In several countries, mysterious traces, which are supposedly 14 million years old, have been found. They resemble traces of ancient vehicles with wide tires. If the theory is correct, then all previous conclusions of scientists about the appearance of wheels a few hundred years ago can be considered wrong. A new hypothesis is of great interest to researchers because other traces, similar to those left by ancient vehicles, have already been found in Kazakhstan, Malta, France, Italy, and North America. A large number of traces were found in Turkish Cappadocia.
As a result, some scientists are convinced that heavy machinery existed on Earth 12-14 million years ago. In addition, the researchers noticed slits that the side projections of the body may have been left. The creators of this machinery were people who inhabited our planet before the advent of modern man.
In 2015, Dr Alexander Koltypin, a geologist and director of the Natural Science Research Center at Moscow’s International Independent University of Ecology and Politology, claimed that enigmatic groove-like markings in the Phrygian Valley of central Turkey were artificially made by all-terrain vehicles and not created by any natural process. (Source)

According to mainstream scholars, the Phrygia Valley is home to ancient tracks that have been dated to different historical eras. The oldest roads are believed to have been built during the Hittite Empire, around 1600 BC to 1178 BC. Over time, the Phrygians, Greeks, and Alexander the Great’s armies carved paths into the soft rock. These paths later became a part of the Roman road network, as noted by Culture Routes in Turkey.
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Note: The Phrygians were a civilization that existed in ancient Turkey and became prominent in the 8th century BC. They had a well-functioning state, as evidenced by 260 inscriptions found throughout their kingdom in Anatolia. Their capital city, Gordium, is located at the site of the modern city of YassıhĆ¼yĆ¼k, about 43 miles (70 km) southwest of Ankara.
The ancient track marks found in the Phrygian Valley have puzzled archaeologists for a long time, with explanations ranging from Phrygian carts to speculations about ancient alien vehicles. King Midas, described in Greek legends and Assyrian sources, is the most famous king of the Phrygians. According to stories, after his defeat in the battle by the Cimmerians, he committed suicide by drinking bull’s blood.

Dr. Koltypin and his team studied the rocky terrain with deep grooves and proposed that lightweight carts or chariots did not make those tracks, but instead heavy and huge unknown vehicles from an ancient civilization. He estimated that these tracks are around 14 million years old and posited that an unknown civilization created them.
It was discovered at the excavations of the ancient settlement of the Indians of this nation. At first, there was a version that it was a tomb, but as the excavation progressed, scientists discovered that these were ancient baths. The structure was made of limestone, and it has been well-preserved for several centuries.
“All these rocky fields were covered with the ruts left some millions of years ago… we are not talking about human beings. The methodology of specifying the age of volcanic rocks is very well studied and worked out,” Koltypin said.

Dr. Koltypin observed that the distance between each pair of tracks found in the area is consistent and matches the distance between the wheels of modern vehicles. However, the tracks are too deep for any modern car, which raises questions about the type of transportation that might have been used.
The deepest ruts are three feet (one meter) deep and on the walls of these ruts, there are horizontal scratches that appear to have been left by the ends of axles that were poking out of ancient wheels. This suggests that the ancient wheels were wider than the ruts, which is a characteristic of an all-terrain vehicle that would have been able to navigate through rough terrain.
The fact that the tracks are so deep also implies that the vehicle was heavy and possibly used for transporting heavy loads. These observations raise more questions about the technology and capabilities of the civilization that created these tracks, and further research is needed to understand their origins.

Dr. Koltypin argued that the weight of large prehistoric vehicles created the deep channels found in the soil and rock. He also noted that later, the ruts and surrounding area petrified, preserving the evidence. This phenomenon is known to geologists, as similar preservation is observed in the footprints of dinosaurs.
He acknowledged that his theories are controversial and is aware that mainstream academia may not want to address the subject matter as it could potentially challenge or “ruin” their established theories. “I think we are seeing the signs of the civilization which existed before the classic creation of this world. Maybe the creatures of that pre-civilization were not like modern human beings,” he proposed.
Other locations around the world, such as the Maltese archipelago, have similar mysterious tracks that continue to perplex researchers. Some of the strange tracks in Misrah Ghar il-Kbir are particularly intriguing as they appear to lead off cliffs or continue into the ocean. The origins and purpose of these tracks remain unknown. (Source)
I’m sceptical these tracks could survive 14 million years of floods, earthquakes, storms and random vegetation reshaping the terrain. This is not a stable climate with zero animals like a desert, where artefacts stay unmolested for centuries.
I am inclined to think they were originally created in soft soil, even mud and hardened over time. Meaning that the loads the wagons carried may not have been particularly heavy nor unique. As for the age of the ruts, did they carbon date flora that may have become embedded in the ruts? If not what method did they use?