Scientists have long searched for signs of extraterrestrial life by scouring the skies for radio signals, but award-winning Arizona State University physicist Paul Davies suggests that life may have already developed on Earth not just once but several times.
He told CBS News in 2010 that variant life forms, most likely tiny microbes, could still be lurking around us, possibly even in us. The idea that alien microorganisms could be hiding out on Earth has been discussed for some time, but there is no definitive answer.
Dr. Robert Trundle Exposes The Aliens Among Us
Dr. Robert Trundle, a philosophy professor at Northern Kentucky University, is often shunned for his beliefs, which are not widely embraced in the academic world. He wrote a book, “Is ET Here? No Politically, but Yes Scientifically and Theologically
,” which is partially in response to what he calls the cowardice and vanity of a large percentage of American professors. His book includes UFO lore, sightings, and documents, including an FBI memo from 1950.
In 2004, Dr. Trundle told Cincinnati Post that he believes that beings from other planets have made contact with us and are here to study us. However, he noticed that the government does not acknowledge their existence because it is afraid of culture shock and public panic.
He argued that scientific evidence, including thousands of well-regarded witness accounts, cannot be dismissed, and that we should not use current science as the standard for excluding the possibility of more advanced science.
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His grandfather, a president of the now-defunct Trundle Engineering Co. in Cleveland, was fascinated with extraterrestrials and, when he died in 1954, left Dr. Trundle a small collection of books about UFOs. His first article to the effect that ETs are here, entitled “Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Challenge to Theology, Physics and Metaphysics,” was published in 1994. His second book, “Illustrated News of the Unbelievable,” was co-authored with George Filer, a retired Air Force intelligence officer.
Invisible Aliens Among Us
In an interview with The Observer, Helen Sharman, the first British astronaut, expressed her belief in the existence of aliens, and speculated that they could be living undetected among us on Earth. Samantha Rolfe, an astrobiologist and principal technical officer at the Bayfordbury Observatory in the United Kingdom, responded to Sharman’s claims in an essay published in The Conversation. (Source)
Rolfe suggested that if invisible aliens do live among us, they could exist in a microscopic “shadow biosphere” with biochemistry different from ours. Rolfe proposed that these aliens could have silicon-based biochemistry, which some research teams are already studying. She suggested that if silicon-based lifeforms can evolve naturally elsewhere in the universe, they could have arrived on Earth aboard a meteorite, just as carbon-based molecules have been found to have done so.
Ex-Defence Minister: Paul Hellyer
Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian Minister of Defense, believed that extraterrestrials had been visiting Earth for thousands of years and that at least two of them are working with the US government and sharing advanced technology with humans. He claimed to have discovered the existence of aliens while serving in the military during the Cold War and stated that many high-tech gadgets were gifted to humans by advanced extraterrestrials. (Source)
Hellyer publicly expressed his views on extraterrestrials and testified at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in 2013 in Washington, DC. He stated that at least four species of extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth for thousands of years, originating from star systems such as Zeta Reticuli, the Pleiades, Orion, Andromeda, and Altair, and may have different agendas.
Hellyer believed that governments are covering up the presence of aliens and that the media is unwilling to report on the topic. He asserted that military action had brought down UFOs and that humans have adapted alien technology for use on Earth. Hellyer passed away in 2021, leaving behind a legacy of belief in the existence of extraterrestrial life and the sharing of their knowledge with humans.
Ex-Israeli Space Head: Haim Eshed
In 2020, a retired Israeli general Haim Eshed claimed that the US government and aliens had reached an agreement to keep quiet about experiments on Earth and secret facilities on Mars. He also stated that there is a “Galactic Federation” and that the alien species humanity will contact is “Grey.” (Source)
According to Eshed, some smaller UFOs are robots or AI, consciousness exists after death, and humans possess anti-gravity technology. Eshed shared this information in his book “The Universe Beyond the Horizon” and in an interview with Israel’s daily newspaper, “Yedioth Aharonot.”
Eshed had been a director of space programs for the Israel Ministry of Defense for nearly 30 years and is widely credited as the father of Israel’s space program. In the book, he also claims that aliens prevented potential nuclear disasters and alleged contact between aliens and the US presidents.