Space fans closely observe the film of rocket launch events, and it turns out that several of these trips onboard SpaceX-owned spacecraft have encountered mysterious objects that many believe indicate the presence of extraterrestrials. Elon Musk’s SpaceX cameras keep detecting something unbelievably huge during their missions. In a recent G20 summit offered a vision for the future that includes aliens, deep tunnels, and rocket tourism. “Maybe we will find alien civilizations or discover civilizations that existed millions of years ago,” he said.
During one of Starlink’s satellite launches, people observing the tremendous achievement noticed something peculiar in the background. To the majority of those who observed the object, it seemed to be a massive cigar. Apparently, it was flying alongside the rocket. This is not the first time that one of the numerous SpaceX cameras discovered a possible unidentified flying object. Almost every time the corporation launches a rocket into space, strange and out-of-place objects are spotted in the footage.
At 5:49 a.m. local time on April 23, 2021, a Falcon 9 rocket carrying the Crew Dragon spacecraft Endeavour successfully launched from Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The launch went off without a hitch, but on their way to the International Space Station, the crew of four was given some cause for concern when they were informed of the possibility of a collision with an unknown object. (Source)

“The NASA/SpaceX team was informed of the possible conjunction by US Space Command,” NASA spokesperson Kelly Humphries told Futurism. “The object being tracked is classified as ‘unknown.'” According to Humphries, there was no time to conduct an avoidance maneuver in order to move out of the way of the item before it arrived. In the event of a collision, SpaceX recommended that the astronauts put on their pressurized suits as a precaution.
“The possibility of the conjunction came so close to the closest approach time that there wasn’t time to compute and execute a debris avoidance maneuver with confidence, so the SpaceX team elected to have the crew don their pressure suits out of an abundance of caution,” Humphries said. He noted that the object came within 45 kilometers of the spacecraft during its closest approach. This distance is relatively little in comparison to the entirety of space, yet it is close enough to cause alarm.
A few days later, the NewYork Post reported that a spokesman for the NASA Johnson Space Center said the warning of a possible collision was in fact based on a false report. “Upon further analysis, Space Control determined the potential conjunction between the Crew-2 capsule and the object was a false report. There was never a collision threat to the Crew-Dragon, and the astronauts safely continued their mission,” NASA spokesperson Kelly Humphries told The Post.
On April 17, 2022, thousands re-shared a video showing what appeared to be a whirling ball of light gliding over the summit of Mauna Kea. A live stream camera mounted on the Subaru telescope captured the footage around 5 p.m. Experts like JD Armstrong, an education and Outreach specialist at the University of Hawaii Institute for astronomy, debunked these far-fetched theories and explained that this was in no way related to an unidentified flying object or an alien invasion. (Source)

The strange formation in the sky was part of the Falcon 9 rocket that SpaceX launched earlier that day from California’s Vandenberg Air Force Base. Armstrong explained that this was the rocket’s upper stage. As they burn off fuel, the upper stage appears to be spiraling, over-ending, and tumbling, creating a spiral pattern similar to a pinwheel sky display.
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Back when the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket exploded during a test firing in 2016, some UFO enthusiasts, who examined the footage, spotted a mysterious flying object pretty close to it. The best footage of the rocket explosion was provided by a non-profit video production company called “US Launch Report.” They captured the event with a zoom lens from a safe distance. (Source)
It was uploaded on YouTube on September 1, 2016, and drew the attention of alien enthusiasts immediately. Clearly, the flying object in the video was real. If the video is slowed down, a black object can be seen flying across the frame from the right side toward the rocket. Some people suggested that the object was some kind of alien object or maybe a drone attack while others with a more realistic approach have pointed out that it was probably a bird, a flying insect, a frisbee or even a far-off plane.
Mike Wagner, a producer with US launch report tweeted about the object and said of the “SpaceX anomaly, apparently all the UFO folks have never seen a bird.” It is indeed a more plausible theory, as after rewatching the video multiple times, many people also conceded that the alleged UFO appears both before and after the explosion and many were able to count several other flying objects in the distance that were most likely birds.
NASA had captured footage of a cigar-shaped anomaly before SpaceX did. In 2016, UFO enthusiasts witnessed another strange craft near the International Space Station. Many claimed that this lengthy, cylindrical alien craft had previously visited Earth. UFO hunter Scott C. Waring discovered the object in NASA’s footage from the space station. In addition, he was the one to note that the item bore a striking resemblance to a purported vehicle spotted in 2006 near the space shuttle Atlantis. (Source)

Like most UFO sightings, the object sighted did not report rational explanations. Scott is convinced aliens visit our solar system. He said: “As I was watching, I noticed a long cylindrical object floating alongside and below the space station. Its speed was matched with the ISS but the object was semi-transparent.” Unfortunately for him, the screen went blue just as he thought it was about to come into focus.
According to him, NASA cuts the broadcast when they catch a UFO on video. He added the cigar-shaped object reminded him of the cylinder UFO and orbs reported near Atlantis in 2006. However, 5 to 10 grey metal orbs followed it and did not appear that time.
Another cigar-shaped object called Oumuamua was sighted in 2017. Astronomers were uncertain on how to classify it but quite confident that it was not an alien spaceship. Some scientists thought the Oumuamua was an alien spacecraft due of its odd shape and speed. It was the first object from another star system to enter ours, but experts found no evidence to support an alien explanation.
Despite what scientists thought, in January 2021, Harvard professor Avi Loeb released the book “Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth.” In it, he doubles down on his statements of Oumuamua as an artificial extraterrestrial object. In June 2021, he explicitly connected his Oumuamua hypothesis to the burgeoning government investigations into unidentified aerial phenomena in a Scientific American opinion column. (Click here to read the full article)
When you know that the Earth is 4.6 billion years old, but the Universe is 13.8 billion years old, we have to consider that there have been stars and planets in this galaxy that are far older than our own. There have been solar systems in the Galaxy for at least 11 billion years; Kepler-444 for example. Given that it took about 4.6 billion years for life to reach our stage of development here on Earth (i.e. sapient life and civilisation) then if you’ve got solar systems that are more than twice the age of our own, there must be a fair few highly developed and extremely ancient cultures out there. Could be that these ancient civilisations have been exploring the Galaxy for billions of years.
Most interesting. saw triangle I. 1965 in Pa..