It is speculated that more than 90% of human history is lost in antiquity. We know only few of the oldest civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus valley, and China, but it is still unclear how many civilizations existed in periodized human history. Meanwhile, ancient astronaut theorists propagated an alternative history where the Anunnaki gods were responsible for human civilization. Besides, in the whole context, the least discussed divine is an alleged race of scorpions mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Sumerian and Babylonian ancient texts and legends have always been a forge of divinities who came down from the sky to try conveying knowledge and wisdom to mankind. According to the legends and ancient texts, Sumerian god Apsu (god of fresh water) and Tiamat, a primordial goddess, created two deities Lahmu and Lahamu who in turn created Ansar and Kisar from which the race of the Anunnaki gods is born.

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, two beings are placed in the custody of the gates of the god Shamash, these are the entrances into the Mashu mountains that lead to the kingdom of the underworld. They are depicted with a scorpion body, human head, arms, and trunk, they use the venomous sting to kill, and are gigantic. It should be noted that according to the Sumerian cuneiforms, Gigalmesh was estimated to be between 4.8 to 5.4 meters tall (16 and 18 feet). (Click here to learn more about Gilgamesh)
“The Scorpion-Beings
The mountain is called Mashu.
Then he reached Mount Mashu,
which daily guards the rising and setting of the Sun,
above which only the dome of the heavens reaches,
and whose flank reaches as far as the Netherworld below,
there were Scorpion-beings watching over its gate.
Trembling terror they inspire,
the sight of them is death,
their frightening aura sweeps over the mountains.
At the rising and setting they watch over the Sun.
When Gilgamesh saw them, trembling terror blanketed his face,
but he pulled himself together and drew near to them.
The scorpion-being called out to his female:
“He who comes to us,
his body is the flesh of gods!” The scorpion-being, his female, answered him:
“(Only) two-thirds of him is a god, one-third is human.”
The male scorpion-being called out,
saying to the offspring of the gods:
“Why have you traveled so distant a journey?
Why have you come here to me,
over rivers whose crossing is treacherous!
I want to learn your …
I want to learn …”
When Gilgamesh tells the monsters about his quest, the Scorpion-man informs him that Utnapishtim lives on the other side of the mountain. To get there, Gilgamesh can use a tunnel that runs through the mountain. Shamash uses it every night when he travels back to the place where he rises in the morning. It would take Gilgamesh twelve double hours to get through the passage, and the way is completely dark (The Babylonian hour was sixty minutes, and the day was divided into twelve “double hours.”) No mortal could survive such darkness, and the monsters cannot permit him to try. After they listen to Gilgamesh’s pleas, they relent and tell him to be careful.

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- UFO Above Virgin Mary In 500-Year-Old Painting Hints At Extraterrestrial Intervention In Human History
- Did Gods Really Descend From The Sky In Vimanas And Used Them For Aerial Warfare?
- Did A Nuclear War Between Anunnaki Gods Destroy Sodom And Gomorrah?
- Mysterious Reincarnation Of Omm Seti: British Woman Who Proved To Have Lived In Ancient Egypt
Gilgamesh walks through the mountain. He can not see anything in front of him or behind him in the total darkness. He walks for the first, second, and third double hour in total darkness and struggles to breathe in the hot place. He walks for four, five, and six double hours with the north wind blowing in his face. As the eleventh double hour approaches, the darkness begins to fade. At the end of the twelfth double hour, Gilgamesh emerges from the tunnel into the sweet morning air and the sunlight. He steps into a beautiful garden filled with fruit and foliage the colors of carnelian, rubies, and other jewels. Beyond the garden, there is the sea.
Scorpion Kings in Ancient Egypt
There were two Scorpion Kings in the pre-dynastic period of ancient Egypt. The name ‘Scorpion’ probably comes from Serqet (also spelled Serket), the goddess of medicine, magic, nature, and animals. It is unknown when her cult first appeared, but she was always depicted as a scorpion. It is not surprising that the scorpion would be revered in one way or another, as these small poisonous arachnids had lived among the sands of Egypt since well before the Egyptian civilization even began.

In 1995, researchers Dr. John Coleman Darnell, a Yale Egyptologist, and his wife, Dr. Deborah Darnell discovered at Gebel Tjauti (south-east of Abydos) the ‘Scorpion Tableau‘, an ancient text carved 5,350 years ago in the limestone of a desert in Egypt, that illustrates the victorious rule of a ruler identified as the Scorpion King.
It suggested that more than 5,000 years ago, the Scorpion defeated the King of Naqada, unifying that way Upper Egypt, in a prelude to the unification that would later take place when Upper and Lower Egypt were unified by Narmer, officially considered the first Egyptian pharaoh.
Researchers said that etched on the tableau at Gebel Tjauti, ancient scribes incised using flint tools figures and symbols that seem to depict the procession of a ruler returning to the city of Abydos after defeating a rival leader, Naqada. According to experts, the subject depicted on the tableau is believed to be the Scorpion King once assumed to be a mythic ruler of ancient Egypt.

The Scorpion King is considered to be the ruler who greatly contributed towards the creation of ancient Egypt, a land that would later be unified by Narmer.
The reign of Scorpion II (circa 3100 BC) seems to be linked to an outstanding and more advanced civilization from Mesopotamia. Researchers found enough evidence to confirm trade and political contacts among these two kingdoms. For example, the methods used to build burial sites during Scorpion II’s reign are clearly inspired by Mesopotamian constructions. Moreover, evidence suggests that Egyptians used architectural ideas from builders from the Euphrates and Tigris regions in their own constructions.
Could these creatures in the Epic of Gilgamesh be extraterrestrial hybrid entities that were present at that time on Earth? Is it possible that they were later being worshipped by Egyptian kings?