Every year, archaeologists conduct hundreds of reconnaissance and excavations in order to get closer to unraveling the main secrets of mankind. It is hard work, sometimes fruitless or with minimal returns. But a certain amount of archaeological discoveries can change the history of our world the way we see it.
1. Sarmatian Gold: The Mysteries of an Extinct Civilization
The research of Sarmatian burial sites in Russia began in the late 18th century. Russian scientists disproved a widespread myth about a Sarmatian Amazon tribe. Archaeologist Leonid Yablonsky said: “Like any myth, this one has a grain of truth. Female tombs with weaponry and horse furniture account for between 9 and 12% of the tombs in a burial mound, which shows that women could indeed take part in military actions and were fine equestrians. But, we have never found a burial site containing female tombs only.”

Bashkir scientists found two intact caches of gold that belonged to the Sarmatians, a powerful nomadic tribe that lived on the territory of Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan in the 6th-4th centuries BCE. In the caches, priceless jewelry and products that have no analogs in the world were found. Sarmatian gold is a world cultural heritage. [Source]
2. Acambaro Figurines
Acambaro figurines cause a lot of controversy in the scientific world. Some researchers claim that the collection is a skillful forgery, while others are confident in its authenticity. Today, the figurines are in the Acambaro Museum, attracting the attention of tourists from all over the world. The collection includes small clay figurines made in the form of animals, dinosaurs, and humans. They were collected by a German immigrant named Waldemar Julsrud. He claimed to have found the first item near a mountain near Acambaro in 1944. Then Julsrud discovered similar items from local residents and decided to buy them.

Many of the figures were of humans, but an even larger amount of them depicted bizarre creatures. Creationists rallied behind the finds, believing that they were clear depictions of known dinosaur species. Some were also clearly dragons, and some are even seen as UFOs. [Source]
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3. 10 million-year-old Tooth
Scientists from Germany fear that after their discovery, they will have to rewrite the history of mankind. We are talking about a tooth that was discovered near Germany’s Eppelsheim formation, which previously yielded many important mammal fossils from around 10 million years ago, including a femur found in the 1820s, said to be the first recognized primate fossil.

Previously, something similar was found only in Ethiopia. The similarity of the teeth found impressed the scientists so much that they double-checked the dating of the remains for more than a year so as not to make hasty statements. The age of the last tooth found is almost ten million years. [Source]
4. Dead Sea Scrolls

The most valuable writings were found near the settlement of Qumran, which is located near the coast of the Dead Sea. They include biblical manuscripts dating back to the 3rd-1st century AD. The scrolls were made from cowhide and sheepskin, which required considerable effort from scientists to separate the fragments of materials from each other without damaging the written text. Many of the scrolls are kept in the Shrine of the Book and the Israel Museum today. [Source]
5. Mummified Dinosaur

Perfectly preserved fossil of the first specimen of Borealopelta markmitchelli (Dinosaur) was found in Canada in 2017. All depressions, folds, scales are easily distinguishable on it. The most unusual thing is that the primitive reptile retained not only its appearance but also the contents of its stomach. The fossilized dinosaur weighs over 900 kilograms and is 110 million years old. [Source
6. Sacrificial Pit in China

Thousands of artifacts were discovered in the Chinese city of Sanxingdui. Among them, there are jade items, golden masks, bronze figures, charred rice, seeds. Their age is 3000 years or more. Scholars suggest that earlier, there were sacrificial pits in those places, which were used by the kingdom of Shu for rituals. The sophisticated artifacts unearthed in Sichuan point to the existence of an advanced culture that challenges the traditional narrative. The existence of this unknown civilization outside the traditional heartland suggests Chinese culture may have its roots in a fusion of different peoples. [Source]
7. Ancient Crusader Sword

An Israeli scuba diver Shlomi Katzin discovered a strange object lying off the country’s Mediterranean Coast that experts believe dates back to the time of the Crusaders. It turned out to be an ancient sword. According to scientists, it belonged to a crusader warrior, who probably took part in the battles that took place in those days on the territory of Israel. The age of the finding is about 900 years old. [Source]
8. Mummy With Golden Tongue

An ancient golden-tongued mummy was discovered in Egypt. Scientists explained that putting a golden object in the mouth, shaped like a tongue, was part of the burial rite. According to Egyptian beliefs, such manipulation helped the deceased to maintain speech and find a common language with the god Osiris. [Source]
9. Slave Room in Pompeii

Researchers have found a preserved slave room in the city of Pompeii. The unique find made it possible to shed light on the difficult life of people who were forced to do hard work in their owner’s house. Household items got into the hands of scientists: amphoras, horse harnesses, fabrics. Besides, archaeologists were able to study perfectly preserved beds and chests. [Source]
10. Lost Golden City

The archaeological discovery of the “golden” city or Aten is comparable in size to the discovery of Troy. This city was considered to have disappeared without a trace for a long time until the first information about strange finds began to arrive from Luxor (southern Egypt). Local residents dug out dishes, vessels for wine, items for spinning. Scientists immediately went to excavations, and even in several years, the work has not stopped. Aten is the largest city founded by the ruler Amenhotep III. It was one of the most developed settlements in Egypt. Aten disappeared from the face of the Earth more than 3000 years ago. The thirst for discovery is insatiable, and the excitement does not allow it to be quenched. Any researcher who wants to look at the past at least briefly will agree with this. Fortunately, there are many more artifacts on the planet that are just waiting to tell the modern world their story. [Source]